Marriage & Family Life


21 Romantic Gestures For Her – 21 Day Love Challenge

21 Romantic Gestures To make Melt – 21 Day Love Challenge


This 21 day love challenge will make your wife or girlfriend feel special and loved. These romantic gestures for your wife or girlfriend will show her how much you love her.

Do these romantic gestures for the next 21 days to reignite the spark in your relationship.

The best part of this 21 day love challenge is that you will form a new habit for your relationship. Consistently showing the love you have for your partner is crucial to the health of your relationship.

At the end of the 21 days, you may even choose to continue doing one thing, in particular, every day!

For instance, doing something in your partner’s love language everyday life, sending a thoughtful message or words of affirmation, taking something off of your partner’s daily to-do list, or exercising together.

After 21 days, you will be in the habit of doing something extra special for your partner every day.

21 Romantic Gestures For Her

  • Day 1 – Send a thoughtful direct message
  • Day 2 – Go for a walk together
  • Day 3 – Cup her face when you kiss her
  • Day 4 – Cook her favourite meal
  • Day 5 – Have something thoughtful delivered to her
  • Day 6 – Take her out on a date you planned
  • Day 7 – Romantic scavenger hunt
  • Day 8 – Write corny notes on her favorite fruit
  • Day 9 – Breakfast in bed
  • Day 10 – Leave a love note for her to find
  • Day 11 – Plan a movie night
  • Day 12 – Surprise her with a framed picture of the two of you
  • Day 13 – Give her a massage
  • Day 14 – Create a relationship bucket list
  • Day 15 – Make her a playlist of meaningful songs
  • Day 16 – Give her a list of 21 things you love about her
  • Day 17 – Go to bed at the same time
  • Day 18 – Bring her a favourite snack just because
  • Day 19 – Take a bath together
  • Day 20 – Paint her a picture
  • Day 21 – Make a vision board with her

Even though this post is written with a wife or girlfriend in mind, it’s a great list of romantic gestures for your husband or boyfriend too!

Use this list of romantic gestures and tailor it to suit your partner’s love language.

Day 1 – Send a thoughtful Direct message

Sending your significant other a direct message makes her know that you’re thinking of her.

A simple, thoughtful message could just be the thing she needs to brighten her day. Think of messages like these:

  • just because
  • thinking of you
  • a compliment about her smile or personality
  • appreciation for her
  • a memory you shared with her
  • funny messages
  • or you can spice things up and send a flirty, cute message

Day 2 – Go for a walk together

Getting out for some fresh air with your partner can help to breathe new air into your relationship. Hold hands and take a stroll in a beautiful part of your town or city that you haven’t been to and simply enjoy each other’s company. You can even take it up a notch and plan to stroll around sunrise or sunset.

Or take a run with her and get some fresh air and exercise in together.

No matter what you choose, you can’t go wrong with doing this with your wife or girlfriend.

Day 3 – Cup Her Face When You Kiss Her

Next time you kiss your wife or girlfriend, pull her close, look into her eyes and gently cup her face as you kiss her. This can show her that you’re intentional and passionate about her.

The emotion behind the kiss will make it feel extra special and remind her of how much you feel for and love her.

Day 4 – Cook her favourite meal

Taking the time and putting in the effort to cook a meal just for your wife or girlfriend can add such a sweet personal touch to a dinner date at home.

Of course, getting her favorite takeout can be acceptable if you don’t enjoy cooking or you’re not good at it.

Add romantic music and candles to set the mood for a memorable evening.

Day 5 – Have Something Thoughtful Delivered

If you know she has had her eye on something, get it for her and surprise her by having it delivered to her (even at home!).

Flowers are also a timeless suggestion for this one – if your wife or girlfriend has a favorite flower, get them delivered to her with a thoughtful note.

If she isn’t into flowers, you can get her a plant or even the seeds so that she can plant them when she gets home.

Day 6 – Take her out on a date you planned

If she is normally the one to plan dates or outings with you, switch it up and surprise her with a date that you’ve planned.

Try to think of everything involved in the date, so that she can just relax and totally enjoy the date.

Day 7 – Romantic Scavenger Hunt

Create a romantic scavenger hunt with clues based on important dates or events in your relationship.

You can also use memories or base the clues on the way you feel about her.

You can do the scavenger hunt at home or plan a series of clues that lead to various locations that you can get to in one evening, all leading to the big prize!

Day 8 – Write corny notes on Her Favorite Fruit

This one is so cute and is sure to make her smile.

Or, if she loves smoothies, make one for her and attach a cute, corny note.

Day 9 – Breakfast In Bed

Plan to get up before her and make her favorite breakfast in time for when she usually wakes up. Try to go for something she loves but doesn’t usually have.

You can also leave her a note next to her on the bed so that she would easily see it and not come down to spoil your surprise 🙂

Day 10 – Leave a love note for her to find

Hide a love note in her diary, handbag, or on the mirror of the bathroom. Somewhere that you’re sure she will see it at some point during the day.

If you have access, you can even put a love note as a reminder on her calendar without her realizing it.

Day 11 – Plan a movie night At Home

Plan a cozy night in with your wife or girlfriend. Choose the show, get food, snacks, drinks, and dessert.

Day 12 – Surprise her With a framed picture of the two of you

Find your favorite picture of you and your significant other, make or buy a beautiful picture frame and give it to her.

You can also use a service like Shutterfly, select a few pictures and choose a cute quote to make it extra special!

Day 13 – Give her a massage

Plan to do this when you have enough time to set aside. Make it extra relaxing by using her favorite scented oils, adding candles and soft music.

Day 14 – Create a relationship bucket list together

Make a list of all the things you would love to do with your partner. Think of places you would want to visit with her and experiences you would love to have with her.

Try to get one another to try something new and challenging.

Day 15 – Make her a playlist of Meaningful songs

Send her a thoughtful playlist of all the songs that remind her of how you feel about her.

Don’t forget to add in the songs that are memorable and meaningful to both of you.

Day 16 –  Give her a list of 21 things you love about her

Let her know all of the things that you love about her, even if you’ve told her before.

You can put it in a love letter or you can make the list digitally so that she can save it to her phone or computer.

Day 17 – Go To Bed At The Same Time

Everyone is so busy these days that sometimes you can fall into the habit of going to bed at different times. Make an extra effort to plan and structure your day well so that you go to bed with your partner at the same time.

This also has the added benefit of ensuring that you have a cut-off time for your to-do list so that you can ensure that you have a good night’s rest.

Day 18 – Bring her a favourite snack just because

When you come home from work or get back from the store, surprise her with her favorite snack to let her know you’re thinking of her.

Day 19 – Take a Bath together

Set the mood with some candles, low lights, music, and maybe even some wine. Enjoy a relaxing, bubble bath together just talking and reconnecting with each other.

Day 20 – Paint her a picture

Whether you’re artistic or not, try painting her a picture. If nothing else, surely the effort will count!

Day 21 – Make a Vision Board With Her

Take some time and talk with your girlfriend or wife about one another’s personal goals as well as your dreams and goals for your relationship. This can go a long way for you guys to align goals so that you grow together and support each other for individual goals.

Final Thoughts On Romantic Gestures For Her

The goal for the next 21 days is to try to find something romantic to do every day that you don’t usually do. So use this 21 day love challenge as a guide and tweak to suit you, your partner, and your relationship.

