Mom Life

research topics for kids

Awesome Research Topics For Your Child – Questions Kids Ask

Awesome Research Topics For Your Child – Questions Curious Kids Ask

research topics for kids. questions kids ask. kids, computer, notebook

Ever wonder what topics to research with your kids? I’ve got you covered with this list of topics to research for kids by kids. My kids, nieces, and nephews all chipped in to create this awesome list.

My 6 year old came up with the idea for this blog post – so credit goes to him 🙂

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Developing Kids’ Research Skills

Research skills are so beneficial and important in the world we live in today. Teaching your kids how to research topics and allowing them to navigate and soak in all the new-found knowledge is a skill that will last a lifetime. It feeds their inquisitive minds and helps to nurture their learning. It encourages their healthy thirst for knowledge – another skill that will surely benefit them throughout life.

Show And Tell

Once you’ve gathered your resarch information for your topic, don’t stop there. Get your kids to do a project for show and tell for the family or if they’re older, get them to write an essay on what they’ve learned.

Research Topics For Kids By Kids

  1. What is evolution?
  2. What is the big bang?
  3. What is the solar system?
  4. What is the black hole?
  5. What is the space station?
  6. How do rockets fly?
  7. What is a meteor?
  8. What planet has the largest volcano?
  9. When last did Olympus Mons erupt?
  10. How did the storm on Jupiter form?
  11. How big is the earth?
  12. How many continents are there on earth?
  13. What is an eclipse?
  14. How hot is the sun?
  15. How far away is the sun?
  16. What are UV rays?
  17. What is a supernova?
  18. How do we run?
  19. How did baby dinosaurs grow?
  20. How did dinosaurs become extinct?
  21. How do natural disasters form?
  22. Why does it rain?
  23. Where do winds come from?
  24. What is a hurricane?
  25. Why are some countries affected by hurricanes and some are not?
  26. What is a tornado?
  27. What is snow?
  28. What is a volcano?
  29. What is the biggest volcano on earth?
  30. What is magma?
  31. What is the tallest mountain on earth?
  32. What is an earthquake?
  33. How come some countries have 4 seasons and some have 2?
  34. Which countries have 4 seasons?
  35. Which countries have 2 seasons?
  36. What is the equator?
  37. Where is the hottest place on earth?
  38. Where is the coldest place on earth?
  39. How are rainbows formed?
  40. How do trees grow?
  41. What is the tallest tree?
  42. How many people are there on earth?
  43. Who is the oldest person alive?
  44. Who was the oldest person to live?
  45. Who is the tallest person ever?
  46. Who is the shortest person ever?
  47. What country has the most people?
  48. What is an immune system?
  49. How do we get sick?
  50. How do we build a good immune system?
  51. Why do we need to drink water?
  52. How do we grow?
  53. How does our brain work?
  54. How does our heart work?
  55. How do our muscles grow?
  56. How many bones do we have?
  57. How do you fix a broken bone?
  58. How do our wounds heal?
  59. What is a vitamin?
  60. Why do we sneeze?
  61. Why do we cough?
  62. Why do we get brain freeze?
  63. Why do we laugh?
  64. Why do we cry?
  65. Why do we hiccup?
  66. What happens when we get angry?
  67. Why do we stop growing?
  68. When will I stop growing?
  69. How do we get gray hair?
  70. What is a cavity?
  71. Why do our teeth fall out?
  72. How do we float?
  73. Why do we dream?
  74. How are movies made?
  75. How are cartoons made?

Research Topics Final Thoughts

My kids love to research and now, we use this list to choose our topic. So, it has actually brought some structure to our researching. I have to admit here that I’ve been learning so many cool things. It’s really a lot of fun and I didn’t realize I didn’t know so much.

Hope you love this list as much as we loved creating it? How do you research topics with your kids?

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Awesome Research Topics For Your Child – Questions Kids Ask Read More »

at home date ideas

The Best Date Night Ideas At Home – Perfect For Parents

The Best At Home Date Night Ideas

– Perfect For Parents

red wine, glasses, log fire

Wondering what couples can do for fun at home and looking for some great at home date night ideas to keep the spark alive with your significant other? Join us with trying out some of these cozy, romantic, fun filled date night ideas in the comfort of your home.

Before having kids, my husband and I went out a lot! After having kids though, we weren’t nearly as motivated to leave the house for date nights and we fell into a bit of a rut. We started seeing each other as mom and dad and we knew that we had to get our spark back and keep it going.

We knew the importance of ensuring we had one on one time so, we had to get innovative and plan at home date nights. Truth be told, sometimes we’re even too tired for that! But we’re trying harder to ensure that we prioritize it – even if it’s to just Netflix and sleep chill.

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At Home Date Night Ideas

The best at home date will ultimately depend on your personalities, likes and dislikes. These stay at home date ideas will inspire you to create the date of your dreams. You can take turns planning date night and add an element of surprise to your dates. In the days leading up to your date, you can leave cute little clues as to what you’re planning. Just think back to the things you used to do when you started dating and try to add some back into your relationship.

If you’re as laid back as we are, you’re going to really enjoy these date night ideas to keep your bond and have fun with one another.

To really enjoy all of these dates, remember to put away your phones and really try to be in the moment with your partner. Also, try to do things a little differently, for instance, if you’re always in sweats or casual wear, dress up for your date even at home.

Bookmark this page to read with your significant other and come up with some dates together.

The Perks Of Date Nights At Home

While at-home date nights can’t totally replace a night on the town with your significant other, they can be extremely romantic (even more than going out) and you get to maximize the amount of quality time you spend together.

Depending on your mood, you can choose to dress up or dress down for any of these date night idea and you also save a lot of money!

So, win win, right? Well, let’s jump in!

Movie Night

I couldn’t start this at home date night list any other way! My husband laughed when we saw that this was first because I always ask for this as our date night, we pick the movie, snuggle and then I fall asleep! EVERY time!

But still, it’s my favorite. Especially since these days are spent looking at kids’ cartoons and other age appropriate shows.

As parents, movie night can be a real treat! Whether you binge watch a tv series, stick to movie genres that you love or try something new, I’m sure you’re going to totally enjoy it – even if you fall asleep 🙂

Spa Night For Two

We enjoyed this at home date so much – it actually surprised us both. Neither of us is really into going to the spa or getting massages done professionally. However, spoiling one another with facials, pedicures, manicures, facials and yes, of course, massages has quickly become one of our fave go-to dates at home. Self care is extremely important and this is a great way to enjoy it together.

For a very relaxing and romantic date, you just need a few necessities that really don’t have to break the bank and some relaxing ambiance. Try creating a calming ambiance with robes, candles, relaxing music and nicely scented products and essential oils.

Cook Something New Together

We love to eat! And while I haven’t always been very adventurous with meals, I love cooking with hubby. It’s fun to try something new, make mistakes and laugh at and with one another.

Find a recipe online that you’ve both been wanting to try, put on your fave music and have some fun in the kitchen.  

Don’t end the date here though, set up for a romantic dinner with candles, romantic music and enjoy the meal you’ve cooked, including dessert! Depending on what you made, you can also enjoy your meal outside, on the couch, or even in bed.

Drinks On The Porch Or Balcony

Dress up (or down), grab your fave drinks (alcoholic or non alcoholic), put on your fave music, enjoy one on one conversation and each other’s company. This is so important especially when you have kids or have been living together for a while.

When you have kids, most conversations seem to concern them in some way and adult conversation seems to be a luxurious thing of the past.

This date is so important to see your partner as more than a parent. It’s a great chance to discover new things that you didn’t know about your spouse – maybe something that has changed or just something you never knew!

Create A Romantic Playlist Together

How sweet is this date idea? It’s really romantic to get to know the songs that really resonate with your partner. You and your partner can get cozy on the couch or bed and take turns choosing romantic songs that remind you of one another.


I’m more into this idea than my husband is – I love to crazy dance. It relieves stress almost instantly! Once the kids are in bed, we enjoy some drinks and let go!

Also, how romantic would it be to use the playlist of love songs that you created together to dance to. Another great idea is to learn a new type of dance together, like latin or ballroom dancing.

A Night Under The Stars

Seriously, is there anything more romantic than stargazing? We love to lay back in our lounge chairs in our PJS and chat about life, our dreams, hopes and the future.

There’s also so much to learn about space. You can plan ahead of time to learn something new together, under the stars.

Game Night

I’m not a big gamer, at all. I shy away from anything competitive but my husband loves games and so I try to get into it a little. Together, you can enjoy video games, board games, card games, puzzles or fun couple games like the newlywed game. If you’re super creative, you can make up a unique game just for you two.

Don’t forget to add in a great prize for the winner !

Learn A New Skill Together 

Learning something together is a fantastic way to spend time with your partner and an incredible experience. There’s always something new to learn. Some ideas to try – a new language, culture, historic event, art, music, or dance.

