50 Questions About Yourself To Get to Know You Better

50 questions to find your best self. 50 questions to ask to find my best self

Try these 50 questions to ask yourself when you feel lost, for personal growth, and to find your best self. After answering these 50 questions you will have a better understanding of yourself and what you need.

It’s always great to pause and check-in with yourself to see how you can improve and grow.

Live can get so busy and sometimes we lose touch with who we are or who we’ve become.

We’re ever-changing, which is a fantastic thing! The key is to be intentionally aware of ourselves and always be mindful of who we are and what makes us happy and fulfilled.

Once you know what you want, goal setting and realizing your dreams become so much easier. How? Because you know exactly what you want and how to get there.

I have found these 50 questions to find my best self to be so fundamental to answering key questions about myself. They allow me to remember who I am and how I have changed.

Also, very importantly, they guide me to improve myself and take the path I need to find my best self and live my best life! And really, isn’t that our ultimate goal?

50 Questions About Yourself To Ask

  1. Do I feel happy?
  2. What can I do to improve my happiness?
  3. Am I prioritizing my life in line with what makes me happy? What can I improve?
  4. What do I love about myself and my life?
  5. Can I list 5 of my favorite things about myself?
  6. What am I grateful for?
  7. Am I practicing enough self care?
  8. Do I practice enough self love?
  9. Am I enjoying peace in my life?
  10. Am I confident?
  11. How can I become more confident?
  12. Do I have healthy self esteem?
  13. How can I improve my self esteem?
  14. How do I describe myself?
  15. Do I have a positive mindset?
  16. How can I improve my positivity?
  17. Am I having fun?
  18. Am I holding on to any past hurt that is preventing me from progressing?
  19. What can I forgive myself for today?
  20. Do I enjoy how I’m spending time?
  21. How can I increase the amount of time I have for myself?
  22. How can I improve my daily habits and routines?
  23. What means the most to me?
  24. Who are the people in my life who make me feel happy and loved?
  25. Who are the people I spend the most time interacting with? Are they the ones who make me feel the happiest and enrich my life the most?
  26. Am I the type of person I would like to have around?
  27. What do I dislike about my life?
  28. What upsets me and is making me unhappy?
  29. How can I change what is making me unhappy?
  30. How can I improve or what would I like to change about myself?
  31. What negative mindsets do I need to remove?
  32. What was I doing one year ago?
  33. Am I happy and satisfied with the progress I’ve made in the last year?
  34. How can I make this year better?
  35. Do I have dreams to accomplish within this year?
  36. What are my short term goals?
  37. What are my long term goals?
  38. Are my short term goals aligned with my long term goals?
  39. Are my priorities aligned with my short term and long term goals?
  40. What am I doing to reach my goals?
  41. What do I want to learn next?
  42. Am I challenging myself enough?
  43. Who or what inspires me?
  44. What can I learn from my inspirations and adapt to my life?
  45. What are my fears?
  46. Am I embracing and addressing my fears?
  47. How am I spending money?
  48. Am I saving money for my future?
  49. Do I prioritize taking care of my mental health?
  50. Am I satisfied with how I’m taking care of my medical & physical health?

50 Life Questions To Get To Know Yourself Better

I hope you have found this list of 50 questions about yourself useful. These questions will help you improve your self awareness and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

If they’ve helped you, try to do a few of them daily to check in with yourself. Over time, you will experience personal growth and gain more insight into the areas of your life you’d like to improve on.

If you’d like to explore more, try these 99 self reflection questions to live a happier life.

Happy soul searching 🙂

Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey:

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