Self Development

50 questions to find your best self

50 Questions About Yourself To Get To Know You Better

50 Questions About Yourself To Get to Know You Better

50 questions to find your best self. 50 questions to ask to find my best self

Try these 50 questions to ask yourself when you feel lost, for personal growth, and to find your best self. After answering these 50 questions you will have a better understanding of yourself and what you need.

It’s always great to pause and check-in with yourself to see how you can improve and grow.

Live can get so busy and sometimes we lose touch with who we are or who we’ve become.

We’re ever-changing, which is a fantastic thing! The key is to be intentionally aware of ourselves and always be mindful of who we are and what makes us happy and fulfilled.

Once you know what you want, goal setting and realizing your dreams become so much easier. How? Because you know exactly what you want and how to get there.

I have found these 50 questions to find my best self to be so fundamental to answering key questions about myself. They allow me to remember who I am and how I have changed.

Also, very importantly, they guide me to improve myself and take the path I need to find my best self and live my best life! And really, isn’t that our ultimate goal?

50 Questions About Yourself To Ask

  1. Do I feel happy?
  2. What can I do to improve my happiness?
  3. Am I prioritizing my life in line with what makes me happy? What can I improve?
  4. What do I love about myself and my life?
  5. Can I list 5 of my favorite things about myself?
  6. What am I grateful for?
  7. Am I practicing enough self care?
  8. Do I practice enough self love?
  9. Am I enjoying peace in my life?
  10. Am I confident?
  11. How can I become more confident?
  12. Do I have healthy self esteem?
  13. How can I improve my self esteem?
  14. How do I describe myself?
  15. Do I have a positive mindset?
  16. How can I improve my positivity?
  17. Am I having fun?
  18. Am I holding on to any past hurt that is preventing me from progressing?
  19. What can I forgive myself for today?
  20. Do I enjoy how I’m spending time?
  21. How can I increase the amount of time I have for myself?
  22. How can I improve my daily habits and routines?
  23. What means the most to me?
  24. Who are the people in my life who make me feel happy and loved?
  25. Who are the people I spend the most time interacting with? Are they the ones who make me feel the happiest and enrich my life the most?
  26. Am I the type of person I would like to have around?
  27. What do I dislike about my life?
  28. What upsets me and is making me unhappy?
  29. How can I change what is making me unhappy?
  30. How can I improve or what would I like to change about myself?
  31. What negative mindsets do I need to remove?
  32. What was I doing one year ago?
  33. Am I happy and satisfied with the progress I’ve made in the last year?
  34. How can I make this year better?
  35. Do I have dreams to accomplish within this year?
  36. What are my short term goals?
  37. What are my long term goals?
  38. Are my short term goals aligned with my long term goals?
  39. Are my priorities aligned with my short term and long term goals?
  40. What am I doing to reach my goals?
  41. What do I want to learn next?
  42. Am I challenging myself enough?
  43. Who or what inspires me?
  44. What can I learn from my inspirations and adapt to my life?
  45. What are my fears?
  46. Am I embracing and addressing my fears?
  47. How am I spending money?
  48. Am I saving money for my future?
  49. Do I prioritize taking care of my mental health?
  50. Am I satisfied with how I’m taking care of my medical & physical health?

50 Life Questions To Get To Know Yourself Better

I hope you have found this list of 50 questions about yourself useful. These questions will help you improve your self awareness and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

If they’ve helped you, try to do a few of them daily to check in with yourself. Over time, you will experience personal growth and gain more insight into the areas of your life you’d like to improve on.

If you’d like to explore more, try these 99 self reflection questions to live a happier life.

Happy soul searching 🙂

Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey:

50 Questions About Yourself To Get To Know You Better Read More »

8 Mistakes To Avoid When Setting Goals As A Mom

8 Mistakes To Avoid When Setting Goals As A Mom

mistakes to avoid when setting goals as a mom

As a mom, it’s critical to avoid mistakes when setting goals to ensure that we position ourselves to succeed. We know that setting good goals lays the foundation for success.

As moms, we juggle so much all the time that it’s easy to have an idea or lots of them and try to follow through based on just the thoughts.

Often times these goals are very vague or general and provide no focused plan on how to accomplish it. 

Goal setting requires more thought and planning than that. We all know the saying “if we fail to prepare, prepare to fail” and it’s definitely true with goal setting.  If you lay a good foundation, you’re more likely to follow through and succeed. 

Why Do Moms Fail To Accomplish Goals

Moms fail to accomplish their goals because they didn’t set them right to begin with. This leads to becoming despondent and discouraged. It also leads to stress and frustrations.

I’m especially guilty of making these mistakes with health and fitness-oriented goals. It’s not my passion and I tend to set very vague, unrealistic, and large goals. As soon as I gave birth, I wanted to just have a flat stomach and be back to my normal fitness level and physique.