Bath For Two

Unwind and relax together with a nice warm bath. Light candles, play some soft music and enjoy a glass of wine. Just enjoy one another’s company and let the night unfold naturally – not much else I can suggest here 😉

Final Thoughts On At Home Date Ideas

A successful date night at home ultimately depends on the two people having the date. You don’t need a lot of planning or gadgets to have loads of fun and get flirty and romantic. As corny as this will sound – you really only need each other.

I’d love to hear about your favorite at home date night idea, let me know below!

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dance songs playlist for kids

Kids Dance Song List – The Best Dance Songs

The Best Dance Songs Playlist For Kids & Parents

dance songs playlist for kids

Dancing to upbeat songs is the perfect remedy for any bad mood, to encourage kids to tidy up and do chores and of course, to get some energy out and have fun together.

We love to see the cool moves they come up with and how they teach one another their new moves. Most of all we love to see their joy, freedom of expression, and their carefree movements. Even our one year old welcomes the break from nursery rhymes to hear different types of music and create her own little dance moves.

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Best Songs For Kids & Parents To Dance To

Dancing like nobody’s watching is one of our favorite things to do in our family. I like to put on dance music on youtube and just freestyle dance with the kids!

However, I’ve gotten into some tricky situations by not vetting the videos beforehand. Many songs have lyrics or videos that aren’t appropriate for all ages. So, I wanted to create a list of dance songs of clean versions so it’s good fun for everyone.

These songs are perfect for an everyday family dance party or even to include in your kids’ party playlist. I also love to listen to these while I do chores like washing wares or folding clothes – it makes it fun!

This dance songs list includes a few different genres – Soca, Pop and Latin and my kids helped to pick these, so I know your kids will love them too.

  1. Can’t Stop The Feeling – Justin Timberlake
  2. Happy – Pharell
  3. Savannah Grass – Kes
  4. Famalay – Skinny Fabulous, Machel Montano, Bunji Garlin
  5. Like A Boss – Machel Montano
  6. It’s Carnival – Machel Montano & Destra Garcia
  7. Bigger Love – John Legend
  8. Brave – Sara Bareilles
  9. When Can I See You Again – Owl City
  10. Moves Like Jagger – Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera
  11. Only Human – Jonas Brothers
  12. Feel This Moment – Pitbull ft. Christina Aguilera
  13. This Is What You Came Here For – Calvin Harris ft. Rhianna
  14. Sorry – Justin Bieber
  15. Waka Waka – Shakira
  16. Try Everything – Shakira
  17. The Way You Make Me Feel – Michael Jackson
  18. Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
  19. Black or White – Michael Jackson
  20. Dancing Queen – Abba
  21. Celebration – Kool & The Gang
  22. Wake Me Up – Avicii
  23. Cheap Thrills – Sia ft. Sean Paul
  24. Roar – Katy Perry
  25. Happier – Marshmello ft. Bastille
  26. Shut Up And Dance With Me – Walk The Moon
  27. Sugar – Maroon 5
  28. I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas
  29. I Don’t Care – Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber
  30. Shake It Off – Taylor Swift
  31. Kill Em With Kindness – Selena Gomez
  32. What Makes You Beautiful – One Direction
  33. Give Me Everything – Pitbull & Neyo
  34. We Are One – Pitbull ft. Jennifer Lopez & Claudia Leitte
  35. Good Feeling – Flo Rida
  36. Tones and I – Dance Monkey
  37. One More Time – Daft Punk
  38. Live It Up – Nicky Jam ft. Will Smith & Era Istrefi
  39. Break Free – Ariana Grande ft. Zedd
  40. Lean On – Major Lazer & DJ Snake
  41. Vogue – Madonna
  42. Bailando – Enrique Iglesias ft. Sean Paul
  43. Reggaeton Lento – CNCO
  44. Danza Kuduro – Don Omar ft. Lucenzo
  45. Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae Jepsen

Now that you have a great list of dance songs for kids and parents to enjoy – clear some space and get to it! Happy dancing 🙂

dance songs list for kids & parents

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journal prompts for kids

The Best Journal Prompts For Kids

52 Journal Prompts For Kids

child, kid, play

Journal prompts can help kids start their journaling journey. Teaching kids to journal is one of the best ways to help them to discover and become the best version of themselves. Journaling for kids is just as beneficial as it is for teenagers and adults. The best part of your children journaling is that the positive effects will follow your kids into adulthood.

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Why Kids Should Journal

Kids should journal to express themselves and to begin learning to explore and work through their thoughts and feelings. It can also jumpstart goal setting and tracking habits.

At a young age it’s very beneficial for kids to understand that journaling is a form of self care and relaxation.

It will also help their creative juices flow and help them develop their writing skills.

Journal Prompts For Kids

So, you’re convinced that journaling is a great thing for your kids to start. But now you’re probably wondering, ” what are some god journal prompts for kids?”

Kids are naturally inquisitive and this is a good opportunity to let them lead while you provide the necessary guidance for them to write.

However, there may be times when they are stuck on one topic, or they may not know what they want to write about. That’s where journal prompts for kids are helpful.

Journal prompts will help to inspire your child’s writing and help them to expand on one topic. These prompts will provide guidance for their journaling and allow them to explore the topic at a more in-depth level.

I got my kids involved in preparing this list, so these journal prompts are kid approved!

  1. Three things I love about myself
  2. What makes me unique
  3. Three things I’m grateful for
  4. Why do I love my family
  5. Am I a good son and brother?
  6. Who is my favorite superhero
  7. In my life, I look up to
  8. Goal for this week
  9. My accomplishments of yesterday
  10. What was the best part of my day
  11. What was the least favorite part of my day
  12. My biggest fear is
  13. When I get angry, how do I calm down
  14. What is my favorite activity
  15. How do I relax?
  16. I feel scared when
  17. What makes me feel safe?
  18. What makes me brave?
  19. I’m a good person because
  20. One thing I would like to improve about myself
  21. What is my love language
  22. I am happy because
  23. What habit would I like to develop
  24. A habit that I would like to stop
  25. What motivates me
  26. I’m proud of
  27. Am I confident?
  28. Something I’m excited about and look forward to
  29. The happiest day of my life was
  30. I like to learn because
  31. My favorite subject is
  32. When I grow up I want to be a
  33. What makes someone a good friend
  34. My best friend is
  35. My favorite day to celebrate
  36. What is my favorite time of the day? Why?
  37. I like to tell the truth because
  38. Do I like it when things change?
  39. What do I wish for?
  40. Why do I think I was born? (what is my purpose?)
  41. Where did my ancestors come from
  42. My favorite food is
  43. What is my favorite type of music
  44. My favorite song is
  45. My favorite family tradition is
  46. When I miss my Grandparents I
  47. When I miss my friends I
  48. My favorite television show is
  49. My favorite book to read is
  50. My favorite toy is
  51. My favorite game is
  52. My favorite animal is
52 Journal Prompts For Kids

Make Journaling Fun For Kids

To encourage your kids, you can make a journal book with them. Let them choose how they would like to design it and help them create it. Or, you can buy a really nice journal for them and let them personalize it.

When they’ve written in their journal, encourage them to draw, color, use stickers or glitter to decorate their masterpiece.

You don’t have to wait until your kids can write. These journal prompts are ideal for toddlers and infants too. You can ask your child these questions and write down their answers for them. When they get older, it would be so much fun for them to look back at their responses.

Are you excited to help your kids embark on their journaling journey? Let me know!

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Journal Prompts for moms

52 Of The Best Journal Prompts For Moms

52 Of The Best Journal Prompts For Moms

52 of the best journal prompts for moms

These 52 journal prompts for moms are the most effective way to maximize the time you have set aside for writing and organizing your thoughts.

Motherhood journal prompts are not only great as a time saver but also as a source of inspiration to personalize what you’d like to write about.

If this seems like something you’d like to start or if you’re looking for some great ideas for your mom journal, I’ve got 52 journal prompts for moms, especially to help you with personal growth and self development.

You can also download the free journal prompts for moms pdf and keep it in your journal so that you can refer to it easily.

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Journal prompts for mom to life her best life

Why Use Motherhood Journal Prompts

As a mom, sometimes, it gets very loud and cluttered in your mind.

You have so many people to think about, so many things to remember, so many feelings that need to be worked out.

These writing prompts for moms will help make daily journaling a habit – one of the best ways for moms to release stress, frustrations, and self-doubt.

Declutter Your Mind

Journaling is a great way for you to visualize the “noise” in your head.

It’s a fantastic approach to helping you to organize your thoughts and declutter your mind.

Free & Safe Space

Journaling, using these writing prompts is your safe place.

It’s a place where there is absolutely no fear of judgement. It’s a collection of your thoughts and feelings that are valid, pure and honest.

