Easy Daily Routine Checklists For Kids

daily routine checklist for kids - morning checklist for kids - evening checklist for kids

A daily checklist for kids is amazing to teach kids responsibility and for them to learn to become more independent.

Following daily morning and evening routine checklists for kids are an easy way to make mornings and evenings run smoother.

Of course, it also follows that when you get your morning off to a great start, your day is more likely to be a great and productive one.

Ending your day with structure and preparing for the next morning with an even routine is also very beneficial to have a great night so you can wake up energized and fresh.

Depending on the age of your child, it can be fun to let them fill out their own routine and decorate it.

You can also print and laminate this so you can easily change things depending on the time of year or changing circumstances in your life.

Grab the free morning routine and evening routine checklists printable

    Easy Morning Checklist For Kids To Have A Productive Day

    What Are Some Morning And Evening Routines For Kids

    Your kids’ morning routine checklist will be different depending on your child’s age and whether it’s vacation or school (in person, virtual or homeschool).

    Here are some easy ideas for you to include in your kids’ morning routine:

    • Say morning prayer
    • Brush teeth
    • Make the bed
    • Get Dressed
    • Breakfast
    • Clear table
    • Brush teeth
    • Shower
    • Off load dishwasher
    • Feed pet
    • Help pack lunch box
    • Get books ready for school
    • Put on shoes

    How Do I Make A Morning Routine Checklist?

    To make the best morning checklist and evening checklist for your kids, get your child involved in creating it.

    Kids are more likely to follow the routine if they had an input in the process and helped make it.

    To create your personalized daily routine for kids:

    • start by jotting down all the activities in the order that you need your kids to complete
    • Then, assign times to each activity
    • Download the free kids’ checklist template from my freebie library and follow the easy instructions below.

    Free Printable Daily Routine Checklist For Kids

    Free Printable Daily Routine Checklists For Kids - morning checlist for kids - evening checklist for kids

    Download the free Daily Routine Checklist for Kids, Now

      To create your own daily morning and evening routine checklist for your kids, simply:

      • Ensure that your kids help during the process
      • Download the free routine checklist in the freebie library
      • Print the free morning routine checklist
      • Laminate or use a self laminating sheet
      • Use a dry erase marker to write in the routine checklist for your child’s morning and evening routines
      • Hang your kids’ morning routine checklist where it’s visible and easy for your child to check off what they’ve done

      You can also use pictures instead of words or in addition to words if your child has not begun reading yet. It can also help them to learn new words.

      And, that’s it! Now you have a daily routine checklist for your kid to follow.

      Empowering your child to follow a morning routine and check off the completed activities will make it super fun and help to teach them how to be responsible.

      This free daily routine checklist for kids can be used for:

      • Morning Checklist For Kids School
      • Morning Routine Checklist For Toddlers And Kids
      • Evening routine checklist for kids
      • Homeschool routine checklist
      • Summer daily routine checklist

      Why Use A Kid’s Daily Routine Checklist

      Routines can teach kids responsibility and help them to develop healthy habits.

      By doing the same activities at the same time on mornings, they will eventually do things automatically.

      This will make mornings go much smoother and easier on everyone. To ensure you get the most out of your kids morning routine it’s important to get a good night’s rest.

      Chat with your kids about the benefits of having a routine as well as why each activity is important.

      Be sure to explain how each activity should be done properly before they get to check it off their list.

      Help them for as long as they need until they can get through the morning routine checklist on their own.

      Repetition is key for their daily checklist activities to become routine and easy for them to complete.

      The accomplished feeling that comes along with being in charge of their morning routine activities will motivate them to become independent sooner than you think.

      I’d love to hear how well this has worked for you! Be sure to come back to update me in the comments below.

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