A cool benefit of following this 21 day love challenge is that when you do romantic gestures for her, every day, for at least 21 days and at the end of the challenge, these romantic gestures will become a habit and a part of your daily life.

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21 Romantic Gestures For Her – 21 Day Love Challenge Read More »

packing tips for moving with kids

The Best Packing Tips for Moving with Kids

10 Smart Packing Tips For Moving With Kids

graphic, moving boxes, boxes

Packing is a daunting but necessary task when you’re moving. Throw an infant, a toddler, and a baby into the mix and it feels impossible.

It’s not even a favorite task when vacationing, much less on a larger scale when you’re moving to a new house. Packing your life is exhausting and quite honestly, has made me think of the minimalist route the couple times that I’ve had to do it. 

I do have an advantage as I love to pack. I think it goes hand in hand with my love of lists and organization. That being said, even I get pretty extremely overwhelmed when packing with 3 kids. Their excitement is unparalleled which can make the process both enjoyable and borderline chaotic. 

What To Do First? 

The first thing I like to do is, you guessed it – make a master list. This makes the entire process easier and faster. 

I go to each room and make a list of everything that has to be packed. Essentially this becomes the inventory for the home. It’s going to be used for packing, moving, and unpacking. It’s meant to make life much easier knowing exactly where items are when you move.

It also helps to forecast what and how many supplies are needed.

Top Packing Tips To Make Moving & Unpacking Easier 

1. Don’t pack clutter 

This tip is magical when you can start a couple of weeks or months before you start packing. Declutter your home by going through each space in your home and get rid of items you and your family no longer use or need.

Decluttering of toys was done over months in our home – yes months! When you get kids to declutter, somehow every toy (that they haven’t played with for months) becomes their favorite. I didn’t battle much with them because I knew I had time. Ever so often, we revisited our toy storage and decluttered. After a few times, they got into it and I was able to leave them to sort it out – they did a great job!

Even during packing, before putting items into a box we continued the decluttering process and got rid of even more unused or unnecessary items.

2. Get all essential supplies

Getting supplies ready before you start makes everything run more smoothly.

Some essential supplies to include – boxes, bubble wrap, bags, tape, labels, stickers and so on. 

3. Get the kids involved 

When kids are around the best thing you can do is to empower them and get them involved. Channel their excitement to pack their bags or to help declutter their toys and books. Let them help by labeling boxes if they can write or stick colors on the boxes if you’re color-coding. 

4. Use an inventory 

Following from the point above, this is a step you don’t want to skip. Let this inventory be your best friend. It’s not enough to make the list, pack and then discard. Keep it close and use it.  

Think of how much easier your first few days and nights will be when you don’t have to wonder what’s in the 3 boxes labelled “kitchen”. You can eliminate this headache by having an inventory.

5. Label and color code everything

Not only is it important to pack each room into the same box or set of boxes, but labeling and color-coding (stick colored stickers on boxes) also makes delivery and unpacking much easier. 

6. Start packing items that you don’t use as often and won’t be using before your move 

From the moment we knew we were going to be moving, I started organizing supplies and started packing. Yes, my husband thought I was insane because we weren’t due to move for another few months but I knew from the last experience that I didn’t want to be stressed out right before the move and then right after (unpacking). With 3 kids now, I wanted us to pace ourselves and pack more efficiently. In the end, even though it seemed ridiculous, he agreed that doing it this way meant stress levels were not only reduced but daily life wasn’t disturbed too much either. 

Packing in stages reduces the stress that can sometimes be associated with packing. Packing can be very overwhelming and of course, time-consuming. If you have sufficient time, it’s a great idea to start early by packing things that are seasonal (example – seasonal clothing and decorations) and those that you aren’t using right now (example – family albums and sentimental items).

7. Research and use moving hacks 

There are many resources available only outlining various hacks and tips for actually packing your things (for example breakable items, packing boxes efficiently, etc) and how to move them.

8. Accept all the help you can get 

Helpful is critical for anyone moving but especially for those with kids. With our first move we had little to no help and it was incredibly stressful. Since then, we’ve been sure to ask and accept help from family and friends. 

9. Pack a kit for the first few nights 

I have seen recommendations for a first night’s kit but I took it up a notch this time and packed for a few nights instead. Moving with kids is incredibly tiring. It would be lovely to say that when we move we’re gonna hit the ground running, start unpacking and setting up but for our family, we need to plan for a few days of adjustments. Even if we don’t end up using the extra things (which we did btw), at the very least it would ease our minds that we have everything we need readily available to us.

In this kit, we packed:

  • Favorite toys, activity packs, and snacks for the kids
  • Pampering kit – pack muscle relaxants, a scented candle or a favorite relaxing body wash to destress-whatever you need
  • Toiletries
  • Bedding and towels
  • Clothes for a couple of days

In the last week, pack everything except essentials for work or school. 

A good tip is to include these essentials in your first night bag or suitcase and aim to pack almost everything a week or two before moving day. 

10. Keep a small box of toys and activities for the kids 

Pack a moving day kit for the kids. Moving day is hectic – there’s no way around this fact. Packing a small box or bag for each kid ensures that they’re entertained and well-fed. This reduces the chance of crankiness and increases the chance of a smoother moving day for everyone. 

packing tips for moving with kids

What To Pack Last? 

Pack essentials that you always use in your first night(s) bag or suitcase :

  • Toiletries – Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash 
  • Hair supplies 
  • Electronics and chargers 

Take away 

These tips have allowed our family to move a few times with way less stress than our first time and I’m sure it’s going to be helpful to you too. We’re used these tips while we pack to migrate to Canada and it has worked so well! We’re currently in quarantine and everything that we need for our two weeks is super accessible.

I’m always on the look out for new packing and organizing tips. Let me know if you have any tips and tricks that you recommend for families who are moving!

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research topics for kids

Awesome Research Topics For Your Child – Questions Kids Ask

Awesome Research Topics For Your Child – Questions Curious Kids Ask

research topics for kids. questions kids ask. kids, computer, notebook

Ever wonder what topics to research with your kids? I’ve got you covered with this list of topics to research for kids by kids. My kids, nieces, and nephews all chipped in to create this awesome list.

My 6 year old came up with the idea for this blog post – so credit goes to him 🙂

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Developing Kids’ Research Skills

Research skills are so beneficial and important in the world we live in today. Teaching your kids how to research topics and allowing them to navigate and soak in all the new-found knowledge is a skill that will last a lifetime. It feeds their inquisitive minds and helps to nurture their learning. It encourages their healthy thirst for knowledge – another skill that will surely benefit them throughout life.

Show And Tell

Once you’ve gathered your resarch information for your topic, don’t stop there. Get your kids to do a project for show and tell for the family or if they’re older, get them to write an essay on what they’ve learned.