Stress Relief

When you journal, you are able to determine all of your stresses, feelings and problems and can work on the way forward to dealing and overcoming any issues that you have.

For a lot of people, talking things out can provide much needed clarity and understanding of situations. Think of journaling as a conversation with yourself.

By journaling you gain clarity and insights that you may not have had if you kept everything in your head.

Set & Track Your Goals

Your mom journal is also an awesome way to track progress and realize goals a little easier.

Life as a mom can be fast paced.

You can be so consumed by everyone else’s progress that you don’t necessarily see your own progress.

By keeping a journal, you can look back to see where you started and how far you’ve come.

You can see where you faltered and what you can try to do better or differently next time.

Keep Memories Safe

When you keep a mom journal, it’s also a way to keep memories safe.

You can always look back and read about certain events in your life that you may have forgotten.

Or, when your kids get older, it may be nice to pass it on to them, so that they can see the journey of your life.

What Are Journal Prompts For Moms?

Journal prompts for moms are helpful ideas and statements that provide inspiration for your journaling.

These are especially helpful when you’re new to journaling or when you have a bit of writer’s block.

As a mom, your time is super precious, and it’s better not to waste your journaling time trying to figure out what to write about.

Journal Prompts For Moms

This list of writing prompts for mom’s home journal will work well for self-reflection, self-discovery, personal growth and self-development.

I hope you’re excited to start your journey with these writing prompts for moms list or you can use it as inspiration to come up with your own motherhood journal prompts for personal growth.

Subscribe to the freebie library below and download the free journal prompts for moms PDF and keep it in your journal book to make writing easier for you.

Journal Prompts For Moms

52 Journal Prompts For Moms:

  1. What do I love about myself
  2. What makes me unique
  3. Am I intentionally practicing self love
  4. One thing I’m grateful for
  5. Goals for this month
  6. My accomplishments of last month
  7. What is the best part of my day
  8. What was the least favorite part of my day
  9. I want to improve this about myself
  10. What do I love about my family
  11. One thing our family can improve
  12. I love my life because
  13. My biggest stressor right now
  14. What is my biggest worry
  15. I fear this the most
  16. What makes me feel safe
  17. My favorite form of self care
  18. Am I making time for myself
  19. I’m a good person because
  20. One thing I would like to improve about myself
  21. How would I describe myself to someone
  22. I’m a good mom because
  23. How can I be a better mom
  24. One way I can improve with my relationship with my kids
  25. I’m a good wife because
  26. How can I be a better wife
  27. I can communicate better by
  28. What is my love language
  29. What are my kids’ love languages
  30. What is my husband’s love language
  31. How can I improve my kids’ self confidence
  32. I would like to make more time for
  33. How can I improve my health
  34. A compliment that made me smile
  35. A harsh comment that hurt me
  36. One goal for this week
  37. What do I look forward to this week
  38. How can I improve my family’s financial position
  39. I’m a good mom because
  40. My kids are happy because
  41. I am happy because
  42. What habit would I like to develop
  43. A habit that I would like to stop
  44. What motivates me
  45. I’m proud of
  46. Am I confident
  47. How can I improve my self confidence
  48. Am I patient?
  49. Am I kind to myself
  50. What makes me feel at peace
  51. When last did I cry
  52. Am I living the life I imagined?
Journal Prompts for moms to live her best life

Make Journaling A Habit With Journal Prompts For Moms

If journaling feels a little juvenile or ridiculous in the beginning, find a little motivation to start and give it time.

I urge you to give journaling the best chance and make it a healthy habit.

I promise that when you see the benefits and improvements in your life, you’ll love it.

Finding time to journal as a mom may seem impossible but it’s so important that you need to make some time.

It’s a form of self care that is so necessary and one that will make a huge, positive impact on your life.

Another thing you can do to encourage yourself to start is to get a cute journal book and a special pen. Set up a journaling spot – whether it’s on the couch, on your bed or in your office.

Set the mood by simply lighting a candle or burning some essential oils.

You can also put on some inspirational music to really put you in the mood. Whatever you think might give you a nudge to start journaling, give it a shot.

Have you considered journaling? Or do you currently journal? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below.

Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey:

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52 Of The Best Journal Prompts For Moms Read More »

stay at home mom jobs - easy ways to make money from home

24 Legit Stay At Home Jobs For moms – Make A Lot Of Money

Best SAHM Jobs In 2021

Make A Lot Of Money From Home

jobs for sahm, stay at home mom jobs - make money from home - jobs for stay at home moms

Are there legit jobs for sahm that pay well? Can I make money from home as a stay at home mom? These are two of the first and most popular questions that aspiring or current stay at home moms or aspiring stay at home moms ask.

In one word, the answer is ABSOLUTELY! It’s definitely possible to make good money from stay at home mom jobs.

The key is finding the best one that suits your skillset and lifestyle. Moms can find the best legit at home jobs, side jobs for sahm, online or remote jobs, jobs for moms with no degree and even jobs for the stay at home mom with no experience.

Some other questions that stay at home moms ask before deciding on a work from home job and business :

  • What are the best stay at home mom jobs that pay well
  • What are the best online jobs for stay at home moms?
  • How can I make money from home as a stay at home mom?
  • What job can I do from home as a SAHM?
  • What jobs are flexible for stay at home moms that make good money?

The amount of money that you can make with a work from home or a stay at home mom job largely depends on:

  • The type of job
  • The industry or niche
  • The amount of time you are able and willing to put into your business
  • The amount of money you can invest into your business

In this post we are going to take a closer look at some awesome ways to make money from home, which are perfect options for stay at home moms. For ease, I’ve included a table of contents here for easier navigation.

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How To Make Money From Home With A Stay At Home Mom Job

After I resigned from my dead-end and extremely unfulfilling job while pregnant with my third baby, I eventually knew I wanted a flexible stay at home mom job that made enough money for our family to be comfortable.

When our kids are young, day care is incredibly expensive. I realized that most of my salary would go into paying for childcare and I would be missing out on so much with my kids during the day. It felt like a lose – lose situation. I would not be able to give the kids and my husband the attention that I’m able to now.

So, for my stay at home mom job, I set a really conservative monthly income goal. I also knew that I wanted flexible, easy ways to make money from home. This was critical as my main focus would be to be the primary care giver for my kids and family.

So, the question remained, how to make money from home as a stay at home mom?

Trying to find my ideal stay at home mom job that made good money proved to be a truly enlightening journey. I have found lots of easy ways to make money from home.

I ultimately chose blogging as my first business venture to make money from home, but because I learned so much while researching for a stay at home mom job, I compiled a list to share with you.

These are the best options for flexible stay at home mom jobs that can make you good money from home.

What Do You Need To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom ?

To be quite simple, all you need is a good idea, confidence, and determination. Essentially, the best way to make money from home is to become an entrepreneur or the phrase that I love the most, a mompreneur.

So perhaps, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at the qualities of an entrepreneur.

  1. Dedicated
  2. Motivated
  3. Determined
  4. Self-Disciplined
  5. Focused
  6. Organized
  7. Strong
  8. Goal-oriented
  9. Consistent
  10. Creative
  11. Confident
  12. Forward-thinking
  13. Always willing to learn more
  14. They know that failure is part of success
Stay at home mom jobs - work from home jobs - how to make money from home

The Best Ways To Make Money From Home

The opportunities to make money online seem endless. Almost anything that can be done in an office can be tweaked to be side businesses for a stay at home moms!

I’ve also included the list of jobs here to help while you navigate through these easy ways to make money from home.

Blogger – start a blog business

The best jobs for sahm, in my opinion is blogging. It’s at the top of my list because it’s the one that I chose. The main reason I started my mom blog is because I felt that I had so much to share with others. I also saw the potential to make really good money doing it.

When I started my mom blog, I had no clue that I would end up home schooling two kids in addition to being the primary caregiver to my youngest. Because of this, I’ve been taking a more gradual approach to growing my blog but I’m very proud of my successes so far. Earlier this week, I was included in Feedspot’s Top 200 Mom Blogs on the web!

While blogging is a lot of hard work (don’t let anyone fool you into thinking otherwise), the flexibility it brings to be your own boss and set your own schedules is invaluable. This makes it the best way to make money from home for me.

Even if I didn’t make much money from blogging, being able to share and help others really means so much to me that it is a win-win stay at home mom job. It’s truly my ultimate motivation.

It’s important to note that even under normal world circumstances, making money from blogging can take time and it definitely takes ALOT of work in the beginning.

I recommend getting started with Suzi Whitford. She’s an awesome teacher. Not only is she super genuine and sweet but she has a wealth of knowledge and her free stuff has brought me more value than some paid products.

