Third Month Blog Report

3rd month | 1st quarter blog report curly bun mom

Curly Bun Mom is three months old! I can’t believe I’ve just completed my first quarter!

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This month knocked my socks right off. I’m still in disbelief and feel like I’m gonna wake up from a dream – a really, really great dream.

Before I get to my performance review and analytics, I need to make a super special mention of Suzi, from Start a Mom Blog. Her incredible free resources are what got me excited at the possibilities of becoming a mom blogger. When I decided to give it a go, I invested in her Blog by Number Ebook and in her signature, AH-MAZING Blog by Number course. Guys, there’s so much value in her courses that I recommend her resources and courses even if you’ve already started blogging.

What’s insane is that I was so close to stepping away from my blog while the kids were home as I know that I’d have to be prime on homeschooling my 6 and 4 year old, plus continue with my stay at home mom duties with my 1 year old. I’m absolutely thrilled that my husband convinced me against stepping back and instead, we’ve worked out a schedule where I’d be able to continue with all that I had planned for April It’s a bumpy road, to say the least, but we’re working and tweaking things as we go.

Before continuing, why not read about my first month and second month of blogging 🙂

Looking for more ways to make money as a stay at home mom? Check out the best jobs for stay at home moms.

Third Month Blog Goals

This month was dedicated to increasing blog traffic and increasing Pinterest traffic. This report will look at March’s performance as well as touch on the first quarter.

As you would remember from last month, I continued to set my goals conservatively. To recap,

March 2020 goals: 

  • Blog page views: 3500
  • Blog sessions: 1500
  • Pinterest followers: 225
  • Pinterest unique monthly viewers: 45k
how i increased mom blog traffic by 211 % in one month

Third Month & First Quarter Blog Performance

Pageviews & Sessions

Let’s start things off with the quarterly performance report. It’s so rewarding and exciting to see how much I’ve been able to accomplish within three months:

  • 14.8 K Pageviews
  • 3.8 K Sessions
  • 1.7 K Users
Curly Bun Mom's 1st quarter Blog Traffic Performance - March 2020
Curly Bun Mom’s 1st Quarter Blog Traffic Performance – March 2020

3rd Month Pageviews

  • Pageviews of 3500 surpassed: from 3282 – 10,434

10,434 pageviews! WHATTT!!! I’m still so shocked, excited, elated….I could go on but let me not get too sidetracked.

I remember researching “how to gain traffic” in February and feeling a bit deflated when I compared my results to others that I was seeing. Of course, that was for what seemed like a split second, then I was back to keeping my eye on MY prize and not anyone else’s. This strategy obviously worked very well for me.

I toyed with the idea of jumping on the wagon of blogging about current events but decided against it for two main reasons – I felt that it would have been so saturated and also I just didn’t take the time to write anything new. I poured a lot of my energy into ensuring my family were all adjusting well to the social distancing situation and of course, answering the millions of questions that my 6 year old had.

Let’s take a look at the Pageviews screenshot first. I’d say that I’m pretty steady now at about 420 daily views. In March, there were a couple of days where I crossed 500 and I’ll continue to monitor to see if it’s on the same day of the week. A pattern will definitely help me to plan for higher traffic days.

Curly Bun Mom's Blog Traffic Performance - March 2020
Curly Bun Mom’s Blog Traffic Performance – March 2020

Most of my traffic comes from Pinterest and awesome Facebook Communities. I actually have a couple of posts that are ranking at #1 on Google for my topic – whether people are searching for it I guess is another story. But to see my posts at number 1 with millions of Google results is an indescribable feeling, for sure!

first google snippet - how to prioritize when everything is important mom - curly bun mom
Curly Bun Mom’s first Google snippet
#1 google search result for never too late to learn to love yourself - curly bun mom
Curly Bun Mom – #1 result for “Never Too Late to Learn to Love Yourself
Curly Bun Mom #1 result for “Becoming a SAHM MBA wasted?”

The following screenshot gives a good comparison of Feb & March 2020. As you can see everything increased but notably my pageviews increased by an astounding 211%.

Curly Bun Mom’s Google Analytics Second & Third Month Comparison – March 2020

April 2020 goals

For April, I’m going to set my pageview goals a little higher than I usually do because I’m going to continue to be consistent with my strategy and hope it continues to pay off in April.

  • Pageviews: 13,500
  • Sessions: 2,500

Pinterest Performance

As with pageviews, let’s start things off with the quarterly performance report.

  • 222 K Pageviews
  • 166 K Total Audience
  • 10 K Engagements
Curly Bun Mom's 1st Quarter Overall Pinterest Performance - March 2020
Curly Bun Mom’s 1st Quarter Overall Pinterest Performance – March 2020
how to increase pinterest link clicks by 335% in one month mom blog
  • Followers goal of 225 surpassed : 203 – 260 followers
  • Unique monthly viewers goal of 45k surpassed: 45K – 91K

As always, Pinterest’s “vanity” numbers make me feel like a rockstar! There’s lots of talk that impressions don’t mean much but hey! It makes me feel motivated and boosts me to reach higher – that alone makes it mean a lot to me. I also still believe that it’s important in terms of your pin being visible to more people and so it increases the chances of it being clicked.

My strategy was pretty simple for me – I really put in a good effort to pin at least one new pin every day. I missed a couple of days but all in all, I’d say that, judging from my Pinterest analytics, I was successful.


This first screenshot shows my overall performance for March 2020. On March 31st, I pinned a pin as an experiment and while it didn’t go viral, I received a lot of impressions and engagements relatively quickly.

3rd month pinterest analytics report - curly bun mom blog
Curly Bun Mom’s Overall Pinterest Performance – March 2020


This second screenshot shows that engagements followed a similar trend as my overall performance. Both engagements and engaged audience was up from last month at 56 % and 63% respectively.

3rd month pinterest analytics - curly bun mom blog
Curly Bun Mom’s Pinterest Engagement Performance – March 2020

Link Clicks

As I know all too well, my problem lies with link clicks. As you can very clearly see, the pin on March 31, 2020 that got the highest impressions and engagements for the month, got one of the lowest number of link clicks for the month.

However, I’m not too bummed because overall my link clicks increased from 321 in February to 1397 in March which is a 335% increase! Can’t be mad at that at all 🙂

Curly Bun Mom's Pinterest Link Click Performance Analytics report
Curly Bun Mom’s Pinterest Link Click Performance – March 2020

Goals for April 2020

  • Followers: 300
  • Unique monthly viewers: 95K
  • Impressions: 100K
  • Create new pins regularly
  • Improve number of link clicks on pins

I’m proud of my performance so far and I’m totally excited about the next month and next quarter.

I hope this has helped to get a good idea of what a third month blog traffic report can look like with a lot of hard work and determination. I’d love to hear from you! – What was your experience in your third month?

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4 thoughts on “Third Month Blog Report”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your blog report. I love looking at these and seeing how well people are doing. I am in my second month of really working my blog (I’ve had it awhile, just haven’t really gotten down and dirty with working on it!), and I love seeing metrics that are not just income. Building followers and an audience is just as important!

    1. I’m glad you liked it Aimee. I totally agree! Before I started my blog, I would see lots of posts about how to make X amount in one month and I really would have loved to get a realistic idea of how the first year can look for a new blogger. So, I really hope to help someone looking into blogging.

      I definitely need to do some work with building my social media lol.

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