8 Smart Things To Do On Sunday For An Easier Week

people, girl, woman

If you’re looking for some ideas of things you can do on Sunday to have a better week, keep reading.

Today, I’m sharing just 8 smart things you can do on Sunday to have a more productive week.

In our home, Sundays are for self care, family, and preparing for the following week.

This is the perfect mix to ensure we set up ourselves to have a productive and easier week.

8 Things To Do Every Sunday

The things you do on Sunday can set up your week to be easier and more productive.

The objective here is not to make your Sundays less relaxing or fun but to just add a couple of key items to have a great week ahead.

1. Self Care

Daily self care is a necessity. These days, I think it might be even more important than ever.

The world is so overwhelming right now. It’s really crucial to take the time to settle yourself and rejuvenate.

Every Sunday, try to take your self care routine up a notch and really focus on yourself.

Try some of these self care ideas to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.

If you’re feeling to do some writing, try these journal prompts and these self reflection questions.

Daily positive affirmations are also a perfect way to give yourself the boost you need to keep going. On Sundays, I like to

2. Family Time

Even though many of us are with our families more, it’s a good idea to continue having some time set aside specifically for quality time with one another.

It could be a game that you play together, some dancing fun, movie time or storytime.

Whatever it is, try to use it to reconnect with each other and really be present and enjoy one another’s company.

3. Tidy Up & Get Laundry Done

Having a clear and tidy place does amazing things for your stress, anxiety, productivity and motivation.

I’m more likely to have a better day when I wake up to a clear house than waking up to mess.

Walking into untidy rooms can make you feel stressed and overwhlemed, even if you don’t immediately realize it.

I love to start each day with a clear and clean house. So every evening, the kids tidy up their toys and we try to always clean up the kitchen before bed.

On Sundays, we spend a little extra time to ensure there’s no clutter lurking.

I also love to start each week with empty laundry baskets and clean sheets.

4. Update Your To Do List & Set Your Priorities

If you have a to do list already, update it with any new things that pop up and remove anything that is already completed.

Prioritize using this ridiculously smart and easy method and you’re all set.

5. Plan Your Daily & Weekly Goals

Planning goals is a great way to motivate yourself to have a productive week. Check out this helpful post on the best ways to set goals.

6. Plan And Prep Meals

Meal planning is a huge time saver.

So often, we spend a long time trying to decide what to make for lunch that everyone either gets cranky waiting for lunch or fills up on snacks.

It’s so much easier to plan meals together on a Sunday so that we don’t have to wonder daily what we’re eating everyday.

Of course, some days won’t go as planned but that may just be one day and shouldn’t derail your day and week.

We love to get the kids involved in prepping meals as well.

We also try to cook certain things in big batches and freeze them to make it easier during the week. It’s seriously such a huge time saver.

7. Budget

Every Sunday, I check in with our bank balances and plan for the week ahead.

I budget for the following week’s expenses and any income. Staying up to date every week has become a good habit for our finances.

8. Ensure You Get Quality Sleep

Going to bed at a reasonable hour and getting enough quality sleep sets the tone for your week!

Getting up refreshed on Monday means that you’re going to be well-rested, allowing you to tackle your commitments more productively.

Once Monday starts off productive and positive, a domino effect for the rest of the week is more likely.

If you have trouble falling asleep, try these healthy habits to fall asleep fast and get more quality sleep.

things to do on a Sunday for a productive week

The Best Things To Do On A Sunday

Preparing for the week on Sundays doesn’t have to be daunting or feel like a chore. As I tell my kids all the time, try to make it fun!

Put on your favorite music and really be present for your self-care and family time.

Everything seems to be more manageable and easier once I prioritize these two things on Sunday and every day. Nurturing the relationship with yourself and your family is key to having a happier life.

So, if you’re looking try to prepare for your week on Sunday, start by maximizing your Sunday to increase your productivity during the week, try some of the things above.

As you go, tweak your Sunday habits until you get the right fit for you and your family.

To find the best things for you to do on a Sunday experiment as you much as need.

Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey :

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