Her paid products are also insanely valuable. Especially because she updates them often and once you purchase, you get all future updates for FREE! She explains things so well and she’s extremely encouraging, which is essential when you’re getting started and may feel overwhelmed.

She’s a mom so she knows from experience! Check out her YouTube channel and her freebies and then decide for yourself. Once you’re convinced, purchase her blog by number course – you will NOT regret it! If you use my affiliate link to purchase, I will receive a small commission which would mean so much to me ?

  • Earning potential per month:  from $1 – 100K+ per month
  • Experience needed: none
  • Ease of start up: moderate
  • Cost to start up: Cost of laptop, domain, hosting, desired courses

That said, there are other jobs for sahm that are flexible and great options to make money from home, so let’s move on.

E Book Author

Do you love writing and storytelling? You can start your own ebook business as a sahm. You can write your preferred content, create ebooks and sell on your own website or on Amazon. Your success will depend on your niche and your ability to engage others with your writing to help and entertain them.

  • Earning potential per month:  from $1 – 10K+ per month
  • Experience needed: good writing skills
  • Ease of start up: moderate
  • Cost to start up: Cost of a good laptop, website, overhead costs

Make Good Money As A YouTube Influencer

This is such a good business idea and model! If I wasn’t camera shy, I think I may have tried this in addition to blogging.

People love to see videos and they love tutorials. I personally use YouTube just as I would use Google. I’ve found so many awesome tutorials on so many topics – from Excel training to blogging journeys and tips and tricks, to pregnancy vlogs, cooking, baking and my favourite (because I struggle SO much) exercise videos and motivation.

If you would like to know more about becoming an influencer on YouTube, I highly recommend Cathryn Manning. I’m not even interested in becoming a YouTube content creator and still, I LOVE her videos.

It seems that it may be easier to earn from ad revenue as YouTube creator than from blogging. It’s still a long and difficult journey to grow on YouTube but Cathryn Manning has a lot of experience and she really breaks things down very simply for you.

  • Earning potential per month:  from $1 – 100K+ per month
  • Experience needed: none
  • Ease of start up: moderate
  • Cost to start up: cost of a laptop and internet access of your choice. Eventually you will need to purchase a good quality camera and lighting equipment

Instagram Influencer

If you have or can build a large and strong following on Instagram, you can earn good money from brands.

You have to be brave enough to put yourself out there and be creative enough to create content to grow your following and have a highly engaged audience.

Your pictures, captions and responding to comments are ultimately what will drive your success.

  • Earning potential per month: from $1 – 100K+ per month
  • Experience needed: none
  • Ease of start up: easy
  • Cost to start up: $600 and up. Cost of a laptop, smart phone, camera and internet access of your choice

Freelance Writer – Get Paid Well To Do What You Love

Love writing and need to earn money fast as a stay at home mom? Then look no further! This is the job for you.

While researching, one thing that really stood out to me was that you have to go into this expecting quite a bit of rejection. But as with most things, once you’re more established, getting jobs is easier.

You can become a freelance writer and slowly grow your blog at the same time too.

I love Elaina Cain’s resources on this career path. This is a great guide on how to start Freelance writing.

  • Earning potential per month: from $1 – $100k+
  • Experience needed: none to little
  • Ease of start up: easy
  • Cost to start up: cost of a laptop and internet access of your choice

Virtual Assistant (VA)

The beauty of being a virtual assistant is that you have the ability and control to work with who you want and the tasks that you take on. You can work for a blogger, other entrepreneurs, and small businesses. Of course, the flexibility is also a huge plus.

Your job as a VA is to help with daily tasks, remotely. It can include any of these: social media management (Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or Twitter), email management, marketing, graphic design content creation, customer service management, general administrative duties (data entry, managing calendars and schedules) and Finance & Accounting.

  • Earning potential per month: $100 – $10k+
  • Experience needed: proficiency in the services you’re offering
  • Ease of start up: easy
  • Cost to start up: cost of a laptop and internet access of your choice


This has always been one of my dream jobs. I seriously considered taking some classes and making this my stay at home mom job. The only deterrent was that it still entails being out of the home a lot for occasions and shoots.

If this sounds like your kind of thing, start by taking a couple of photography courses and practice. Graphic editing also pairs with this nicely, so be sure to check out a course on that too.

To be successful, you must be available for shoots, have a great eye and personality to capture great shots. You can even try selling your photos as stock photos. To market and promote, you can set up Facebook and Instagram pages to share your best work.

  • Earning potential per month: $100 – $10k+
  • Experience needed: creativity and basic editing knowledge
  • Ease of start up: easy
  • Cost to start up: moderate to high. Cost of a high quality camera, lighting equipment, laptop, internet access and photo editing suite of your choice

Earn Money As A Graphic Designer

Many bloggers, entrepreneurs and small businesses will hire a good graphic designer. For many, a professional will be better equipped to take care of the things that they just aren’t good at or that isn’t in their scope of business. e.g. for advertising and marketing purposes. This makes this stay at home job a great option to make money from home.

Ideally, you would need some formal training. You should also be creative and good at designing.

Start with a good course and start building your clientele.

  • Earning potential per month: $100-$10K+
  • Experience needed: Good established portfolio
  • Ease of start up: Relatively easy once you have the qualifications and creativity
  • Cost to start up: Cost of a good laptop, internet access and photo editing suite of your choice

Work As A Social Media Manager

Are you naturally a social butterfly? Love connecting with others through social media channels? Then, social media management is an easy way to make money from home.

In many niches, success is highly dependent on positive social media presence. Entrepreneurs and businesses will therefore, hire good social media managers to ensure that their business is positioned well in the market.

  • Earning potential per month:  $10-$10K+
  • Experience needed: Good established portfolio
  • Ease of start up: Relatively easy once you have the relevant passion and skill set
  • Cost to start: Cost of a good laptop and internet access

Sell On Etsy

Etsy is a fabulous place for stay at home moms to find opportunities to make money online.

Sahm can start a side business or full time business make really good money from home

Use your skills to make or create something to sell online. Great ideas include, but are not limited to: Crafts, jewellery, clothes, beauty supplies and printables.

This is a really great post detailing how to get started and tips and tricks to be successful.

  • Earning potential per month: $1 – $10K+
  • Experience needed: as little or as much as you’re comfortable with
  • Ease of start up: easy
  • Cost to start up: Cost of a good laptop, internet access, cost to set up Etsy store and any other software or supplies needed

Flea Market Flipper

Flea market flipping is a great stay at home mom job if you love to get second hand or used items, turn them into gems and resell them for a profit. I’d say this takes some talent and an eye for design. So, if you’re super creative, I think this is a fabulous SAHM job. Get started here, for all the information you need.

  • Earning potential per month: $0 – $10k+
  • Experience needed: none to little
  • Ease of start up: easy
  • Cost to start up: Capital to purchase items to flip and supplies to repair and flip
Stay at home mom jobs - work from home jobs - how to make money from home

Work As A Proofreader

Love reading and you’re really good with English Language? Become a proofreader to earn money from home as a stay-at-home mom.

Proofreaders are usually the last pair of eyes in the editorial process. Their primary role is to spot any mistakes (like typos, punctuation errors, spelling mistakes) missed by others in the process.

You can set your own rates and your own hours, making it a great job for stay at home moms.

  • Earning potential per month: $100 – $10K+
  • Experience needed: proficiency needed in a few key skills
  • Ease of start up: easy once you have experience
  • Cost to start up: Cost of a good laptop, courses, internet access, and any other software or supplies needed


Becoming a transcriber can be a dream stay at home job if you’re detail oriented, have great listening skills and accurate typing skills. Your main job would be to turn an audio file into readable text.

You can become a transcriber in the business, legal or medical field.

Check out Transcribe Anywhere to get started. They offer lots of resources and courses to help you build and grow your business. Also, check in your home town or state to see if you need a license before you start.

This is flexible because you set your own hours and rates.

  • Earning potential per month: $100 – $10K+
  • Experience needed: proficiency needed in a few key skills
  • Ease of start up: easy once you have experience
  • Cost to start up: Cost of a good laptop, courses, internet access, and any other software or supplies needed


Turn your love of baking for your kids and family into a money making stay at home mom job. You can easily turn this skill and passion into a lucrative job that you can do from home.

This can be done on order in your home town or you can just start with family and friends. There will always be demand for tasty, high quality cakes, cupcakes, cookies and other treats.

The amount you can earn from this stay at home mom job would largely depend on your time and skill level.

  • Earning potential per month: $10 – $5k+
  • Experience needed: Sufficient experience with baking tasty foods and deserts
  • Ease of start up: Chances are that you may have lots of equipment already in your kitchen and a potential market to start with (family and friends)
  • Cost to start up: Cost of baking equipment and ingredients. If required, also the cost of a baking class


I would hire someone to do this for me. While I love to bake, something about cooking just never clicked with me.