I’ll set a goal like “I want to have a flat stomach in 21 days”. I’ll get motivated, I’ll plan my diet and then when it comes to the exercises, I realize that I can’t keep up – not even with the modifier.

When I feel no changes with my strength or don’t see enough changes in my physical appearance, I get demotivated. 

I realized that even though it was only 21 days, I needed to pace myself and set smaller goals.

Focusing on the flat stomach and my diastasis recti were larger goals for me that would require a longer period of time. So, I had to break up my larger goals into smaller ones to be able to accomplish them and to keep me motivated and inspired.

Sure enough, as I continued to set my small goals, I eventually reached my larger fitness level goal. I still set small goals as fitness is an ongoing journey and if I’m honest, struggle for me. 

We can make these mistakes when setting goals with household chores, career advancement, furthering your education, your relationships, savings plans and so on.

8 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Setting Goals As A Mom

  1. Having the wrong mindset 
  2. Not being realistic 
  3. Not breaking up larger goals into more manageable goals
  4. Being too general – being specific is key
  5. Setting too many goals simultaneously 
  6. Enjoyment 
  7. Setting goals that are dependent on others
  8. Setting negative goals

I’ve made these mistakes in the past and had trouble reaching my goals, especially when I became a stay at home mom.

Now, I try to avoid these 8 mistakes when setting my goals as a mom and it helps me to become a better goal setter and increases my ability to crush my goals more often!

Let’s dig a littler deeper into each one.

1. Having the wrong mindset when setting your goals

Having the wrong mindset isn’t limited to negativity. It includes not being focused, inspired, patient and confident.

Having a positive and goal-oriented mindset sets the tone for your goal setting and motivation. It arms you with the right way of thinking to set the best goals for yourself and the steps you need to get there. Once you have the right mindset, you have a solid foundation to set your goals and set yourself up for success. 

2. Not being realistic when setting goals

You’re more likely to set yourself up for disappointment if you start by setting an unrealistic goal. While you certainly want to challenge yourself and dream big, being aware of your limitations and expectations are crucial. 

When setting your goals, think of it holistically, in terms of the actual goal, the time frame, the possible obstacles, the available resources and so on. 

3. Not breaking up larger goals into more manageable goals

By shooting for a large goal from the start, you’re putting yourself in a position for possible burnout, de-motivation, self-doubt, and failure. It’s not that you cannot achieve the large goal, it’s the fact that the road to get there may be long and full of obstacles. This means that you aren’t celebrating your smaller victories on the way to the large goal. Instead, you’re focusing on the fact that you haven’t reached the goal yet. 

Having smaller goals also work to increase your self-confidence, keep you motivated and keeps you going. 

So if you want to accomplish something in 3 months, break that goal up into smaller, more manageable goals e.g. Monthly or even weekly goals which are all aligned with the big 3-month goal. 

4. Being too general with your goals

Being specific is so critical to successful goal setting. When you know exactly what you want to achieve it helps shape and guide your path. It’s much easier to plan your actions to ensure success.

Forbes provides a great list of 13 questions to ask yourself to identify the right goal. 

5. Setting too many goals simultaneously 

There’s little that’s more frustrating and demotivating than not being able to accomplish your goals and having many partially accomplished goals. Instead, pace yourself and don’t start all of your goals at the same time. Choose one or two and when you’ve accomplished those, move on.

6. Setting Goals That We Don’t Enjoy

Setting a goal that we do not enjoy is much harder to achieve. This is n’t the same as staying in our comfort zone and not challenging ourselves. We know that in order to grow and live our best lives we must challenge ourselves. Instead, we need to find joy in what we need to accomplish.

While it may not always be possible to enjoy something that we have to do, we can find a way to make it fun or find an alternative that will increase the likelihood of us completing it.

Using my fitness journey as an example, my goal was (and still is) to be healthy and fit. As a mom of three, there’s nothing I rather do in my spare time than just lay down and relax!

When setting fitness goals, I had to choose a program I would enjoy. I love doing different moves throughout a workout and I like a short, effective to the point session.

I choose programs from trainers I like and the types of exercises that the programs offer.  

You should definitely challenge yourself but again, be realistic with it. Maybe even starting off smaller is key here.

7. Setting goals that are dependent on other people

This one is probably the easiest to understand and the hardest to do.

As moms, we tend to rely and depend on others for help and support. But setting goals that are dependent on anyone else puts your success in the hands of another person, who of course you have no control over. 

8. Setting negative goals 

Instead of setting goals like “not wanting to be lazy” set positive goals like “becoming more productive”. This type of thinking and goal setting sets the tone for your plan of action and mindset. 


Achieving your goals starts with setting them right! So, avoid these mistakes when setting goals as a mom and give yourself the best shot at reaching all your goals.