Research Topics For Kids By Kids

  1. What is evolution?
  2. What is the big bang?
  3. What is the solar system?
  4. What is the black hole?
  5. What is the space station?
  6. How do rockets fly?
  7. What is a meteor?
  8. What planet has the largest volcano?
  9. When last did Olympus Mons erupt?
  10. How did the storm on Jupiter form?
  11. How big is the earth?
  12. How many continents are there on earth?
  13. What is an eclipse?
  14. How hot is the sun?
  15. How far away is the sun?
  16. What are UV rays?
  17. What is a supernova?
  18. How do we run?
  19. How did baby dinosaurs grow?
  20. How did dinosaurs become extinct?
  21. How do natural disasters form?
  22. Why does it rain?
  23. Where do winds come from?
  24. What is a hurricane?
  25. Why are some countries affected by hurricanes and some are not?
  26. What is a tornado?
  27. What is snow?
  28. What is a volcano?
  29. What is the biggest volcano on earth?
  30. What is magma?
  31. What is the tallest mountain on earth?
  32. What is an earthquake?
  33. How come some countries have 4 seasons and some have 2?
  34. Which countries have 4 seasons?
  35. Which countries have 2 seasons?
  36. What is the equator?
  37. Where is the hottest place on earth?
  38. Where is the coldest place on earth?
  39. How are rainbows formed?
  40. How do trees grow?
  41. What is the tallest tree?
  42. How many people are there on earth?
  43. Who is the oldest person alive?
  44. Who was the oldest person to live?
  45. Who is the tallest person ever?
  46. Who is the shortest person ever?
  47. What country has the most people?
  48. What is an immune system?
  49. How do we get sick?
  50. How do we build a good immune system?
  51. Why do we need to drink water?
  52. How do we grow?
  53. How does our brain work?
  54. How does our heart work?
  55. How do our muscles grow?
  56. How many bones do we have?
  57. How do you fix a broken bone?
  58. How do our wounds heal?
  59. What is a vitamin?
  60. Why do we sneeze?
  61. Why do we cough?
  62. Why do we get brain freeze?
  63. Why do we laugh?
  64. Why do we cry?
  65. Why do we hiccup?
  66. What happens when we get angry?
  67. Why do we stop growing?
  68. When will I stop growing?
  69. How do we get gray hair?
  70. What is a cavity?
  71. Why do our teeth fall out?
  72. How do we float?
  73. Why do we dream?
  74. How are movies made?
  75. How are cartoons made?

Research Topics Final Thoughts

My kids love to research and now, we use this list to choose our topic. So, it has actually brought some structure to our researching. I have to admit here that I’ve been learning so many cool things. It’s really a lot of fun and I didn’t realize I didn’t know so much.

Hope you love this list as much as we loved creating it? How do you research topics with your kids?

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at home date ideas

The Best Date Night Ideas At Home – Perfect For Parents

The Best At Home Date Night Ideas

– Perfect For Parents

red wine, glasses, log fire

Wondering what couples can do for fun at home and looking for some great at home date night ideas to keep the spark alive with your significant other? Join us with trying out some of these cozy, romantic, fun filled date night ideas in the comfort of your home.

Before having kids, my husband and I went out a lot! After having kids though, we weren’t nearly as motivated to leave the house for date nights and we fell into a bit of a rut. We started seeing each other as mom and dad and we knew that we had to get our spark back and keep it going.

We knew the importance of ensuring we had one on one time so, we had to get innovative and plan at home date nights. Truth be told, sometimes we’re even too tired for that! But we’re trying harder to ensure that we prioritize it – even if it’s to just Netflix and sleep chill.

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At Home Date Night Ideas

The best at home date will ultimately depend on your personalities, likes and dislikes. These stay at home date ideas will inspire you to create the date of your dreams. You can take turns planning date night and add an element of surprise to your dates. In the days leading up to your date, you can leave cute little clues as to what you’re planning. Just think back to the things you used to do when you started dating and try to add some back into your relationship.

If you’re as laid back as we are, you’re going to really enjoy these date night ideas to keep your bond and have fun with one another.

To really enjoy all of these dates, remember to put away your phones and really try to be in the moment with your partner. Also, try to do things a little differently, for instance, if you’re always in sweats or casual wear, dress up for your date even at home.

Bookmark this page to read with your significant other and come up with some dates together.

The Perks Of Date Nights At Home

While at-home date nights can’t totally replace a night on the town with your significant other, they can be extremely romantic (even more than going out) and you get to maximize the amount of quality time you spend together.

Depending on your mood, you can choose to dress up or dress down for any of these date night idea and you also save a lot of money!

So, win win, right? Well, let’s jump in!

Movie Night

I couldn’t start this at home date night list any other way! My husband laughed when we saw that this was first because I always ask for this as our date night, we pick the movie, snuggle and then I fall asleep! EVERY time!

But still, it’s my favorite. Especially since these days are spent looking at kids’ cartoons and other age appropriate shows.

As parents, movie night can be a real treat! Whether you binge watch a tv series, stick to movie genres that you love or try something new, I’m sure you’re going to totally enjoy it – even if you fall asleep 🙂

Spa Night For Two

We enjoyed this at home date so much – it actually surprised us both. Neither of us is really into going to the spa or getting massages done professionally. However, spoiling one another with facials, pedicures, manicures, facials and yes, of course, massages has quickly become one of our fave go-to dates at home. Self care is extremely important and this is a great way to enjoy it together.

For a very relaxing and romantic date, you just need a few necessities that really don’t have to break the bank and some relaxing ambiance. Try creating a calming ambiance with robes, candles, relaxing music and nicely scented products and essential oils.

Cook Something New Together

We love to eat! And while I haven’t always been very adventurous with meals, I love cooking with hubby. It’s fun to try something new, make mistakes and laugh at and with one another.

Find a recipe online that you’ve both been wanting to try, put on your fave music and have some fun in the kitchen.  

Don’t end the date here though, set up for a romantic dinner with candles, romantic music and enjoy the meal you’ve cooked, including dessert! Depending on what you made, you can also enjoy your meal outside, on the couch, or even in bed.

Drinks On The Porch Or Balcony

Dress up (or down), grab your fave drinks (alcoholic or non alcoholic), put on your fave music, enjoy one on one conversation and each other’s company. This is so important especially when you have kids or have been living together for a while.

When you have kids, most conversations seem to concern them in some way and adult conversation seems to be a luxurious thing of the past.

This date is so important to see your partner as more than a parent. It’s a great chance to discover new things that you didn’t know about your spouse – maybe something that has changed or just something you never knew!

Create A Romantic Playlist Together

How sweet is this date idea? It’s really romantic to get to know the songs that really resonate with your partner. You and your partner can get cozy on the couch or bed and take turns choosing romantic songs that remind you of one another.


I’m more into this idea than my husband is – I love to crazy dance. It relieves stress almost instantly! Once the kids are in bed, we enjoy some drinks and let go!

Also, how romantic would it be to use the playlist of love songs that you created together to dance to. Another great idea is to learn a new type of dance together, like latin or ballroom dancing.

A Night Under The Stars

Seriously, is there anything more romantic than stargazing? We love to lay back in our lounge chairs in our PJS and chat about life, our dreams, hopes and the future.

There’s also so much to learn about space. You can plan ahead of time to learn something new together, under the stars.

Game Night

I’m not a big gamer, at all. I shy away from anything competitive but my husband loves games and so I try to get into it a little. Together, you can enjoy video games, board games, card games, puzzles or fun couple games like the newlywed game. If you’re super creative, you can make up a unique game just for you two.

Don’t forget to add in a great prize for the winner !

Learn A New Skill Together 

Learning something together is a fantastic way to spend time with your partner and an incredible experience. There’s always something new to learn. Some ideas to try – a new language, culture, historic event, art, music, or dance.

Bath For Two

Unwind and relax together with a nice warm bath. Light candles, play some soft music and enjoy a glass of wine. Just enjoy one another’s company and let the night unfold naturally – not much else I can suggest here 😉

Final Thoughts On At Home Date Ideas

A successful date night at home ultimately depends on the two people having the date. You don’t need a lot of planning or gadgets to have loads of fun and get flirty and romantic. As corny as this will sound – you really only need each other.

I’d love to hear about your favorite at home date night idea, let me know below!

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dance songs playlist for kids

Kids Dance Song List – The Best Dance Songs

The Best Dance Songs Playlist For Kids & Parents

dance songs playlist for kids

Dancing to upbeat songs is the perfect remedy for any bad mood, to encourage kids to tidy up and do chores and of course, to get some energy out and have fun together.

We love to see the cool moves they come up with and how they teach one another their new moves. Most of all we love to see their joy, freedom of expression, and their carefree movements. Even our one year old welcomes the break from nursery rhymes to hear different types of music and create her own little dance moves.

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Best Songs For Kids & Parents To Dance To

Dancing like nobody’s watching is one of our favorite things to do in our family. I like to put on dance music on youtube and just freestyle dance with the kids!

However, I’ve gotten into some tricky situations by not vetting the videos beforehand. Many songs have lyrics or videos that aren’t appropriate for all ages. So, I wanted to create a list of dance songs of clean versions so it’s good fun for everyone.

These songs are perfect for an everyday family dance party or even to include in your kids’ party playlist. I also love to listen to these while I do chores like washing wares or folding clothes – it makes it fun!

This dance songs list includes a few different genres – Soca, Pop and Latin and my kids helped to pick these, so I know your kids will love them too.

  1. Can’t Stop The Feeling – Justin Timberlake
  2. Happy – Pharell
  3. Savannah Grass – Kes
  4. Famalay – Skinny Fabulous, Machel Montano, Bunji Garlin
  5. Like A Boss – Machel Montano
  6. It’s Carnival – Machel Montano & Destra Garcia
  7. Bigger Love – John Legend
  8. Brave – Sara Bareilles
  9. When Can I See You Again – Owl City
  10. Moves Like Jagger – Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera
  11. Only Human – Jonas Brothers
  12. Feel This Moment – Pitbull ft. Christina Aguilera
  13. This Is What You Came Here For – Calvin Harris ft. Rhianna
  14. Sorry – Justin Bieber
  15. Waka Waka – Shakira
  16. Try Everything – Shakira
  17. The Way You Make Me Feel – Michael Jackson
  18. Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
  19. Black or White – Michael Jackson
  20. Dancing Queen – Abba
  21. Celebration – Kool & The Gang
  22. Wake Me Up – Avicii
  23. Cheap Thrills – Sia ft. Sean Paul
  24. Roar – Katy Perry
  25. Happier – Marshmello ft. Bastille
  26. Shut Up And Dance With Me – Walk The Moon
  27. Sugar – Maroon 5
  28. I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas
  29. I Don’t Care – Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber
  30. Shake It Off – Taylor Swift
  31. Kill Em With Kindness – Selena Gomez
  32. What Makes You Beautiful – One Direction
  33. Give Me Everything – Pitbull & Neyo
  34. We Are One – Pitbull ft. Jennifer Lopez & Claudia Leitte
  35. Good Feeling – Flo Rida
  36. Tones and I – Dance Monkey
  37. One More Time – Daft Punk
  38. Live It Up – Nicky Jam ft. Will Smith & Era Istrefi
  39. Break Free – Ariana Grande ft. Zedd
  40. Lean On – Major Lazer & DJ Snake
  41. Vogue – Madonna
  42. Bailando – Enrique Iglesias ft. Sean Paul
  43. Reggaeton Lento – CNCO
  44. Danza Kuduro – Don Omar ft. Lucenzo
  45. Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae Jepsen

Now that you have a great list of dance songs for kids and parents to enjoy – clear some space and get to it! Happy dancing 🙂

dance songs list for kids & parents

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journal prompts for kids

The Best Journal Prompts For Kids

52 Journal Prompts For Kids

child, kid, play

Journal prompts can help kids start their journaling journey. Teaching kids to journal is one of the best ways to help them to discover and become the best version of themselves. Journaling for kids is just as beneficial as it is for teenagers and adults. The best part of your children journaling is that the positive effects will follow your kids into adulthood.

Affiliate Disclosure: “This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link.”

Why Kids Should Journal

Kids should journal to express themselves and to begin learning to explore and work through their thoughts and feelings. It can also jumpstart goal setting and tracking habits.

At a young age it’s very beneficial for kids to understand that journaling is a form of self care and relaxation.

It will also help their creative juices flow and help them develop their writing skills.

Journal Prompts For Kids

So, you’re convinced that journaling is a great thing for your kids to start. But now you’re probably wondering, ” what are some god journal prompts for kids?”

Kids are naturally inquisitive and this is a good opportunity to let them lead while you provide the necessary guidance for them to write.

However, there may be times when they are stuck on one topic, or they may not know what they want to write about. That’s where journal prompts for kids are helpful.

Journal prompts will help to inspire your child’s writing and help them to expand on one topic. These prompts will provide guidance for their journaling and allow them to explore the topic at a more in-depth level.

I got my kids involved in preparing this list, so these journal prompts are kid approved!

  1. Three things I love about myself
  2. What makes me unique
  3. Three things I’m grateful for
  4. Why do I love my family
  5. Am I a good son and brother?
  6. Who is my favorite superhero
  7. In my life, I look up to
  8. Goal for this week
  9. My accomplishments of yesterday
  10. What was the best part of my day
  11. What was the least favorite part of my day
  12. My biggest fear is
  13. When I get angry, how do I calm down
  14. What is my favorite activity
  15. How do I relax?
  16. I feel scared when
  17. What makes me feel safe?
  18. What makes me brave?
  19. I’m a good person because
  20. One thing I would like to improve about myself
  21. What is my love language
  22. I am happy because
  23. What habit would I like to develop
  24. A habit that I would like to stop
  25. What motivates me
  26. I’m proud of
  27. Am I confident?
  28. Something I’m excited about and look forward to
  29. The happiest day of my life was
  30. I like to learn because
  31. My favorite subject is
  32. When I grow up I want to be a
  33. What makes someone a good friend
  34. My best friend is
  35. My favorite day to celebrate
  36. What is my favorite time of the day? Why?
  37. I like to tell the truth because
  38. Do I like it when things change?
  39. What do I wish for?
  40. Why do I think I was born? (what is my purpose?)
  41. Where did my ancestors come from
  42. My favorite food is
  43. What is my favorite type of music
  44. My favorite song is
  45. My favorite family tradition is
  46. When I miss my Grandparents I
  47. When I miss my friends I
  48. My favorite television show is
  49. My favorite book to read is
  50. My favorite toy is
  51. My favorite game is
  52. My favorite animal is
52 Journal Prompts For Kids

Make Journaling Fun For Kids

To encourage your kids, you can make a journal book with them. Let them choose how they would like to design it and help them create it. Or, you can buy a really nice journal for them and let them personalize it.

When they’ve written in their journal, encourage them to draw, color, use stickers or glitter to decorate their masterpiece.

You don’t have to wait until your kids can write. These journal prompts are ideal for toddlers and infants too. You can ask your child these questions and write down their answers for them. When they get older, it would be so much fun for them to look back at their responses.

Are you excited to help your kids embark on their journaling journey? Let me know!

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The Best Journal Prompts For Kids Read More »


The Best Gifts To Give Grandparents

The Best Gifts To Give Grandparents

best gifts to give grandparents

As I’m sure you know, getting the best gift for grandparents can be a task! Especially when they seem to have everything that they need and all that’s important to them is your company. Now more than ever, you may be seeking to compensate for not being with them physically.