The worst part of cooking for me is prep work. I hate cutting up! If I could get everything prepped and ready to throw on the stove or oven at a great price, I would jump at this service.

Nutrition is also becoming more important for families with the most popular deterrent being time to prepare healthy meals. If you have family and friends who would be interested in this service, start off catering to them and grow your business from there. High quality and tasty food will always get good reviews and recommendations!

Be sure to apply for any necessary food licenses.

  • Earning potential per month: $100 – $5k+
  • Experience needed: Catering & Cuisine
  • Ease of start up: moderate
  • Cost to start up: cost of catering essentials

Daycare or After School Care

While caring for your own child, you can offer child care services for other families on a daily basis or as needed basis.

You can charge per hour or offer packages depending on the needs of the family.  

To get started, be sure your home is safe and that you are licensed.

  • Earning potential per month: $10 – $5k+
  • Experience needed: Childcare
  • Ease of start up: easy to moderate
  • Cost to start up: cost of licenses and child care essentials

Online Tutor

This is perhaps one of the most sought after resources right now. If you are skilled and qualified in your field, this an easy way to earn money from home. There are many online resources to guide you and many with job offerings.  

  • Earning potential per month: $10 – $5k+
  • Experience needed: Efficiency & qualification in your field
  • Ease of start up: easy to moderate
  • Cost to start up: cost of a laptop and internet access

Air BnB

If you have a finished basement or another property available, you can make a decent income as a stay at home mom by being an Air BNB hostess.

The amount you make with this stay at home mom job will depend on the area your Air Bnb is located and the amenities that you provide.

You can get started here.

  • Earning potential per month: $500+
  • Experience needed: None, though your customer service should be fantastic
  • Ease of start up: Moderate to Difficult
  • Cost to start up: Cost of renovations and furniture


Love working with numbers and have experience with book keeping? Preparation of accounts and financial records for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

  • Earning potential per month: $100 +
  • Experience needed: Relevant experience and competency is required
  • Ease of start up: relatively easy once you’re qualified
  • Cost to start up: Cost of a good laptop, internet access, Accounting or Financial software or supplies

Stock Trader

Trading allows you to make money online, but you must have a good understanding of the market and how stocks work. This is imperative with this stay at home mom job.

If you’ve never done this before, there are many resources available to help you learn about the trading world and set up your business.

Due to the nature of the stock market, it can be risky but with great risk there is potential for great rewards.

The flexibility and earning potential of your business is up to you! You decide how many hours you have to focus on it and you set your revenue target.

  • Earning potential per month: $0 – $10k+
  • Experience needed: Formal training is strongly advised
  • Ease of start up: Moderate
  • Cost to start up: Cost of Trading course(s) and funds to invest


Owning your own real estate business can be the perfect career and job for many stay at home moms.

It isn’t as flexible as some of the other options in this post but it’s certainly more flexible than an 8 hour office job. You would need to be out of the house for listing visits and showings but other than that, everything else can be done from your home.

I know many successful stay at home moms who earn well above their previous full time income jobs.

As with most other stay at home careers on this list, your earning potential is up to you.

  • Earning potential per month: $0 – $5k+
  • Experience needed: Knowledge of Real Estate Market, Customer Service Oriented, Sales & Marketing Skills
  • Ease of start up: Moderate
  • Cost to start up: Cost of relevant Realtor Licenses, listing & advertising needs

Real Estate Flipper

Love watching renovation shows? Me too! Unfortunately, that’s not enough to start this career and make a good living from property flipping.

However, if you have experience in real estate, construction, and design, then this could be a good work from home job for you.

The start up costs for house flipping is the largest of all other business ventures on this list. The profits to be derived could also be the largest.

Basically, you will purchase a house, renovate then sell it for a profit.

There are alot of resources to guide you and you can (and should) reach out to others in the business for some tips and tricks for your area.

  • Earning potential per month: $0-$100k+
  • Experience needed: Substantial real estate and/or construction experience
  • Ease of start up: moderate to difficult
  • Cost to start up: high – cost of property investment and renovation costs


If you love beauty and you are good at it, then you can start a business right from your home. You can also make house calls when it’s possible, perhaps for older clients.

I first got this idea from my aunt. She’s an awesome hairdresser and was paying a lot of money to rent a spot. A few of her clients started asking if she would be open to doing their hair at home and she jumped at the opportunity. Not only does she not have the overhead of rent, but it’s easier for her to set her own times.

This flexibility and earning potential makes this a desirable stay at home mom job.

  • Earning potential per month: $100 – $5K+
  • Experience needed: some experience is needed in the field you choose
  • Ease of start up: Easy once you’re trained and have the necessary experience
  • Cost to start up: cost of equipment and supplies

Virtual Fitness Expert & Coach

Turn your health & fitness passion into your dream stay at home mom career. Sometimes, after becoming a mom is when you find your passion. I know lots of stay at home moms who made good money by being a Fitness Coach. Through their fitness and health journey postpartum, they found their passion and were able to share their experiences and expertise to help others.

  • Earning potential per month: $5 – $10k+
  • Experience needed: Formal training
  • Ease of start up: easy to moderate
  • Cost to start up: Cost of training, required license and advertising

So, What Is The Best Stay At Home Mom Job?

To find the best jobs for sahm that pay well and the best way to earn money from home or online, the first thing you need to do is to assess your skills and your situation and come up with a good business idea and plan.

Then, all you really need is to believe in yourself and put your plans into action. Once you have a dream, passion, and dedication, you can set goals and make anything happen.

To be successful, you must have a great plan, the right mindset and lots and lots of hard work. The best part about having a stay at home mom job in most, if not all cases, is the flexibility. The biggest disadvantage is that there are no additional benefits of paid sick leave and vacation. You really have full control of what your success will look like.

This is in no way a comprehensive list of jobs for sahm. However, I really hope that this list of work from home jobs was helpful and that you’ve gotten some inspiration with choosing the best stay at home mom job to make money from home.

What did I miss? What business would you love to start as a stay at home mom job?

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The Best Gifts To Give Grandparents

The Best Gifts To Give Grandparents

best gifts to give grandparents

As I’m sure you know, getting the best gift for grandparents can be a task! Especially when they seem to have everything that they need and all that’s important to them is your company. Now more than ever, you may be seeking to compensate for not being with them physically.

I’ve put together a short list of gift ideas for grandparents that are sure to put a smile on their faces and make them feel loved, even from a distance.

Affiliate Disclosure: “This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link.”

What Is The Best Gift To Give Grandparents

The best gifts to give grandparents will surely warm their hearts. Especially, at this time, a thoughtful gift can ease the pain of the fact that you’re unable to be together physically. They will not only cherish the gifts but the meaning of the gift.

The best way to make your gift very meaningful and sentimental is to personalize it – whether it’s with names or handmade arts & crafts.

Best Gifts For Grandparents

These are great gift ideas to give your grandmother and grandfather for any ocassion. To make shopping a breeze for you, I’ve included Amazon links. Simply click on any of the gift ideas to get them on Amazon!

I’ve also added in some techy products to help them stay in touch easier with grandkids and loved ones and to help them daily.

  1. Personalized Picture Frame Of Grandkids
  2. Smart Digital Picture Frame
  3. What I love about Grandma and What I love about Grandpa
  4. Letters to my grandchild
  5. Personalized calendar
  6. Blanket
  7. Warm slippers
  8. Matching PJs with the grandkids
  9. Personalized cutting board
  10. Herb garden for the kitchen
  11. Kettle
  12. Ninja Mega Kitchen System
  13. Instant Pot
  14. Food processor
  15. Multi-Purpose Hand Held Blender
  16. Ilife Robot Vacuum Cleaner
  17. Video Door Bell
  18. Automatic bag illuminator
  19. Bluetooth Tracker
  20. DIY art & craft

Personalized Picture Frame Of Grandkids

A personalized picture frame is one of my favorite gifts to give grandparents. Especially when kids are young or when there’s a new addition to the family. It’s a meaningful and sentimental gift that your grandparents are sure to love.

Smart Digital Picture Frame

Your grandparents will absolutely love a smart digital picture frame. You can send pictures instantly to these picture frames. Depending on the smart frame you choose, you can wirelessly send your latest photos via wifi, email, or a designated app.

What I love About Grandma & Grandpa

These “What I Love About You” books are cute, easy to fill descriptions about what you love about your grandparents. It’s not clunky at all and it’s small enough for your grandparents to keep it close to them. If your kids are young, you can even use some of the questions and let them make their own art & craft project out of it for grandparents to display.

Letters To My Grandchild

These are prompted letters for grandparents to write to their grandkids to share their experiences and words of wisdom. This is a beautiful and sentimental gift that both will treasure.