These tips have proven to help moms set themselves up for success from the beginning.

Let me know in the comments below if you have been making these mistakes or if you have any other tips that are useful.

Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey:

8 Mistakes To Avoid When Setting Goals As A Mom Read More »

self reflection questions

99 Best Deep Self Reflection Questions To Be Happier

99 Deep Self Reflection Questions To Be Happier

self reflection questions for personal growth and to find your best self

Answer these 99 Self Reflection Questions To Help You Find Your Best Self For A Happier Life.

Recently, I’ve been asking myself these questions:

  • How can I live my best life?
  • What are some deep self reflection
  • self discovery questions to find my best self?

I’ve always been a very giving person and I’m known to take care of myself last. It has surely taken a toll on the quality of my life and what I’ve been able to give to my loved ones.

Now, I’m taking my present and future into my hands and I’m committed to finding my best self and live my best life.

Chances are that you’re here reading this post because you feel the same way. These important self-reflection questions will help you get to know yourself better and find yourself.

Self-reflection questions can bring deep insights into who you are, who you want to be, and how you can get there. These self-help questions will encourage personal growth, self-love, and self-care.

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Self-Reflection Questions To Find Yourself

Sometimes life can be so overwhelming and you can get lost in the daily tasks or you may get consumed by pain and unfair or unfortunate situations. Sometimes you may get a little off track with successes.

No matter the reason, when you feel a little off-balance these self-reflection questions can really help with personal growth and to help you stay connected with yourself, work through life issues, stay grounded and focused.

You have one life to live and the best thing you can do is to ensure that you enjoy it fully and intentionally – you deserve nothing less and owe it to yourself and your loved ones to be your best self.

So if you’re ready, get comfortable and begin your self-discovery journey to find yourself.

Self Reflection Questions About Yourself

  • What am I grateful for ?
  • What are my best qualities?
  • Do I know my purpose?
  • What is my mission?
  • Do I have a motto? What is it and why?
  • What are my favorite quotes to live by?
  • Why are these quotes important to me and how do they help me?
  • What are my passions ?
  • Am I happy overall?
  • How would I describe a perfect day?
  • Do I love the skin I am in?
  • How do I describe my best life?
  • Am I living my best life?
  • If no, what is holding me back?
  • Am I living my dreams?

Questions To Ask Yourself About Self Love & Self Care

  • Do I love myself?
  • What do I love about myself?
  • Do I practice self love?
  • What is my love language?
  • How can I incorporate self love practices more ?
  • When am I the happiest?
  • What makes me the happiest?
  • Where is my happy place?
  • How can I increase my happiness?
  • What makes me smile ?
  • How can I smile more?
  • What makes me laugh?
  • How can I ensure that I laugh more?
  • What upsets me?
  • How do I work through sad times in life?
  • How do I handle anger?
  • Am I taking the necessary time to practice daily self care?
  • How do I rejuvenate myself?

Self-Reflection Questions For Personal Growth

  • Do I love my life right now?
  • What do I love about my life?
  • What are my values?
  • How can I make my life more fulfilling and meaningful?
  • How do I get what I need?
  • What are my fears?
  • How do I overcome my fears?
  • What are my best achievements?
  • How do I describe myself?
  • What are my weaknesses?
  • What are my bad habits?
  • How can I stop them?
  • Am I comfortable with my self confidence?
  • How can improve confidence in myself ?
  • What are my greatest life lessons?
  • Do I use these lessons to improve myself?
  • What negative behaviours or habits do I want to remove?
  • What would I like to change the most about my life?

Reflective Questions About Your Past

  • How have I grown in the past year?
  • Who has been instrumental in my growth?
  • What hurts me most about my past?
  • Who has hurt me the most?
  • Have I forgiven them?
  • What have been my biggest mistakes?
  • Have I forgiven myself?
  • Have I worked through past pain?
  • Did I let go and move on from past pain?
  • Are there negative thoughts that I can release?

Self Reflection Questions About My Future

  • What excites me about my future?
  • How can I improve my overall positive outlook on life?
  • What are my inspirations?
  • Have I established good daily routines and habits that are aligned with my goals and dreams?
  • Am I prioritizing my life effectively?
  • Do I waste time?
  • Do I spend too much time on social media?
  • What are some good habits that I would like to start?
  • How can I ensure that I develop these good habits?
  • What are my dreams?
  • What are my motivating factors?
  • Do I know how to reach my dreams?
  • What are my immediate and short term goals?
  • What are my goals and dreams 1, 3, 5 and 10 years from now?
  • Do I have a plan to pursue my goals?
  • Is there anything stopping me from going after my goals & dreams?
  • Am I pressing pause on parts of my life? If yes, why?
  • What demotivates me and how can I avoid those triggers?

Questions About My Relationships

  • