Self Development

How to Find Mom Motivation For Tired Moms

How To Find Mom Motivation For Tired Moms

mom motivation, motivation for moms, how to stay motivated as a mom

Finding mom motivation as tired moms can sometimes feel like a superpower you just don’t have.

As a tired mom, you somehow find the motivation needed to care for everyone, even when exhausted, drained, and overwhelmed.

To some, it seems that motivation comes easily for me. I consider myself a go-getter and more often than not, I don’t like letting obstacles defeat me. But really, it’s a struggle to find mom motivation as a mom of three young kids.

There are days when I feel like doing nothing! 

Sometimes I struggle to get out of my pj’s and I go through the motions of the day only because I have to! 

From time to time, the laundry piles up because the thought of folding and putting away another basket of clothes feels apocalyptic.

Some days I want to quit because something is too difficult or because I’m comfortable enough and feel like I don’t need to be doing anything more. 

Sometimes, especially when I’m tired and drained, I need the motivation to get motivated! 

This happens to all of us at some point and I personally don’t know anyone who has never gotten into a slump or a bad place. 

To figure out and overcome your motivational slump as a tired mom, it’s important to figure out what the issues are, what drives you, and how to get back to that place. I have some awesome tips to get you motivated!

These motivational tips have worked for me and for other people I’ve shared them with.

Learn How to Get Motivated Easily

What is Mom Motivation & Why is it Important? 

I thought it would be best to start off by exploring exactly what motivation means and why it’s so important to us.

According to Very Well Mind, motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation is what causes you to act.

Motivation involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behavior. In everyday usage, the term motivation is frequently used to describe why a person does something.

Motivation plays a critical role in goal setting, following through, being persistent (especially when met with adversity) and working hard to achieve those goals. 

From this definition, it’s clear why tired moms need a little extra motivational boost from time to time.

4 Benefits of Being Motivated When You’re A Tired Mom

1. Get pumped and raring to go!

Naturally, when we get excited and pumped up, we’re in a fantastic state of mind and get the energy boost that’s needed to tackle our tasks. This is especially important when you have a never ending mom to do list!

2. Greater chances of being happy and successful

When moms are motivated, they work hard and push through even when things get tough. Mom motivation helps you to find ways to work through and past obstacles. 

3. Mom Motivation is an awesome fear killer. 

Being a motivated mom helps to drown out negative thoughts and lack of self-confidence. This is important for our self love and self care journey which in turn, increases your ability to give the best to your kids and family.

4. Mom motivation fosters the best environment for innovation and brilliant ideas. 

As a mom, when you are met with any obstacle, being motivated enables you to think outside of the box. This often leads to innovative ideas and a better quality of life.

Why Do Tired Moms Struggle With Motivation

Fear of failure

Sometimes you’re your own worst enemy. Our inner critic can wreak havoc on our lives. We tell ourselves that we can’t do something so much that we believe it and don’t even try. 

Too comfortable 

Sometimes you get to that sweet comfortable spot in life and stay there. In these times, you may only be motivated by big or negative things, such a losing something or someone. 

The fact of the matter is though that growth happens when we get out of our comfort zone and challenge ourselves. 

Too difficult

Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy right? You work hard for the things that mean the most to you. But, when things get tough, it’s easy to feel to quit and try to be content with our current circumstances. 

Even when we fail, we have to get back up and try again. You have to practice and stick with something to get better and  through practicing, more often than not find a much better way of doing things. 

Goal not realistic and clear

Having a realistic goal is key for staying motivated. You’re setting yourself up for failure when you set an unrealistic goal.

You’re either going to get demotivated when you’re not reaching your goal, or you’re going to quit because it’s too unattainable.

Being realistic doesn’t mean that you aren’t reaching for the stars – it’s sensible to ensure that you are on the path to reach for the stars.

Being clear about your goals provides the necessary direction and drive. It helps you to map your road to success.  

Too many goals

Having many goals isn’t a bad thing but starting with too many goals at the same time is a recipe for chaos and can be overwhelming, which will inevitably demotivate you.

This is where streamlining and prioritizing are beneficial – you can focus on what’s important and what you can handle now before moving on to another goal.

12 Ways to Get Yourself Motivated

12 Ways To Stay Motivated For Tired Moms

The following tips have successfully kept me going and pulled me out of many slumps and bumps along the way. These motivation tips for tired moms will give you the boost you need when you feel overwhelmed.

1. Right Mindset

Perhaps the most important motivation tip for moms is to get the right mindset. Find your why. Once you understand why you are doing or have to do something, it’s a game changer.

Sometimes, just figuring out your why gives you the motivation you need. Sometimes, it’s the starting point and you’re able to progress from there.

2. Your motivation

Figure out what gets you motivated, gets you going, and what makes you feel accomplished.

Naturally, this isn’t the same for everyone so spend some quality time with yourself and find out your motivation. Is it happiness, success, money, love?

When you know what your motivation is, it’s easier to find and keep your mom motivation.

3. Read something motivational and inspiring

I love reading motivational and inspiring quotes. I also love reading positive affirmations daily and it has been working wonders in helping me to stay motivated with homeschooling and just mom life in general.

This has never failed me.

Sometimes, I also read some inspiring experiences from other moms and that usually gives me a boost. Other times, I simply look at my accomplishments to find inspiration. 

4. Goal setting

Once I set a goal, small or large it helps me find my motivation. Something about setting a goal and mapping out the route of getting there motivates me.

When you feel overwhlemed or feel like you’re in a rut, aim to set small goals and don’t forget to reward yourself. Once you’ve accomplished your goal, take it up a notch, and keep going.

5. Plan Your Day

I love routines. Especially with young kids, routines keep our home running as smoothly as possible.

However, there are things that you need to do that are outside of your normal routine. Take some time the night before or even in the morning, to plan your day.

6. Practice Daily Self-care

A mom can easily lose motivation if she is burned out and exhausted from seeing about everyone else in the family.

This is where self care comes in and is so important. Make it a habit to practice self care daily. Take a few minutes every day to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.

7. Get Enough Sleep

Being a tired mom will most definitely lead to feeling unmotivated. Getting enough rest will enable you to get up ready for your day as opposed to getting up feeling sluggish and just going through the motions.

A good evening and nighttime routine can set you up to have restful, quality sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, these are some great natural sleep tips for moms and kids!

8. Eat A Balanced Diet

Fueling your body with healthy choices prepares your mind and body for your day. It balances your hormones and helps with fatigue and your mood. These go a long way in ensuring your mom motivation is intact.

Maintaining a balanced diet therefore helps you to have the motivation to tackle your daily tasks with the attention that is necessary to accomplish everything you set out to do. 

9. Exercise

I know this might be one of the things that you need some serious mom motivation to start. You’re definitely not alone. Exercising can certainly feel like a chore.

One of the best things about exercising though is that the benefits are immediate.

When you exercise you’re balancing our hormones, which makes our mood better and we’re simultaneously increasing our energy levels.

As with everything else, if this is a struggle for you – start small!

You certainly don’t have to start with an hour-long exercise program – you actually never have to even get to that level. Start with just 10 minutes a day. You will be pleasantly surprised with how motivated you feel after working out.

10. Get Sufficient Water

Getting enough water seems to have endless benefits for our minds and bodies.

To name a few – it’s the best hydrator, it helps with energy levels, it promotes healthy skin and it aids with digestion. It really keeps us at our best. 

11. Music Motivation

Music fuels our souls! I love cranking up some of my favorite upbeat songs pretty much all the time!

Music is magical because it has the power to change a bad or stressful mood and make daunting tasks go by quickly and more enjoyable. 

So, next time you feel overwhelmed and demotivated, try cranking up your favorite motivational tunes and just dance! This can also work as a form of exercise: win-win!

12. Change Of Scenery

If you can, get out of the house for a bit!

Even if you don’t feel like going far, just get out for some fresh air. If it’s possible go for a walk and that way you get some exercise and some fresh air. 

A change of scenery can be a much needed break to declutter your mind and get your mindset right!

Motivation For Tired Moms

I hope these motivation tips for tired moms help you to find your motivation and stay motivated so that you can continue to be super mom 🙂

I’d love to hear from you – what gets you motivated or what do you struggle with? 

Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey:

How to Find Mom Motivation For Tired Moms Read More »

How To Prioritize Your Life

How to Prioritize Your Life

how to prioritize as a mom
setting priorities as a mom 
how to set priorities as a mom

Learning how to prioritize your life is key to living a happier life.

When you learn the art of how to prioritize when everything is important and urgent your life will drastically change.

You will be able to accomplish the goals and dreams that are important to you instead of constantly putting your needs and wants last, by default.

At times, life can be extremely overwhelming and chaos can throw you way off course from even the simpliest goals.

I enjoy making family and friends happy. I love helping and supporting them.

But I realized that because I wasn’t being intentional with prioritizing my other needs as well, my life became consumed with helping others.

It honestly sucked the joy out of my life for a while because only one set of needs were being prioritized and met and they weren’t mine. 

Today, I’m sharing the best tips that helped me prioritize my life which led to a happier life. Let me help you learn to organize and prioritize your life.

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How To Decide Your Priorities

To prioritize your life, the first step is to align your lifestyle with your the most important goals and activites in your lfie.

This is key to increasing productivity in all aspects of your life, as it will help you to create a sensible, practical, and rewarding “to-do list”. 

Setting priorities in life is also necessary when it comes to marriage and relationships with your loved ones.

Good examples are disagreements caused because spouses don’t share priorities with one another. And I don’t mean that you don’t have the same priorities – It’s certainly okay to have different priorities but sharing your priorities with each other is beneficial.

The thing is that life isn’t predictable! Of course, there are going to be days where nothing goes according to plan and nothing on your to-do list gets completed or even touched.

Especially in these times, it’s important to accept that some priorities will change along the way, sometimes even day-to-day.

The great news is that once you have a solid system in place to set priorities as a mom, you’re good to go. 

The most significant benefit of learnning how to set your priorities in life to be in line with your goals is that you will be able to give more quality attention to the things that matter the most.  

How To Prioritize People In Your Life

What has been working for me is setting my goals first and then aligning my priorities.

While I have personal dreams and aspirations, making my family happy means the most to me. It’s what keeps me going and brings me the most joy. So, they’re my number one priority – always

While they are always my main priority, they are not my sole priority.

My personal dreams and goals are a very close second and now that I’ve been prioritizing them, it is never an issue to ensure that I have a balance with those sets of priorities. 

In fact, they typically go hand in hand – once everyone’s happy, I get the cooperation and support that I need to get my stuff done. So it’s definitely a win-win. 

For example, if my husband and I need to reconnect, I drop my chore list and I spend more time with him. If my kids need a little more snuggle time (sometimes all day on Sunday) that becomes my main priority. Sometimes, chores suffer and work gets pushed back a bit but my weekly schedule is adjusted and I get support to catch up on what lagged. 

The Best Way To Organize and Prioritize Your Life

The #1 and the easiest way to set priorities as a mom and prioritize your mom to do lists and day to day tasks is by using the Eisenhower’s matrix.

It “helps you decide on and prioritize tasks by urgency and importance, sorting out less urgent and important tasks which you should either delegate or not do at all.”

The first step is to identify what is important. Next decide on the order. To do this, ask yourself these questions:

1. What is important?

Start by writing down everything that comes to mind, in no particular order. 

2. How can I categorize my needs and wants?

Then, create categories and start placing everything. Since I’m working on prioritizing my needs along with my immediate family’s, I use the following:

ME: Putting other people first is second nature to being a mom. But it also allows us to get comfortable with pushing our needs so far that we lose sight of it. So, for five minutes I only think of myself – my health, my dreams & goals.

Hubby & kids: happiness and needs. Marriage is a constant work in progress. So we’re always mindful to prioritize it and never take it for granted. 

Others: friends, appointments, obligations. 

3. What is urgent 

Then pinpoint the order of urgency for each. Ask yourself these:

What makes me the happiest?

What must be completed to ensure I’m happy? And what is currently standing in my way?

An example for me is wanting to become fit but using the excuse that I have no time. But what’s truly standing in my way? When I figure that out, shifting less important and less urgent things makes prioritizing easier. 

Always ask yourself – What am I prioritizing to make others happy and is it aligned with my goals? Should I be saying no to some of these and focus on my needs and wants?

set priorities as a mom & prioritize as a mom

How To Prioritize Your Life Tasks

So, now that we have our technique, how do we put this together to prioritize as a busy mom? 

Basically, you’re going to categorize your tasks based on importance and urgency (using the guidelines outlined above).

1. Important & Urgent – do these now

These are the tasks that are going to add the most value to your life. They are aligned with your goals and dreams and need attention first.

2. Important & Not urgent – schedule these. 

These are tasks that add value to your life but are less time-sensitive and be scheduled. Quite a few tasks typically fall in this category and are easier to manage with the use of a calendar and reminders.  

3. Not Important & urgent – delegate or outsource these. 

While these tasks are deemed urgent to others, they’re less urgent and important to you. They’re less aligned with your goals and take up unnecessary time and effort. They add little to no value to your life but nonetheless, they need to be completed. An example of this is a request from someone other than your immediate family.

4. Not important & Not urgent – do later or not at all

These are activities that are time wasters.

These are the usual suspects when we claim to have “no time” to get important things done – like quality time with loved ones or exercising.

Activities like mindlessly scrolling through social media or binge-watching tv every day, all-day and gaming fall into this category. 

Once we have our priorities set, creating our to-do lists, planning and scheduling becomes much easier and more pragmatic.

how to prioritize your life as a mom. how to set priorities as a mom & prioritize as a mom
prioritize your life so the most important things get done first

Final Thoughts On How To Prioritize Life

Now that you know how to prioritize your life, it’s time to put it into action and get the most important things done first!

Remember, being busy doesn’t prevent you from achieving your dreams and goals

  • Not prioritizing effectively as a mom prevents you
  • Placing importance on things that aren’t that important to you prevent you. 
  • Excuses prevent you. 

But with a great effective and efficient technique to prioritize as a mom, you can enjoy life even more.

What about you? How do you prioritize? And do you make it a habit of prioritizing your needs? I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below with your experiences, questions, and suggestions. 

Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey:

How To Prioritize Your Life Read More »

Set Goals the Guarantee Success

How To Set Goals For better Success – 10 Proven Steps

how To Set Goals That You Will Achieve – 10 Step guide

Set goals that guarantee success

Your goals are the stepping stones to achieving your dreams. When you set goals that guarantee success, you provide yourself with focus and motivation to continue on the path to your dream. In essence, it’s your action plan.

When I was younger I had lots of dreams – I mean lots! I had so many that they overwhelmed and frustrated me because I had no idea how to make them a reality.

I heard the same type of motivational advice –  “follow your dreams”, “dream big”, “you can do anything”. But I had no guidance as to how I was supposed to actually achieve any of those dreams.

Through a lot of trial and error, I’ve been able to learn proper goal setting routines that have been life-changing. Not only have I been able to achieve many of my dreams, but the road hasn’t been as scary or overwhelming.

With my goal setting strategy I’ve made what felt like impossible fantasies, realities. I’ve gained so much confidence in my abilities and it’s helped me tackle even bigger dreams because I know this works!

Bulletproof Goal Setting Strategy - 10 steps that guarantee success

10 steps to set goals that You Will Achieve

Ok, so let’s dive into this process. These are the ten steps I take to set every goal in my life (no matter how big or small). I’ve used them time and again to motivate and guide myself to successfully reach my goals.

1. Goal determination

First, you have to start with a selected dream.

My dream helps me sculpt my goals. When my dream was to become a homeowner, I set many goals for myself and for our family to get us there.

It involved smaller goals such as – setting a budget, cutting costs and decluttering. The dream is your endgame – it’s the purpose of your goals and routines.

Then write a list of all the goals needed to achieve your dream (in no specific order, for now).

A visual representation of our dreams and goals, instead of keeping them in your head, allows you to be precise and logical especially when it comes to creating a plan to attain that dream.

2. Be specific & realistic with your dream and goals

Being specific is incredibly important. Dreaming big is awesome! But if you’re too general when you set goals, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

For example, it’s not enough to say that your goal is to buy a home.

Break it down. Ask yourself – what type of home? In what area? What’s my budget? When do I want to own a home? And why is home ownership important to me.

When you are realistic with your goals, you have a much higher chance of being successful. Also, be realistic with your current circumstances.

This will help you to understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. It will also help you to formulate your plans and routines. It will help you assign a realistic deadline to help you achieve that goal.

3. Goal prioritization

This is where you’re going to rank your goals based on importance to you.

Once you have all your goals listed, decide on a sensible order of your goals (what goal needs to be achieved before another).

This will help bring clarity for what comes next and will make your goals more attainable.

4. Break up large goals and tasks into smaller manageable goals

Again, be very realistic here. What you don’t want to do is give yourself more than you can handle.

For instance, if my goal is to have a clean kitchen daily/weekly, then I give myself smaller goals to get there.

I start with managing the dishes and when that becomes a habit, I move on to incorporating wiping down the counters and so forth.

5. Do Research

Sometimes we know what we want but need some help with starting or finding out what it takes to get there.

Researching provides knowledge and insight to tailor my needs and wants, which in turn helps me to set good goals.

Simply sharing ideas with others and talking to others who have experience can provide the necessary guidance. Of course, Google and Pinterest are always great resources for researching new ideas or building on current ones.

6. Assign a deadline

Having a deadline can increase your productivity and efficiency in mind-blowing ways.

It increases your focus and helps to motivate you to complete the task at hand in time.

Again, ensure that it is realistic while still challenging yourself.

I’ve found this to be an effective tip for my kids as well. Sometimes, for instance, they complain about chores but if I turn on the timer then it becomes a fun game to “beat the timer”.

7. Visualize living your dream

Visualization of your dreams and goals is an effective way to imagine where you will end up and drives you to put in the necessary work.

Some of my dreams that had been so unattainable and even overwhelming became attainable after I took the time to see myself living that dream.

I close my eyes when I have some quiet time (most times before bed) and I see myself being successful.

8. Positive mindset

Positivity breeds positivity!

It can be hard to constantly be positive. I’ve had lots of days when I feel like I can’t – I struggle and I get down on myself. I feel discouraged. I feel like a dream or goal is too large for me and I was silly to think I could achieve it.

In fact, one of my former goals was to change my mindset – to stop listening to and believing the negative thoughts. I wanted to have a progressive and positive mind and I set out to do just that!

Now, while I still have a few negative moments, I try to quickly snap out of it. If I can’t snap out of it, I open up to my husband or friends.

Sometimes just releasing the negative thoughts help me to gain perspective or to hear out loud how silly (or not!) I’m being about something.

Or sometimes, I just need to get some fresh air, take a deep breath and I say to myself “I can do it ! – Find a way! – Because, I can”

9. Track your progress

My favorite part! Tracking my progress lets me know whether I’m on the right path or not. It allows me to stop and tweak things if what I’m doing is not yielding my desired result.

10. Never give up

This is quite possibly the best tip! If you take anything from this article, let it be this!

I didn’t always have someone to guide me or to teach me to achieve my goals and dreams. So, I taught myself. I’ve persisted and now, I have a pretty bulletproof strategy to set goals that guarantee success.

Never giving up has made me into who I am today and has allowed me to enjoy the many successes in my life.

I’ve learned from every mistake I’ve ever made. After every obstacle knocked me down, I got back up and found a different way to fight! I’m stronger for it, and I have my success in life because of it.

Set Goals that Guarantee Success in 10 steps

Having a dream is a great place to start, but learning how to set achievable goals can be the difference between realizing your dreams and not. I hope this post provides a great place for you to start on your own journey of learning to set goals that guarantee success.

What goals and dreams have you achieved and what some of your aspirations? I’d love to hear about them in the comments.


Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey :

How To Set Goals For better Success – 10 Proven Steps Read More »

how to learn to love yourself again

How To Love Yourself Again – Best 10 Ways To Learn To Love Yourself More

Best 10 Ways To Learn To Love Yourself More – How To Learn To Love Yourself Again

how to love yourself again - learn how to love yourself again

Can you learn how to love yourself again? How can you love yourself more? From time to time, finding ways to love yourself again may prove to be a little difficult.

If you are struggling with loving yourself, try these top 10 self love tips to learn how to love yourself again and how to love yourself more.

Why Is It So Hard To Learn How To Love Yourself? 

For some, learning how to love yourself again can be one of the hardest concepts to learn and practice. It was definitely a struggle for me.

I’ve never been a ‘girly-girl’. I grew up pretty tomboy-ish and learned not to let my feelings show too much.

After I had my first baby though, I became extremely sensitive. I cried for everything, I felt like things hurt me more deeply than before and it took me longer to snap out of sad moods.

Even though I really didn’t like this new version of myself, I chalked it up to hormones and tried to live with it. I hoped that after a while I would go back to normal – or what I thought was normal.

Five years and two babies later, I couldn’t take it anymore. I was tired of feeling so sad.

I started researching postpartum self-esteem issues and came across articles about self-love. 

The articles were pretty eye-opening and I quickly realized I had a lot to learn.

While I liked myself enough to enjoy my own company and laugh at my jokes, self-love was not something that I had ever practiced.

I sought love from everyone in my life except for myself. In fact, I’ve learned that I’m way too hard on myself.

We tend to be our own worst critics.

When we dislike something about ourselves we can fixate on it so much that we only see that element of ourselves.

We tell ourselves that because of it we deserve less. We can be unnecessarily hard on ourselves in other ways as well.

When we make a mistake, we might beat ourselves up over it and focus on it regardless of the feelings of others in our lives that it was just a mistake.

We may also fear that if we are confident we could come off as narcissistic or egotistical. I’ve realised this affects many women, especially those around my age who like me were never taught to be comfortable letting our voices be heard.

What Is Self-Love?

So, what exactly is self-love and what does it mean to have self-love?

It is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Self-love is dynamic; it grows through actions that mature us. When we act in ways that expand self-love in us, we begin to accept much better our weaknesses as well as our strengths, have less need to explain away our short-comings, have compassion for ourselves as human beings struggling to find personal meaning, are more centered in our life purpose and values, and expect living fulfillment through our own efforts.

Psychology Today

Self-love means that you:

  • Prioritize your needs. 
  • Value yourself. 
  • Know your worth and you don’t settle for less than you deserve. 
  • Love yourself unconditionally
  • Are gentle, kind and tough when necessary. 
  • Are compassionate with yourself.

what happens when you learn how to love yourself again

So, why is self love so important?

The positive impacts that come with mindfully practicing self-love are endless.

These are just a few self-love benefits that will add a lot of value to your life after you learn to love yourself more:

  • Acceptance of yourself
  • Healthy mind, body, and soul
  • Ability to pinpoint stressors and rejuvenate when needed
  • Knowing your worth
  • Ability to set appropriate boundaries with others
  • Humility
  • Ability to give more freely of yourself – with no strings, with no resentment, and with no expectations
  • Confidence
  • Positive mindset
  • Less comparison of yourself with others
how to love yourself again - learn how to love yourself again

10 Ways To Learn To Love Yourself Again:

  1. Journal to start to love yourself again
  2. Repeat positive affirmations to love yourself more
  3. Be compassionate and forgive yourself
  4. Invest and believe in yourself
  5. Spend quality time with yourself
  6. Recognize your accomplishments
  7. Challenge and improve yourself
  8. To love yourself again, trust yourself
  9. Practice self-care to love yourself again
  10. Set boundaries

1. Journal to start to love yourself again

I have to constantly be intentional with knowing who I am, what I need and what I want. 

Research and writing have been invaluable to me. Sometimes it’s just too loud in my head.

When I think too much about everyone else’s interests and feelings, mine can get lost – and as a mom, I’m always thinking about everyone else’s feelings. 

So I take a few mins every day to write.

I write something that I love about myself… Everyday! 

I use these self love journal prompts to make my morning journaling easier.

Anything that I would want to know about a loved one in my life, I asked about myself and I wrote down my answer. 

To learn how to love yourself again, try these other journal prompts, deep self reflection questions for personal growth or start with these 50 questions to find your best self.

2. Repeat positive affirmations to love yourself more

Try to say these positive affirmations and self love affirmations daily to love yourself again.

Doing this was actually hard for me initially – for so many years I looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I saw, not just physically but emotionally too. I’ve constantly tried to change myself for people in my life. 

I wanted to be loved so badly that once someone pointed out a flaw about me, I tried to change it.

So instead of thinking positively about myself, I looked in the mirror and saw flaws. 

At first, I felt silly telling myself good things. But I really was determined to help myself and so I did it. 

This simple step of repeating a positive affirmation every day, proved to be extremely useful to help jump-start my self-love journey and helped me learn how to love myself again. 

3. To Love Yourself Again, Be compassionate and forgive yourself

I’m usually the first to apologize. If I think I hurt someone or I could possibly be the one who caused pain, I am remorseful and I apologize – sometimes when it’s not even warranted. 

When it comes to me though, nope! Not happening. I beat myself up so much. It’s tough love all the way and I leave no room for forgiveness.

I didn’t even know that forgiving myself was important, when in fact it can be more important than being forgiven by someone else.

This was the hardest step for me and took the longest for me to work through.

I wrote down all the things I felt badly about and I worked on forgiving myself for each one. Some took longer than others, but I didn’t rush it. 

I created three columns:

  • The things I needed to forgive
  • The reason(s) it was difficult to forgive myself
  • Something compassionate and kind. At first, I needed to take myself out of it and I thought about what I would have done and said if it were someone else. Now, it’s easier for me to think of being compassionate and kind with myself.

Use these journal prompts to help you forgive yourself.

4. Invest and believe in yourself To Love Yourself Again

I never used to put the same energy into myself that I would with others.

I would invest time and money into any dream my husband or loved ones had but I wouldn’t do it for myself.

Why was it so easy for me to believe in others and see their worth but never my own? 

To start putting my needs and dreams ahead of last place, I started a vision board.

Writing out my dreams and setting goals to reach them helped me to start investing and believing in my own abilities.

All the support I typically gave to everyone else, I started doing for myself as well. I brainstormed, made plans, and became my own cheerleader.

5. Spend quality time with yourself

As an introvert, this one came very easy for me. I typically love to be alone – which I took to mean that I loved myself enough.

But while it was alone time, it wasn’t quality time – I didn’t focus on myself and my needs.

I decided to find things that I enjoyed doing without being digitally connected.

Sometimes I go old-school and pull out my pen and paper for some writing time. I love using journal prompts to help me. Try Self love journal prompts or these 52 Journal prompts.

Other times I love to sit on my porch and enjoy the scenery and my thoughts.

My all-time favorite though is putting on some awesome music and dancing without a care in the world. 

Try these awesome ways to find more time for yourself to fall in love with yourself again.

6. Recognize your accomplishments 

This is a fantastic way to build confidence and feel good about yourself.

You should be proud of the things you’ve done!

I made a nice infographic with many of my key achievements and have it as the wallpaper on my phone and laptop. This way, I’m constantly reminded of the awesome things I’ve done.

As I previously mentioned, it’s so easy to focus on negatives and this helped me to quiet that mental noise.

Whenever I start being harsh with myself, I look at my infographic and remember how much I had worked to achieve each item and how far I’ve come. 