Personalized Calendar

A personalized Calendar is a great way for grandparents to display pictures of their loved ones and even take a trip down memory lane with a calendar of them in their younger days! In addition to noting important dates and holidays, you can also add quotes and messages from you to them. There are lots of websites set up for you to easily make and send out to your grandparents. Some favorites are Shutterfly, Vistaprint, Mixbook Photo Co. and Snapfish.


A soft, cuddly blanket can be the perfect gift for your grandparents. They can use it at night or during the day on the couch while reading their favorite book or looking at tv.

Warm Slippers

A pair of indoor slippers to keep their feet warm will instantly become your grandparents’ favorite gift.

Matching PJs With The Grandkids

Make your grandparents feel included and closer to their grandkids with matching PJs. This is a really sweet idea especially if they aren’t able to be there physically. Whether it’s their birthday or Christmas morning, suggest that they wear it for breakfast and then have a video call with their grandkids. It can also be really fun to let it be a surprise for the call for the grandparents and the grandkids!

Personalized Cutting Board

An awesome gift for your grandparents who love to cook is a personalized cutting board. This will definitely become their favorite must-have in the kitchen.

Herb Garden For The Kitchen

Growing a herb garden in the kitchen will not only be a fun project for your grandparents but it has the added benefit of them being able to conveniently pick fresh herbs for their favorite dishes. This can also save them time and money.


If it’s time to upgrade your grandparent’s kettle, choose from any of these. Choose from variety of sizes and types – a stovetop kettle, a stainless steel kettle, a glass kettle, or a kettle with a LED indicator.

Ninja Mega Kitchen System

A Ninja Mega Kitchen System is the perfect addition for grandma and grandpa’s kitchen. It’s a blender and food processer which includes a 72 oz pitcher, a food processor bowl, and 2 16 oz Ninja cups.

Instant Pot Duo

This amazing time saving Instant Pot Duo is a combination of 7 appliances – pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, saute pan, yogurt maker and warmer. There’s a choice of 4 sizes and 3 different styles – Duo, Duo Nova and Duo Plus. Make cooking a breeze for your grandparents.

Food Processor

If your grandparents need a new food processor to make their food prep easier, choose from a large variety here. You can find your perfect food processor based on your budget, capacity and features.

Multipurpose Hand Held Blender

For quick and easy blending, a multipurpose hand help blender is perfect. This blender is small, lightweight and can be used directly in a cooking pot once your food has cooled or in a bowl, depending on your needs.

ILife Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Looking to splurge on your grandparents? Look no further! This Ilife Robot Vacuum Cleaner is sure to make their life easier. No more battling with a broom or vacuum on tiled, hardwood, stone or laminate floors. It’s designed to easily go under furniture and hard to reach places.

There are 4 cleaning modes – auto clean, edge clean, spot clean and scheduled clean. This cleaner also comes with a remote to make it even easier to operate. When the battery is low, it searches for it’s charging dock and returns to charge. Other features include smart protection to avoid obstacles or falling off stairs.

I’ve personally never used this cleaner but it’s on my wish list for sure!

video Door Bell

A Video Door Bell will allow your grandparents to see, hear and speak to people at the door from their phone, tablet or selected echo device. There are many to choose from to fit in your budget. Be sure to do your research so that you get the features you want and the most value for your money.

Automatic Bag Illuminator

The best gift to get grandparents for their bags is an automatic bag illuminator. Make getting items out of Grandma’s purse or Grandpa’s bag a breeze with the help of light!

Bluetooth Tracker

Are your grandparents tired of misplacing their belongings? I know I am and this is definitely on my wish list! A Bluetooth tracker will help find important items quickly. It will also ease your grandparents’ minds as they won’t have to worry about forgetting where they’ve put items like keys or their wallets.

DIY Handmade Art & Craft

Possibly the most treasured and cherished gifts to give grandparents include any handmade gifts from grandkids. Some great handmade DIY gift ideas include:

  1. Cards
  2. Craft project
  3. Paintings
  4. Handprints
  5. Footprints
  6. Jar of well wishes

To add an extra special personal touch, make your own personalized wrapping paper for your gifts.

Wrapping Up Gifts For Grandparents

Getting the perfect gifts for grandparents can be as simple or as grand as you want it to be. Once it’s thoughtful and comes from your heart, your grandparents are going to love and cherish it.

What are some gift ideas for grandparents that you love?

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The Best Gifts To Give Grandparents Read More »

Christmas songs for kids to learn

The Best Christmas Songs For Kids To Learn

The Best Christmas Songs With Lyrics For Kids

Christmas songs for kids to learn

Christmas songs can put anybody in the Christmas spirit. From classics to pop hits from your favorite singers, there’s a Christmas song for everyone.

Before you leave, be sure to grab the free Christmas lyrics download. Get the lyrics of your favorite Christmas songs like, “We wish you a merry Christmas”, “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” and more.

Affiliate Disclosure: “This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link.”

The Easiest Christmas Songs To Learn

These Christmas songs are easy to learn and will put your family in the Christmas spirit instantly. Click on any of the songs below to jump to the lyrics

Away In a Manger Lyrics

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed
The little Lord Jesus
Laid down His sweet head

The stars in the bright sky
Looked down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus
Asleep on the hay

The cattle are lowing
The poor Baby wakes
But little Lord Jesus
No crying He makes

I love Thee, Lord Jesus
Look down from the sky
And stay by my side
‘Til morning is nigh

Be near me, Lord Jesus
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me, I pray
Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care
And take us to Heaven
To live with Thee there

O Holy Night Lyrics

O Holy Night, the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth
Long lay the world, in sin and error pining
‘Til He appeared and the soul felt its worth
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks, a new and glorious morn

Fall on your knees
O hear the Angels’ voices
O night divine, O night when Christ was born
O night divine
O night, O night divine

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming
With glowing hearts by His cradle, we stand
So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming
Here came the Wise Men from Orient Land
The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger
In all our trials born to be our Friend
He knows our need – to our weakness is no stranger
Behold your King, before Him lowly bend
Behold your King, before Him lowly bend

Truly He taught us to love one another
His law is love and His gospel is peace
Chains shall He break
For the slave is our brother
And in His name, all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we
Let all within us praise His Holy Name
Christ is the Lord! O praise His name forever
His power and glory evermore proclaim
His power and glory evermore proclaim

Joy To The World Lyrics

Joy to the world
The Lord is come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven, and heaven and nature sing

Joy to the world
The Savior reigns
Let men their songs employ
While fields and floods
Rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy

He rules the world
With truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteouness
And wonders of His love
And wonders of His love
And wonders, wonders of His love

Joy To The World
Joy to the world
The Lord is come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven, and heaven and nature sing

Silent Night Lyrics

Silent night, Holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon virgin, mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in Heavenly peace
Sleep in Heavenly peace

Silent night, Holy night
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from Heaven afar
Heav’nly hosts sing Alleluia
Christ the Savior is born
Christ the Savior is born

Silent night, Holy night
Son of God, Love’s pure light
Radiant beams from thy Holy Face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth

Silent night, Holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon virgin, mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in Heavenly peace
Sleep in Heavenly peace

We wish you a Merry Christmas Lyrics

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy new year!

Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy new year

Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
And a cup of good cheer

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy new year!

We won’t go until we get some
We won’t go until we get some
We won’t go until we get some
So bring it right here

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy new year!

Jingle Bells Lyrics

Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh
O’er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bob tails ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh

A day or two ago
I thought I’d take a ride
And soon Miss Fanny Bright
Was seated by my side
The horse was lean and lank
Misfortune seemed his lot
He got into a drifted bank
And we, we got upsot

Oh! jinlge bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh

Now the ground is white
So got it while you’re young
Take the girls tonight
And sing this sleighing song
Just get a bobtailed bay
Two forty for his speed
Then hitch him to an open sleigh
And crack! you’ll take the lead

Oh! jinlge bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh

Jingle Bell Rock Lyrics

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air

What a bright time, it’s the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go glidin’ in a one horse sleigh

Giddy up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a – mingle in the jingling beat
That’s the jingle bell rock

What a bright time, it’s the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go glidin’ in a one horse sleigh
Giddy up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a – mingle in the jingling beat

That’s the jingle bell
That’s the jingle bell
That’s the jingle bell

Up on the House Top Lyrics

Up on the house top reindeer pause
Out jumps good ol’ Santa Claus
Down through the chimney with lots of toys
All for the little ones’ Christmas joys

Ho ho ho, who wouldn’t go
Ho ho ho, who wouldn’t go
Up on the house top, click click click
Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick

First comes the stocking of little Nell
Oh dear Santa fill it well
Give her a dolly that laughs and cries
One that will open and shut its eyes

Ho ho ho, who wouldn’t go
Ho ho ho, who wouldn’t go
Up on the house top, click click click
Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick

Next comes the stocking of little Bill
Oh just see what a glorious fill
Here is a hammer and lots of tacks
Also a ball and a whip that cracks

Ho ho ho, who wouldn’t go
Ho ho ho, who wouldn’t go
Up on the house top, click click click
Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick

Up on the house top, click click click
Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick

Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Lyrics

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen
Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen
But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all?

Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose,
And if you ever saw it,
You would even say it glows
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say,
“Rudolph with your nose so bright,
Won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”
Then all the reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee
“Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
You’ll go down in history!”

Deck The Halls Lyrics

Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa la la la la, la la la la
‘Tis the season to be jolly
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Don we now our gay apparel
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Troll the ancient Yuletide carol
Fa la la la la, la la la la

See the blazing Yule before us
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Strike the harp and join the chorus
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Follow me in merry measure
Fa la la la la, la la la la
While I tell of yuletide treasure
Fa la la la la, la la la la

Fast away the old year passes
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Hail the new, ye lads and lasses
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Sing we joyous, all together
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Heedless of the wind and weather
Fa la la la la, la la la la

The Twelve Days of Christmas Lyrics

On the first day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
A partridge in a pear tree

On the second day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree

On the third day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Three French hens
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree

On the fourth day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Four calling birds
Three French hens
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree

On the fifth day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Five golden rings
Four calling birds
Three French hens
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree

On the sixth day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Six geese a-laying
Five golden rings
Four calling birds
Three French hens
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree

On the seventh day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Seven swans a-swimming
Six geese a-laying
Five golden rings
Four calling birds
Three French hens
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree

On the eighth day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Eight maids a-milking
Seven swans a-swimming
Six geese a-laying
Five golden rings
Four calling birds
Three French hens
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree

On the ninth day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Nine ladies dancing
Eight maids a-milking
Seven swans a-swimming
Six geese a-laying
Five golden rings
Four calling birds
Three French hens
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree

On the tenth day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Ten Lords a-leaping
Nine ladies dancing
Eight maids a-milking
Seven swans a-swimming
Six geese a-laying
Five golden rings
Four calling birds
Three French hens
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree

On the eleventh day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Eleven pipers piping
Ten Lords a-leaping
Nine ladies dancing
Eight maids a-milking
Seven swans a-swimming
Six geese a-laying
Five golden rings
Four calling birds
Three French hens
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree

On the twelfth day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Twelve drummers drumming
Eleven pipers piping
Ten Lords a-leaping
Nine ladies dancing
Eight maids a-milking
Seven swans a-swimming
Six geese a-laying
Five golden rings
Four calling birds
Three French hens
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree

Frosty the Snowman Lyrics

Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul
With a corn cob pipe and a button nose
And two eyes made out of coal

Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say
He was made of snow but the children know
How he came to life one day

There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found
For when they placed it on his head
He began to dance around!

O, Frosty the snowman
Was alive as he could be
And the children say he could laugh and play
Just the same as you and me

Thumpetty thump thump,
Thumpetty thump thump,
Look at Frosty go

Thumpetty thump thump,
Thumpetty thump thump,
Over the hills of snow

Frosty the snowman knew the sun was hot that day
So he said “let’s run and we’ll have some fun now, before I melt away”

Down to the village,
With a broomstick in his hand
Running here and there all around the square saying,
“Catch me if you can!”

He led them down the streets of town
Right to the traffic cop
And he only paused a moment when
He heard him holler “stop!”
For frosty the snow man
Had to hurry on his way
But he waved goodbye saying, “Don’t you cry, I’ll be back again some day.”

Thumpetty thump thump,
Thumpetty thump thump,
Look at Frosty go
Thumpetty thump thump,
Thumpetty thump thump,
Over the hills of snow

Little Snowflake Lyrics

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake,
Little snowflake
Falling from the sky
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake,
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling,
Falling, falling, falling, falling
Falling on my head

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake,
Little snowflake
Falling from the sky
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake,
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling,
Falling, falling, falling, falling
Falling on my nose

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake,
Little snowflake
Falling from the sky
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake,
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling,
Falling, falling, falling, falling
Falling in my hand
Falling on my head
Falling on my nose
Falling in my hand

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake,
Little snowflake

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town Lyrics

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town

He’s making a list
And checking it twice
Gonna find out who’s naughty or nice
Santa Claus is coming to town

He sees you when you’re sleeping
He knows when you’re awake
He knows if you’ve been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake

Oh! You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town

He sees you when you’re sleeping
He knows when you’re awake
He knows if you’ve been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake

Oh! You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town

Christmas Songs With Lyrics For Kids To Learn

Enjoy These Christmas Songs!

I hope you and your family enjoy learning these Christmas songs and it a family Christmas tradition to enjoy singing them while doing Christmas activities.

Do you have a favorite that I could add? Let me know in the comments below.

Before you go, check out these other Christmas posts:

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The Best Christmas Songs For Kids To Learn Read More »

The 4 Gift Christmas Rule To Give The Best Gifts

The 4 Gift Rule For Christmas – The Secret To Give The Best Gifts

Christmas Gift Rules

The four gift rule for Christmas is an awesome idea for so many reasons. It really changed and improved the way we shopped for Christmas gifts in our family. It also really reduced the stress of wondering if we got enough and if what we got will make the kids happy. After all, one of every parent’s Christmas joys is to see their kids super happy on Christmas day!

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How Many Gifts Should You Get At Christmas

The number of gifts you and your family members receive on Christmas is unique to your family. I really don’t believe there is a correct universal number.

When my kids are young, quantity seems to trump quality. So, we wrap many small gifts because their joy is simply in opening stuff. We even let them open our gifts because it seemed to be the best part of the day for them.

As they get older, quality now becomes more important than quantity and so the four gift rule really helps to get them the best.

How Many Gifts Should Santa Give?

Again, this would ultimately be your family’s choice. Here are some ideas from other families of how many gifts Santa can give your child:

  • One gift – usually the one they write to Santa asking for
  • One gift wrapped and other small gifts in their stockings
  • All of the gifts come from Santa
  • Three gifts
  • Varies every year

In our home, from our kids’ first Christmas, Santa gives one gift. We didn’t have a plan or discussion about this and it just happened like that and it has worked out well. They know that Santa has lots of kids to visit and they think it’s pretty practical to receive one gift each from Santa. Our kids are 6, 4, and 1 so right now they’re all still more excited about tracking Santa, leaving cookies and the mystery of how he visits all these kids.

What Is The Four Gift Rule

The four gift rule is basically 4 rules or categories that each person would receive a gift from. It helps to guide your shopping and also manages everyone’s expectations.

The four categories to focus on:

  1. Something you want
  2. Something you need
  3. Something to wear
  4. Something to read

Something You Want

I’m sure your kids will have no problems with this category! If you have young kids, most likely they’ll choose a toy. Help them decide by letting them know that instead of getting lots of toys, they can ask for a good quality toy that they’ve been wanting for a while. Some ideas:

  • Toys
  • Electronics
  • Games
  • Bike

Something You Need

For younger kids, this may be a little tricker. But this can also be a great time to explain the difference between wants and needs. You can give some ideas and let your kids choose. Some ideas:

  • Toiletries
  • Start or add to a savings fund
  • Stationary
  • Art Supplies
  • School Supplies

Something To Wear

Who doesn’t always need or want something to wear? It can be a need, like underwear or a want, like a fancy dress or jacket. Some ideas:

  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • Pajamas
  • Dress
  • T Shirt
  • Shirt
  • Jacket
  • Pants
  • Shoes

Something To Read

This is a great one! From young to old, this is such a great gift to give to keep their minds active and keep them inquisitive. Some ideas:

  • Picture books
  • Sound books
  • Story books
  • Facts books
  • Comic books
  • Novels
  • Subscriptions
The 4 Gift Rule For Christmas

benefits of The Four Gift Rule For Christmas

The four gift rule or any variation of it, provide families and loved ones with some great benefits. Just to mention a few:

  • Simplify gift search
  • Can help you set and stick to a budget
  • Make gifts more meaningful, thoughtful, and intentional
  • Helps set the foundation of ‘less is more’
  • Eliminates the expectations of having a certain number or more than a certain number of gifts. Once you’ve opened 4 gifts, you know that’s the end of opening gifts and it’s time to enjoy what you’ve received.

These rules can be also be extended to other occasions:

Variations To The Four Gift Rule

Many families have used the four gift rule as inspiration and have tailored it to best suit them. Variations range from the three gift rule to the 10 gift rule. In addition to the four gift rule some families add rules like:

  1. Something to do or experience
  2. Something to make
  3. Something to give to others
  4. Something to do for others
  5. Something to play as a family

What To Do When Your Kids Expect More Gifts?