I’ve put together a short list of gift ideas for grandparents that are sure to put a smile on their faces and make them feel loved, even from a distance.

Affiliate Disclosure: “This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link.”

What Is The Best Gift To Give Grandparents

The best gifts to give grandparents will surely warm their hearts. Especially, at this time, a thoughtful gift can ease the pain of the fact that you’re unable to be together physically. They will not only cherish the gifts but the meaning of the gift.

The best way to make your gift very meaningful and sentimental is to personalize it – whether it’s with names or handmade arts & crafts.

Best Gifts For Grandparents

These are great gift ideas to give your grandmother and grandfather for any ocassion. To make shopping a breeze for you, I’ve included Amazon links. Simply click on any of the gift ideas to get them on Amazon!

I’ve also added in some techy products to help them stay in touch easier with grandkids and loved ones and to help them daily.

  1. Personalized Picture Frame Of Grandkids
  2. Smart Digital Picture Frame
  3. What I love about Grandma and What I love about Grandpa
  4. Letters to my grandchild
  5. Personalized calendar
  6. Blanket
  7. Warm slippers
  8. Matching PJs with the grandkids
  9. Personalized cutting board
  10. Herb garden for the kitchen
  11. Kettle
  12. Ninja Mega Kitchen System
  13. Instant Pot
  14. Food processor
  15. Multi-Purpose Hand Held Blender
  16. Ilife Robot Vacuum Cleaner
  17. Video Door Bell
  18. Automatic bag illuminator
  19. Bluetooth Tracker
  20. DIY art & craft

Personalized Picture Frame Of Grandkids

A personalized picture frame is one of my favorite gifts to give grandparents. Especially when kids are young or when there’s a new addition to the family. It’s a meaningful and sentimental gift that your grandparents are sure to love.

Smart Digital Picture Frame

Your grandparents will absolutely love a smart digital picture frame. You can send pictures instantly to these picture frames. Depending on the smart frame you choose, you can wirelessly send your latest photos via wifi, email, or a designated app.

What I love About Grandma & Grandpa

These “What I Love About You” books are cute, easy to fill descriptions about what you love about your grandparents. It’s not clunky at all and it’s small enough for your grandparents to keep it close to them. If your kids are young, you can even use some of the questions and let them make their own art & craft project out of it for grandparents to display.

Letters To My Grandchild

These are prompted letters for grandparents to write to their grandkids to share their experiences and words of wisdom. This is a beautiful and sentimental gift that both will treasure.

Personalized Calendar

A personalized Calendar is a great way for grandparents to display pictures of their loved ones and even take a trip down memory lane with a calendar of them in their younger days! In addition to noting important dates and holidays, you can also add quotes and messages from you to them. There are lots of websites set up for you to easily make and send out to your grandparents. Some favorites are Shutterfly, Vistaprint, Mixbook Photo Co. and Snapfish.


A soft, cuddly blanket can be the perfect gift for your grandparents. They can use it at night or during the day on the couch while reading their favorite book or looking at tv.

Warm Slippers

A pair of indoor slippers to keep their feet warm will instantly become your grandparents’ favorite gift.

Matching PJs With The Grandkids

Make your grandparents feel included and closer to their grandkids with matching PJs. This is a really sweet idea especially if they aren’t able to be there physically. Whether it’s their birthday or Christmas morning, suggest that they wear it for breakfast and then have a video call with their grandkids. It can also be really fun to let it be a surprise for the call for the grandparents and the grandkids!

Personalized Cutting Board

An awesome gift for your grandparents who love to cook is a personalized cutting board. This will definitely become their favorite must-have in the kitchen.

Herb Garden For The Kitchen

Growing a herb garden in the kitchen will not only be a fun project for your grandparents but it has the added benefit of them being able to conveniently pick fresh herbs for their favorite dishes. This can also save them time and money.


If it’s time to upgrade your grandparent’s kettle, choose from any of these. Choose from variety of sizes and types – a stovetop kettle, a stainless steel kettle, a glass kettle, or a kettle with a LED indicator.

Ninja Mega Kitchen System

A Ninja Mega Kitchen System is the perfect addition for grandma and grandpa’s kitchen. It’s a blender and food processer which includes a 72 oz pitcher, a food processor bowl, and 2 16 oz Ninja cups.

Instant Pot Duo

This amazing time saving Instant Pot Duo is a combination of 7 appliances – pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, saute pan, yogurt maker and warmer. There’s a choice of 4 sizes and 3 different styles – Duo, Duo Nova and Duo Plus. Make cooking a breeze for your grandparents.

Food Processor

If your grandparents need a new food processor to make their food prep easier, choose from a large variety here. You can find your perfect food processor based on your budget, capacity and features.

Multipurpose Hand Held Blender

For quick and easy blending, a multipurpose hand help blender is perfect. This blender is small, lightweight and can be used directly in a cooking pot once your food has cooled or in a bowl, depending on your needs.

ILife Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Looking to splurge on your grandparents? Look no further! This Ilife Robot Vacuum Cleaner is sure to make their life easier. No more battling with a broom or vacuum on tiled, hardwood, stone or laminate floors. It’s designed to easily go under furniture and hard to reach places.

There are 4 cleaning modes – auto clean, edge clean, spot clean and scheduled clean. This cleaner also comes with a remote to make it even easier to operate. When the battery is low, it searches for it’s charging dock and returns to charge. Other features include smart protection to avoid obstacles or falling off stairs.

I’ve personally never used this cleaner but it’s on my wish list for sure!

video Door Bell

A Video Door Bell will allow your grandparents to see, hear and speak to people at the door from their phone, tablet or selected echo device. There are many to choose from to fit in your budget. Be sure to do your research so that you get the features you want and the most value for your money.

Automatic Bag Illuminator

The best gift to get grandparents for their bags is an automatic bag illuminator. Make getting items out of Grandma’s purse or Grandpa’s bag a breeze with the help of light!

Bluetooth Tracker

Are your grandparents tired of misplacing their belongings? I know I am and this is definitely on my wish list! A Bluetooth tracker will help find important items quickly. It will also ease your grandparents’ minds as they won’t have to worry about forgetting where they’ve put items like keys or their wallets.

DIY Handmade Art & Craft

Possibly the most treasured and cherished gifts to give grandparents include any handmade gifts from grandkids. Some great handmade DIY gift ideas include:

  1. Cards
  2. Craft project
  3. Paintings
  4. Handprints
  5. Footprints
  6. Jar of well wishes

To add an extra special personal touch, make your own personalized wrapping paper for your gifts.

Wrapping Up Gifts For Grandparents

Getting the perfect gifts for grandparents can be as simple or as grand as you want it to be. Once it’s thoughtful and comes from your heart, your grandparents are going to love and cherish it.

What are some gift ideas for grandparents that you love?

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put your spouse before your kids

Put Your Spouse Before Your Kids

Why You Should Put Your Spouse Before Your Kids

put your partner or spouse first (before your kids)

Should you put your kids before your spouse or partner? A relationship or marriage is a lot of hard work on its own. Add kids to the mix and the difficulty level can be off the charts. Kids take up so much of your time that it’s easy to neglect one another and yourselves. Not taking care of you and your spouse first can have detrimental effects on the entire family. 

I came from a broken home but we had lots of family time (with mom and dad). My parents did their best to shield us from a tough situation. We were kept away from their relationship (before and after their divorce). They always spoke very highly of one another and got along really well when we were all together.