7. Challenge and improve yourself

I used to keep myself in a very safe box. I was pretty aware of my abilities and I stuck with what was easy for me.

But this didn’t allow me to spread my wings.

When I thought about it I had accomplished quite a few things in my life – so why was I willing to just stop there?

Even if I couldn’t do everything I thought about, the awesome thing about dreaming is that there are no limits to it. 

So after overcoming some initial anxiety, I stepped out of my box.

It was SO freeing.

Following a new dream and trying something new or that I once didn’t believe I could do was fun. It boosted my confidence, fulfilled me, and empowered me to continue reaching. 

8. To love yourself again, trust yourself

I’ve always had great instincts. What I lacked was the confidence to follow them.

All the work I had done on my self-love journey up to this point helped me to be able to take that chance on myself.

I’m now able to trust myself and my instincts so much more and this has in turn made trying new things so much easier. 

It also helps me not freak out when my 3 little ones and my husband put their trust in me, because I know I deserve it.

9. Practice self-care to love yourself again

To love yourself again, practice self care every day.

This was another step that was a direct result of learning myself. After I got married and especially after I became a mom, I thought it was selfish to take time for myself because my family needed me.

I didn’t understand that if I took care of myself I would be able to give them a much better version of me.

Now, I am more in tune with my needs and I understand the importance of taking the time to rejuvenate.

I actually enjoy it and no longer see it as a hindrance or burden to anyone else. My family also understands that I’m putting myself in a position to be the best mom and wife (and person) that I can be.

When you learn to love yourself in this way, you also make it easier to love everyone else around you.

Try this list of 101 self care ideas if you need some inspiration to learn to love yourself again.

10. Set boundaries

Boundary setting with loved ones and acquaintances is such a critical aspect of life that so many of us overlook.

We accept poor or sub-standard treatment from others to avoid conflict, and for many other reasons, but the damage this does to us over time is significant.

Many of us have or have had at least one toxic relationship that we, for whatever reason, allow to go on despite the hurt it causes us. This could be a “friend”, family member or co-worker.

When we aren’t confident enough to stand up for ourselves, these relationships can drain us physically, mentally and emotionally and add to our already stressful lives.

This proves to be the most difficult for me to implement but since I’ve learned to love myself again and appreciate my worth, I know when I deserve to be treated better, and with that confidence, setting boundaries will eventually become an easier habit.

how to love yourself again - learn how to love yourself again

Learn How To Love Yourself AgainIt’s Never Too Late

I’m a firm believer that everything happens at the right time. Having now fully committed to self-love, do I wish I had done it years ago?

Sure! But given my life and circumstances, my journey may not have been as effective as it is now.

It’s important to remember that it’s never too late to improve yourself, which includes learning how to love yourself again and more.

Self love is a continuous process and implementing it in your life will be one of the most beneficial things you do for yourself and your family.

I encourage you to invest in yourself. Start your self-love journey and learn to love yourself today.

I really hope this article has inspired you to jumpstart your self-love journey to learn how to love yourself again.

No matter where you are on the path, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey:

How To Love Yourself Again – Best 10 Ways To Learn To Love Yourself More Read More »


Live Your Best Life – 10 Ways To Live Your Dreams

Live Your Best Life 10 Ways To Live Your Dreams

live your best life. 10 steps to live your dreams

Let’s talk about how to live your best life and live your dreams.

You have the ability to live your best life – you just have to recognize it and work hard. There are no limits to what you can accomplish when you believe in yourself and work hard towards the life you want.

So, don’t dream your life, live your dream 🙂 – Let this be your motto and personal mantra.

How To Live Your Best Life

I’m not lucky (otherwise I’d have won the lottery by now lol). I’ve been blessed and I’ve worked hard for everything I have. I’d like to share with you how I’ve been able to make my dreams a reality and live my dream life and how you can live your dreams too.

From time to time, we may look at someone and think “wow! that person is so lucky”. More often than not that we might feel that way because we don’t know how hard the person has worked for whatever they have, or we aren’t interested in doing what they have for them to live their dreams.

Either way, this type of thought can discourage you from living your dreams because it removes the responsibility from you to make it happen. You might get down on yourself and practice negative thinking. This is the first thing you need to work on.

To change your mindset from negative to positive may be challenging at first. However, repeating these positive morning affirmations will do wonders to improve your outlook and attitude.

10 Steps to Making your Dreams a Reality

10 Ways To Live Your Dreams

1. Dream Your Best Life

The first step to living your best life is to have a very clear and specific idea of your dreams and why they are important to you. 

The “why” is what’s going to help keep you motivated. 

2. Choose To Work Hard To Make Your Dreams Come True

To live your best life you have to be ready and willing to do what it takes. Put in the hard work and reap the rewards of living your dreams.