If you want to start using the four gift rule and your child is already accustomed to receiving more than four gifts for Christmas each year, then speaking to them about the change is probably best. You can explain the rules and benefits to them and chat some more with them about the meaning of Christmas and what’s important.

When our kids transitioned from just wanting to open gifts to wanting to play and enjoy the gifts, it was not difficult to implement the four gift rule. We chose to get the kids involved in the rules. We explained it to them and they were really excited to choose something from each category.

Wrapping Up The Four Gift Rule

The 4 gift Christmas rule or any variation of it, is likely to become a family Christmas tradition. You don’t have to follow it closely every single year or for every occasion but it gives you a nice guide to follow. It really removes so much stress from the gift buy process and can free up so much time for you to enjoy more Christmas activities with your family.

Before you go, check out these other Christmas posts:

What about you? Have you tried the four gift rule? Or will you try it out this year ?

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The 4 Gift Christmas Rule To Give The Best Gifts Read More »

Fun & Meaningful Family Christmas Activities For Kids In 2022

Memorable & Meaningful Family Christmas Activities For Kids 2022

family christmas traditions to make christmas magical

Family Christmas activities ensure that Christmas is meaningful and memorable.

I love the entire Christmas season but Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are the front runner days because of the kids. Nothing beats experiencing their joy and feeling all the love.

Making these two days magical right now, is really important because these Santa days and childlike excitement won’t last forever. So we intend to soak up every moment.

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Meaningful Family Christmas Eve & Day Activities

Family Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Activities To make Christmas Extra special

Making family Christmas traditions special is easy because it’s so personal. Understanding what each family member loves is all you need to ensure that you have fun, meaningful Christmas activities and traditions planned.

As kids’ personalities evolve and mature, we’re able to tap into the unspoken clues that they give.

Our kids are pretty easy, like many others where a few surprises that are right up their alley is all that they need.

We also know that they love snuggles and movie time so we plan stuff like that as well.

And in our family, once there’s good food, snacks, cake, ice cream and balloons, there’s not much else that’s needed.

Christmas Eve Activities For Families

  1. Attend Christmas Service
  2. Make Christmas playlists & enjoy them throughout the day
  3. Get the kids to perform a new carol
  4. Track Santa
  5. Dance Together To Upbeat Christmas Music
  6. Open Family Christmas Eve Box
  7. Enjoy Your Favorite Christmas Movies
  8. Make Your Favorite Dishes
  9. Bake & Decorate Cookies for Santa
  10. Take Super Cute & Funny Family Selfies

Christmas Day Activities For Families

  1. Open Christmas Stockings before breakfast
  2. Open Christmas gifts in your PJs
  3. Have Christmas Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner together
  4. Let the kids play while you and your partner relax
  5. Enjoy Christmas music throughout the day
  6. Family Video Call
  7. Share the best part of your day and what you’re grateful for
  8. Christmas night sleepover

Family Christmas Eve Activities

We always spend Christmas Eve only doing fun things together. All shopping (including groceries) is done and so there’s no reason for a “to do list”.

In years gone by, we used to be the last minute shoppers. It was never planned really but the Christmas season just seemed to go by so quickly.

When we had kids though, we realized that last minute shopping was just ridiculous as we were just too tired to fully enjoy Christmas Eve & Christmas day with the kiddos. So instead, we’ve started coming up with only fun activites. Here are some of the best Christmas Eve activities to make it meaningful and memorable:

Attend Christmas Service

I think this is an important and special way of ensuring that kids remember the true meaning of Christmas. We try to attend church services regularly throughout the year, with Christmas being one of the more important ones for our family. The kids love all of the Christmas songs and the story of the birth of Jesus.

Make Christmas Playlists & Listen To Christmas Music

Listen to only Christmas music all day long. My youngest loves jingle bells so that is highly requested and often on repeat. They love to sing along to Christmas carols and we teach them new ones every year.

Other than that, we love introducing them to various genres of Christmas music. We’re from a Caribbean Island and so we play parang for a large portion of the day.

We also love playing the classics and the pop Christmas songs for them.

Let The Kids Perform A Carol

At the start of the season, teach the kids a new carol and they are excited to dress up and perform it for us. We’re planning to record it and send it out to family and friends as a nice Christmas gesture.

Track Santa

This is a super fun one! Let the kids track Santa all day. It’s a great way to countdown and the kids will also enjoy seeing all the countries around the world.

An additional plus for parents is that as he’s getting nearer, it’s easy to get them off to bed quickly.

Dance Together To Upbeat Christmas Music

Of course, where there’s music there must be dancing. Dancing is such an awesome source of stress relief and joy! We love letting loose and having dance-offs.

It’s also a fantastic way to let the kids burn off some energy before bed 🙂 If you’re looking for some more ideas to get the kids to fall asleep faster, try these amazing tips!

Open Family Christmas Eve Box

This is the first year that we’re going to be trying out this one. I actually saw this recommendation on another post and instantly loved the idea. If you need some inspiration, check out my post about creating the best Christmas Eve box for your family.

We’re going to open the box together and use the gifts for some evening Christmas Eve & Christmas day activities.

Make Your Favorite Christmas Meals

Before we settle down for movie time, we prepare and put the ham and turkey to bake. Not only do we end up with yummy ham and turkey while snuggling, but our home smells absolutely delicious and “Christmasy”.

Similarly, you can make your favorite dish, or learn how to make something new that you and your family can start making every Christmas.

While I love to bake, cooking isn’t really my thing so I depend on the pros for good recipes and tips. These are a few of my faves:

Enjoy Your Favorite Christmas Movies

We love to grab some popcorn and other little snacks, snuggle, and have some movie time. My youngest doesn’t stay snuggled for the whole movie, of course, but she loves having everyone around.

A cool idea is to choose your favorite Christmas movie and make it a family tradition to look at that one every year.

Bake And Decorate Cookies For Santa

Before bedtime, we bake some cookies for Santa and decorate them. This doesn’t take too much time as I prep them ahead of time with the kids. This year we’re going to leave out some carrots for the reindeer too!

Take A Super Cute & Funny Family Selfies

Finally, you can end the Christmas Eve activities with a family selfie and pics of the kids. These pics make for really nice digital Christmas thank you cards, family calendar, or even next year’s Christmas card!

Meaningful Family Christmas Day Activities

Now for the kids’ ultimate day for the Christmas season. Let’s jump right in with some great Christmas activity ideas for your family.

Open Christmas Stocking Before Breakfast

Once the kids get up, before everyone enjoys breakfast together, open Christmas stockings! It’ll quell their anticipation for Santa’s gifts long enough to have a hearty Christmas breakfast!

Open Christmas Gifts In Our PJs

This has always been something that we’ve done. Mainly because the kids always get up before us and are so eager to open Santa’s gifts. We really love music in our family, so we put on our Christmas playlist and get down to business!

I also love snapping pics and videos of them to show them later and to send for our extended family and friends.

Have Christmas Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Together

Throughout the year, we don’t get to eat all meals together so on Christmas Day, we ensure that we eat every meal together.

To make it fun for kids, let them help with preparing the meals, the table and clearing up after. Play some soft Christmas music and enjoy listening to their stories. It’s also a great opportunity to share stories about our childhood memories with them.

Kids Play & You relax

Even with young kids, I think this is the best day for mom and dad to take it easy and relax. All the prep is done – cleaning, decorating, shopping, gift wrapping, and so on. With the kids entertaining themselves practically all day, take the opportunity to relax and enjoy every moment.

Enjoy Christmas Music All Day!

We keep music on all day except for nap time (yes! they still nap and have rest time on Christmas day) and movie time. Having music on helps to keep everyong jolly and in the Christmas spirit – it sets the mood and tone for your day.

Family Video Call

We are so fortunate to live in a time where we can still see and chat with family who aren’t near us. It’s always a fun time when we get together with family and they get to show grandparents and cousins their gifts from Santa.

Share The Best Part Of Your Day & What You Are Grateful For

Before bed, spend some time talking about what you’re grateful for and talk about the best part of your day. It’s nice to hear from them what made their Christmas day special and meaningful because sometimes it’s not even what we think!

Christmas Night Sleepover

This is a fun and memorable one! Our kids are always begging to have a sleepover with us. This year we’re planning to snuggle together, eat popcorn and knock out! This will make such great memories for the whole family for years to come.


Wrapping Up Meaningful Family Christmas Activities

I hope these Christmas activities have inspired you to create some fun, meaningful moments with your family.

Just remember that all you need to do is focus on what you and your family love and what makes you happy. It can be everything on this list or any other that you come across, or it can be none at all. The important thing is to choose activities that everyone enjoys. Try your best to make it less of a to-do list and more of ensuring you experience every moment to the fullest.

Before you go, check out these other Christmas posts:

What family Christmas activities do you currently enjoy and what new ones would you love to start up this year to make your Christmas magical, merry and bright?

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