My dad was a pretty amazing guy. He was a no-nonsense, loving dad. He was the hardest working, most humble man I’ve ever known.

I grew up with my mom and she is nothing short of inspiring. She’s the strongest woman I know. She sacrificed a lot and always put us first. We were her world and she ensured (and still ensures) that we knew it. In every way, she was our world. I look up to her, admire, and respect her. She embodied the type of mom and parenting style I always knew I wanted to have when I had kids. 

So, naturally, when we had our first baby, he became my everything – my heart, my soul, the reason I lived….everything. He came first and I made no secret of it and no apologies. 

My husband came from a home with a marriage. I always assumed that he came first to them, even though his experiences were different from mine.

A few times since our first son was born he communicated that he felt neglected by me and that we should come first with each other. I literally scoffed at him.

Was he a mad man? To think that I would put him above my kids – what kind of selfish mother did he want me to be? 

I didn’t completely disregard his feelings though, I tried my hardest to prioritize his needs but he always came second to our son and as we had more kids, he just kind of drifted down the ladder. 

But when we’re giving our everything to our kids, what are we leaving for our spouse?

After having a couple of meltdowns with him, I was forced into seeing the sense of his approach – when we aren’t in a good place – our kids aren’t in the best place. The same kids that I put first. 

I finally realized (thankfully not too late) that to ensure they get the best – we have to ensure that we were at our best.

The best thing my husband and I can do for our kids is to have a strong, healthy marriage and family environment. My mom (and single parents) do the best that they can in their situation. I was modeling my mom’s parenting style (single mom) in a completely different situation (a marriage).

Why It’s A Good Thing To Put Your Spouse First

you should put your spouse first - here's why

We eventually had a long conversation about the importance of putting one another first and my mind was honestly a little blown with the potential benefits:

You are your kids’ role models

They mimic everything they see you do. They are going to learn what a relationship looks like first hand from you. Don’t show them what you don’t want for them. Show them that the longevity of a happy marriage is more likely when you keep choosing each other and putting one another first. 

Teach them how teamwork makes the dream work

Show them how:

  • strong you are together.
  • much you achieve as a united front.
  • you help one another and support one another.
  • to use each other’s strengths and weaknesses to your advantage.

Teach them how to disagree and work it out

In my opinion, teaching kids how to handle disagreements is one of the most important lessons. Conflict resolution is a skill they can use throughout their lives. Allowing them to see first hand how it’s done in an effective and healthy manner will ensure that they are well equipped for when it arises in their lives. Teach them by example.

It makes them feel loved and secured

Putting our spouse first surrounds kids with love and warm fuzzy feelings. As corny as it sounds, your marriage exudes love and is infectious. They learn to treat each other with kindness. They want to be like us, so they sort out their quarrels among themselves in a different way. My younger son is hot-tempered. He may shout at his brother but in the end, he’s the one running him down (literally) to hug and kiss him to make up.

They aren’t the center of the universe and others matter a lot

Teaching kids that they are the center of your universe can be dangerous – they will enter the “real world” and not have the proper coping mechanisms when others don’t treat them that way. 

Tackle kids’ needs together. As a united front, put them first. Your spouse comes first to you and your kids come first to you and your spouse as a team. 

Just us – in the end

When the kids are grown, it’s just going to be us. We want to ensure that the spark is kept going so we can continue enjoying one another. Keeping the romance alive by putting your spouse first is critical to a long-lasting relationship.

Everyone wants to feel loved and important to someone else. Even the most self sufficient people. Wanting to be cared for by someone else doesn’t mean that you love yourself any less. Being loved and cared for is one of our basic human needs.

How To Put Your Partner First And Stay Connected

So, how can we show our spouse that we care and put them first? These are 10 ways that have done and continue to do wonders for our marriage. We still struggle, of course (who doesn’t) but for the most part we really put in the effort and we feel somewhat closer than we did before we had kids. I say somewhat because naturally, there IS going to be less time for one another.

Be attentive to your spouse’s needs and wants.

Learn to speak your spouse’s love language and learn yours.

Show appreciation for all the things your spouse does

When you have kids, it’s incredibly easy to neglect other things in life. They demand so much of your time and energy. Parenting doesn’t have to feel like a duty or a series of expectations from our spouse. A very simple show of gratitude goes such a long way to let your partner know how much you appreciate their efforts.

Respect one another

Respect starts from within. When we respect ourselves, it comes naturally to respect others. Have a high regard for yourself and for your spouse’s feelings and wishes.

As Aretha Franklyn sang, find out what it means to your spouse and let your spouse know what it means to you. 

Communicate honestly and openly

Ensure that healthy communication continues as our needs change as we grow. Being open and letting your spouse know, helps to adjust our approach with each other. This is also so critical when something isn’t right – it helps either party to reach out easier.

Handle misunderstandings as soon as possible – so that it doesn’t snowball 

Letting things fester is the correct formula for resentment. Nipping disagreements and misunderstanding in the bud fosters a good foundation for handling conflict.

Don’t sweat the small stuff 

Life happens! We all make mistakes and things definitely don’t always go according to plans. Learning the distinction between a small issue and a larger one is critical here. Forgetting to clear a glass one day isn’t that big of a deal but never clearing or cleaning up after yourself is a problem that needs attention.

Apologize and own your mistake 

Sincerely apologizing to your spouse reassures them that you are aware of your mistake, you own it and you’re not proud of it. It tells them that you’ve understood how your action hurt them or impacted negatively on them and that it wasn’t your intention. It brings hope and assurance that it’s unlikely to reoccur.   


I’ve learned recently that forgiveness starts with forgiving yourself. I’ve been easy to forgive others but I’ve never taken the time to truly forgive myself.

True forgiveness means that you’ve put it to rest and you’re giving your spouse or yourself a fair chance. 

When we bring up past behavior or hurt when your spouse is trying to adjust or make up for a mistake, it is so harmful to progress. Allow one another to work through the issue and the hurt (as individuals and together), forgive and then together make the decision to move on. 

Prioritize one on one time!

It’s hectic with kids and easier to just use the excuse of being tired. I say excuse because I’m a believer in “where there’s a will, there’s a way”.

For instance – put the kids to bed earlier, hire a baby sitter, plan a date at home, once they are only enough, let the kids play in their rooms so that you can have a movie morning or evening.

Let the kids grow up knowing that at particular times, it’s mom and dad’s time (similar to when it’s kids and family time). 

Put down the phone!

I know this is a tough one in the age that we live in – but it’s incredibly important. If I had a penny for every couple I’ve come across who feels neglected due to the partner’s screen time, I’d have financial freedom. 

When you’re intentionally putting your partner first, there’s no instant message that is more important. If something does come up, then be considerate enough to let your spouse know what’s going on – this removes or minimizes any possible feelings of neglect. Make it a habit to put down your phone when you are around your spouse and kids.

10 ways to stay connected to your spouse after kids

What’s your take on who should come first? Your spouse or your kids? I’d really like to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

Put Your Spouse Before Your Kids Read More »

How to Create Easy Routines for Mom

Easy Way To Create Routines for Moms

benefits of routines for families

You probably know by now that I love lists. I also love good routines, accountability and tracking progress. I love to see where I can improve. You get where this is going lol. All of these things keep me motivated and progressive, not to mention happy.

But my husband is the complete opposite. 