Making dreams a reality starts with a choice to do what needs to be done. 

For instance, if I want to be a ballet dancer, I first make the choice. Without this first step I would have trouble committing to the routines, diets and so on that would make that happen. 

If you don’t make the choice you’re setting yourself up for failure. Because once it gets tough, you’re going to want to quit.

Always remember that nothing worth having in life comes easy. 

3. Commit To Living Your Dreams

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans.” – Peter F. Drucker

We have to first commit to making our dream or goals a reality because as mentioned when it gets tough, it’s easier to quit. 

We also have to commit to getting up when we’re knocked down because being successful sometimes requires failing and continuous learning. 

4. Plan The Path How To Live Your Best Life

Spend time making a solid and realistic plan. Having a clear goal and understanding why you want that goal is the foundation of a good plan.

Don’t rush it. Take the time to research and understand all that is involved at each stage. Skipping a stage or rushing would be detrimental to the outcome. 

If you happen to go off the plan, when you jump back in – revise the plan. No matter what, find a way to make it work.

5. Take action to live your dreams 

The exciting part – implementing your plan! This can be one of the hardest steps because it usually involves some sort of change or challenge.

It’s most likely out of your norm and so it requires a lot of determination, focus, and motivation. Allow yourself to experience it all because, in the end, everything will be worth it. 

6. Stay motivated To Living Your Best Life

Find your motivation and get excited about all the hard work involved.

Have a dream or vision board or have it saved on your phone or computer. Being able to constantly see your dream is an amazing motivator. When you feel like giving up, reach for that motivation.

Sometimes taking a step away and resting can reset us and we can often start back stronger. Whatever keeps your eye on the prize and motivates you, do that. 

For me, when I start feeling demotivated or hopeless, instead of giving up, I take a break and regroup. Sometimes it’s a pretty long break but it doesn’t mean that I no longer think the goal or dream isn’t worth it. I know I just have to find a way and tweak my plan but I may not be in that headspace at the time. Sometimes I am able to jump right back in and sometimes not – it’s ok and sometimes better to move on and try at another time. 

7. Work hard to live your dreams

I’m a firm believer that everything worth having comes with hard work. It’s also VERY rewarding to succeed at something that’s kicked our butts.

I’ve worked very hard at everything that means the most in my life – my kids, my marriage, my relationships with family and friends and material things – car, house etc.

Give it your all, so that even if it doesn’t pan out, you have no regrets because you tried everything and did your best! 

8. Be consistent on your path to living your best life

This goes hand in hand with being and staying motivated. Don’t start off enthusiastically and then lose momentum if the goal taking longer than expected.

Who doesn’t love some instant results and gratification? I know I do!

But in life, some things happen faster than others. Some feel more rewarding than others. It’s what life’s all about.

I can’t tell you how often I was, and still am impatient when things don’t happen as quickly as I expect or want it to. How often I wanted to quit because I wanted something faster.

And, in the same breath, I can’t tell you how often staying consistent with my actions has ensured that I achieved my dreams.

If something is not working and is no longer aligned with your goals, edit your plans, and realign everything. If you need to take a break, please take it.

Pausing does not mean that you’re giving up. It means that you’re strong enough and believe in yourself enough to know that you need something else right now to keep you going in the long run.

No matter what, don’t give up, push through and ensure you don’t short change yourself.

Consistency is key to long term gains – remember, sometimes slow and steady wins!

9. Don’t let fear get the best of you

It can be intimidating and fearful to enter the unknown,- to push past your comfort zones. Most times though, overcoming fear is how you get to your dreams. 

When you are fearful to the point of wanting to give up, just think of how far you’ve already come and how much you want it. At the end of the day, it’s better to have tried everything in your power than to have regrets after the fact.

It is also better to live the life you have dreamed of instead of staying in your current situation and never trying to fulfill your dreams.

10. Learn from mistakes and tweak your plans

When your plan doesn’t work it’s easy to feel defeated and hopeless.

There is power in failure, though, in learning from it and growing – making your mistakes work for you.

Everything happens for a reason – it’s always easy to see the good in a happy situation but you also need to see the good in owning and learning from your mistakes.

When you make mistakes and learn from them, you aren’t defeated, you’re actually closer to making your dream reality and living your best life. You now know what has not worked and what you can try next.

Enjoy Living Your Best Life!

Be proud of your all of your achievements and celebrate them. Allow yourself to bask in the awesomeness!!!

You deserve to be happy and live your best life.

Leave me a comment below, I’d love to hear about your dreams – those that you still aspire to and those that you’ve achieved! 

Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey :

Live Your Best Life – 10 Ways To Live Your Dreams Read More »

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