With a good push he’s amazing! What I noticed about him is that he does enough to get to a place of comfort and relaxes. That’s great once in a while. But we’re not where we are today by being too comfortable and not progressing to the next level. Together, we accomplish one goal and that’s not it! We enjoy realising and living the goal and then move on to the next. What has worked for us relies heavily on me. I take a dream we’ve shared, create goals, plan and establish routines and we form habits that align with achieving our goals and dreams.

But he has LOTS of personal dreams, many of which have remained as dreams or fantasies because he has no plan in place to achieve them. I realized that instead of spearheading our “dream to reality” projects, I should try to teach him how I do it so that he could live his dreams. 

We decided to work on one of his dreams and created goals, some routines, and accountability together. Having him go through the process from start to finish not only allowed him the benefit of understanding his dream better but it allowed him to work through exactly what needed to be done in order for him to achieve it. More than that, he was able to appreciate his efforts and achieving his dream meant more to him than anything we accomplished previously.

We followed the process I’ve outlined below. 

Understand the Importance of Routines

We started at the beginning. I was determined to break the preconceived notions he had about having and following a routine. 

Very simply, routines are actions we perform at certain times to complete certain tasks. They are relatively fixed but we can make changes and improvements along the way.

10 Ways Routines Benefit Your Family

When you drive to the grocery or take take a bus to the library, chances are you go pretty much the same way every time. This is a routine – it’s the path you take to achieve your goals. 

By creating and sticking to routines in your daily life you’ll be able to:

  • Form habits

Following a routine seamlessly evolves into a habit. For instance, if part of your night time routine or post dinner routine is to wash the wares or load the dishwasher, once you do it consistently over a period of time, it eventually becomes habitual – so much so that you may be preparing for bed and not remember that you did the dishes!

These habits are essential in leading you to achieving your goals. 

  • Free up time

Because you already spent the time to carve out your routine and prioritize certain events, you would no longer need to spend time wondering what to do next or if you forgot something. It may not sound like a lot of time can be saved here but as you start with your routines, you will be amazed with the increased efficiency and time saving benefits. This goes a long way to improve your productivity as you’re able to move to the next task easier and quicker.

Sometimes you don’t even realize how much time you‘re spending on details that don’t matter that much and leaving less time for things that mean more to you. For instance, maybe you’re spending too much time checking your emails or browsing on social media and that’s preventing you from doing something you say you have no time for (e.g. starting an exercise program). 

Google and Smarter time are FABULOUS tools for you to track and see where your time is going. 

  • Foster accountability & discipline

When you create your goals and fall short, you know that you are responsible. Of course everything is NOT in your control and you’re going to have off times and days. Apart from that though, on a regular day, you have to take stock of your actions, understand what went wrong and then make necessary adjustments.

  • Develop good habits (and break bad habits)

By creating a routine it allows you to recognize the habits that you want to eliminate or those that you want to improve upon. For instance, if your car is always filled with toys after a family trip – creating a routine where the kids (if they are old enough) pick up their toy(s) to take back to their playroom once you’re back at home will create good habits – they will eventually automatically pick up the toys when they’re coming out of the car. 

  • Prioritize 

When you consider the steps you take to create a routine, prioritization is a big one. 

Creating a routine forces you to see exactly what you do during the day and plan for what you would like to include (instead of something else or in addition). It could help you see how much more or less you could do of any particular action. It helps you get a good idea of where you can add in, for example, a hobby or exercise program.

  • Rely less on willpower 

Honestly, some days you just don’t have the motivation to do certain things – for me, it’s incorporating exercise.

If I make it a routine however, after some time of following that routine, it’s part of my day. I don’t think about it because that period has already been carved out for my exercise routine. This can work for you in the same way.

  • Build self confidence

You increase your self confidence with the sense of pride that comes along with simply creating the routine – you’ve put your priorities in order and you’re going to have a better handle on your life. From that your confidence only gets stronger as you stick to your routine and experience all the benefits that come along with it.

  • Achieve goals

Once you build your routines with your goals in mind, this is your result. By creating routines which turn into habits you arm yourself with everything you need to continue working towards that goal. 

  • Increase efficiency & productivity 

Due to the very nature of a routine, it enables you to do certain tasks repeatedly. 

We’ve all heard the saying – practice makes perfect. By consistently performing the actions or tasks you are able to strengthen your abilities. 

  •  Reduce stress

Having to remember all the things you need to do or perhaps worrying about having enough time to complete a task can be very stressful. The stress in turn can create anxiety in some of us. 

With a good routine in place you give your life the necessary structure to reduce and even eliminate tasks or “to do lists” which in turn reduces stress and anxiety. 

What are the Types of Routines?

Routines can be implemented for just about any part of your lives. From babies to the elderly, everyone can benefit from implementing routines. Some examples:

  • Morning routines
  • Night time routines
  • Weekend routines
  • Baby/Kid routine
  • Healthy routine 
  • Cleaning routine
how to easily create routines for moms and families

How to create a Routine that You Will Love and Stick to?

Before we get started, I want to emphasise that the most important aspects are to be realistic and flexible. You need to KNOW and accept that things will not always go according to plan and you should definitely take this into consideration (and when it happens, take a step back and regroup).

You’re more likely to be successful with a routine when you start small and keep it simple. Break up your large or ultimate goals into smaller goals. For instance – if your goal is to exercise daily, then start with a 7-minute workout program instead of reaching for an hour long, everyday program. 

Being realistic with yourself is key to improvement. Once you have formed a habit, increase the amount you do until you reach your ultimate goal. 

PRO TIP : start with mini routines. If for instance, your goal is to reduce screen time and replace with other activities throughout the day, start with reducing screen time in your morning routine. 

Once you have been successful, congratulate yourself! Give yourself credit for what you have accomplished and let that be your motivation to take it to the next step. 

Okay, so let’s start creating your routines! I’m going to walk you through the four steps I take when creating routines for my family.

  1. Be specific about the goal

After setting your goals, choose the goal you’re going to be creating the routine to achieve. Specificity brings much needed clarity to routine creation and the best way to do this is to write it down somewhere that you can reference often. 

  1. List activities

Make a list of everything you currently do and everything that needs to get done. This is similar to brainstorming – don’t worry about the order right now. Write down what comes to mind.

  1. Log your current times

This is such a useful step. Sometimes we think we have to get up earlier because we’re just not getting out the door in time to beat the traffic. But if we start by tracking our time before we leave the house, I’m sure we can find ways to reduce certain things (e.g. time spent on the phone or in the shower).

  1. Create your routine

Using the information from steps 2 & 3, you’re now ready to actually put your activities in order and make sense of it all. 

Don’t try to do too much too soon. If it’s too overwhelming, adjust one part of your current routine – e.g. for a morning routine, instead of changing the way you do everything, change the length of time you take to shower, for instance.

You can also get specific if you want here and add in times for each part of your routine. This can help to ensure that you’re allowing yourself enough time for everything.

8 tips to stay on track and stick to your routine

How to stick to Your Routine? 

Creating a routine is one part of the equation. Another equally, or possibly more important part is to stick to the routines. These are my best tips:

Develop self awareness and be realistic

Remember this is for YOUR benefit. You create it with YOUR priorities and goals in mind. It’s not a competition – it’s ok that the clothes are left unfolded if that is not high on your priority list – maybe spending time with your spouse is (this is actually one of ours). 

The ability to understand what you need and why you’re doing this will ensure that you are successful. 

Don’t compare yourself to anyone else

No two people have the same personality and lifestyle. Comparing therefore, only fuels frustration. On this note, also don’t download someone’s sample routine and try to stick to that. Use the sample purely as a guide – change one thing or change all things – it’s totally up to you! 

This is a step you’re taking to improve your life. It’s important to know your limitations AND when you can push yourself. 

Apps – calendar with reminders & log time app

We all need reminders, especially moms. With trying to juggle kids, house, career, marriage, self development etc, we simply don’t remember everything. I understand that not everyone is wired to love lists but it helps to get into the swing of things and soon enough you won’t need lists any more. 

One routine at a time

Again, don’t try to do it all at once. If you want to implement more than one routine (e.g. kids’ morning and evening routine) start with the morning, perfect it and then incorporate the evening routine.

Give it time & don’t give up 

We don’t expect a baby to come out running. We expect them to learn skills, get stronger, crawl, walk and then run. 

Similarly, getting into a routine and eventually turning activities into habits will take time but you will get there.

Consistency is also key. Most of us will struggle when we start – we may even fail. That’s okay! What’s not okay is quitting. Keep at it and you WILL see results.

Tweak short comings

If you’re consistently not getting into the routine, tweak it. Identify why it’s not working and change it.

Allow off days and mistakes

This is one that gets me! Having kids (especially young kids) means going with the flow sometimes. Sometimes you’re just too tired. Sometimes you get sick. It’s ok! Jump back in when you can.

Celebrate your wins 

When you’ve accomplished something – congratulate yourself and celebrate! It was hard work and you didn’t give up – recognize it.

Remember this is for you! You’ve got this!

Have you had trouble creating routines that help you achieve your goals? Or have you found your own steps to create and stick to routines? I would love to hear from you guys, leave a comment below about your experiences. 

How to Create Easy Routines for Mom Read More »

Express Entry Canada

Simple Overview for Canada’s Express Entry

Simple Overview of Canada’s Express Entry for Permanent Residence

DIY Guide for Canada's Express Entry

Disclaimer: This is the process we followed and the resources we used for our application to Canada’s Express Entry System. We are not immigration lawyers and we do not represent the Canadian Government.

In my first post, I mentioned that I hoped I would get the opportunity to share a journey and I’m so excited to be able to share our experience emigrating to Canada.

We applied through Canada’s Express Entry System for Federal Skilled Workers and after just 8 months, we received our Canadian Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) visa and will be landing in Canada soon.

There are various ways to get a permanent residence (PR) visa to emigrate to Canada. The first step, therefore, was to decide which route was best for our family.

Simple Overview of Canada's Express Entry for Federal Skilled Workers



Overview of Canada’s Express Entry System

Canada’s Express Entry is an online system that allows skilled workers to apply for permanent residence.

We choose skilled workers based on their skills and ability to contribute to Canada’s economy.

Express Entry manages applications for three economic immigration programs:

Federal Skilled Worker Program

Federal Skilled Trades Program

Canadian Experience Class

After reviewing the different ways, we decided to apply through the Express Entry System as Federal Skilled Workers. This DIY guide will therefore focus only on this program.


Steps and Resources for Federal Skilled Worker Express Entry

These are the steps we took and the resources we used throughout the application process:

1. NOC Code

To be eligible for Express Entry you must have previous work experience in the required National Occupation Code (NOC). Additionally, your work experience must be in Skill Type or Level 0 (managerial jobs), A (professional jobs) or B (technical jobs and skilled trades). It must also have been paid work for one (1) continuous year within the last ten (10) years for you to be eligible for this program.

Ensuring your selected NOC code is accurate is critical to approval. Some job titles and responsibilities may be difficult to match so it’s crucial to spend time properly researching.

2. Eligibility

To determine eligibility, IRCC uses a six selection factor point grid and candidates must score at least 67 out of 100 to be considered for the Federal Skilled Workers Program.

We checked our eligibility for the program by answering the online questionnaire which covers many areas including age, education, work experience, language skills, size of family and relatives in Canada.

3. Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS score)

Once you’ve passed the six selection factors and have entered the pool of eligible candidates, IRCC then ranks the applicants based on a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS).

So, our next step was to check where we may rank, before proceeding.

4. Express Entry Rounds of Invitations

IRCC holds rounds of invitations where they invite the highest-ranking candidates to apply for permanent residence.

We decided to do some additional research by checking the current and past draws or round of invitations trend to see where we might rank in the pool of candidates.

5. Proof of Funds

IRCC requires each applicant to have a specified amount of funds to settle in Canda as a newcomer.

To meet this requirement we got our bankers to prepare proof of funds documents and we ensured that we had sufficient funds for the various fees (IELTS, WES, Medical exam, Police Certificates, and permanent residence fees).

6. Language Skills Test

Canada has two official languages – English and French, and it is necessary to prove competence in at least one of them through an approved language test. You must score CLB 7 or above to be eligible to apply.

We decided on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) which tests writing, reading, listening and speaking. We also perused many online resources (including youtube videos) to prepare for the test.

TIP: IELTS results are valid for up to two years, therefore it is best to schedule the IELTS exam when you know you’re in a position to start your application. 

7. Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)

IRCC requires an ECA report, which confirms the Canadian equivalency for your foreign level of education. For this reason, your foreign academic qualifications must be assessed through one of the recommended organizations.

We eventually chose World Education Services (WES). The process was simple and upon completion, we received our ECA fairly quickly and with no hiccups.

8. Express Entry Profile

Once we had our IELTS results and our ECA report, we created and submitted an Express Entry profile, entered the pool of eligible candidates and waited for the rounds of invitations.

We waited 3 months before receiving an invitation to apply.

Invitation to Apply (ITA) and Electronic Application for Permanent Residency (e-APR)

DIY guide for Canada's Express Entry for Federal Skilled Workers

After we received our invitation to apply (ITA) we proceeded with our Permanent Residence application (e-APR) through our account. We had sixty (60) days to submit our application which was sufficient to gather all the required documents.

The ITA letter provides all the necessary details and document requirements to complete your e-APR which may include:

IRCC also provides all the necessary guidelines for required documents (those listed above and any others that may be deemed necessary for your application).

Acknowledgment of Receipt (AOR)

IRCC sent an Acknowledgment of Receipt (AOR) after we submitted our online application. This letter confirms that IRCC has received your application and will contact you if necessary.

TIP: Ensure that IRCC emails are whitelisted because IRCC may request additional documents at any time.

Final Request for Permanent Residence Visa (PPR)

The final request email provides instructions for the next step which is getting your Permanent Residence Visa in your passport. We were required to submit our passports and photos to our local visa processing office.

Processing time for this step varies and is dependant on the visa office.

Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) Visa

When IRCC processed and returned our COPR visas, they also sent a package detailing our next steps and landing information.

Overall Experience

The immigration process is definitely a lengthy and detailed one. However, it is possible to complete the process on your own as Canada has made the process as simple as possible. IRCC provides all the necessary information on their website and this accessibility ensured we had a really good and rewarding experience.

The processing time from AOR to PPR is typically six (6) months, with some applications processed in a shorter or longer time frame. Our application took four (4) months and IRCC didn’t ask for any additional documents during that time.

I hope this has been helpful and if you are going through or thinking of applying to Canada, leave me a comment below. I’d love to chat!

Also, stay tuned for our experience as we prepare to migrate, land and settle into our new home 🙂

Simple Overview for Canada’s Express Entry Read More »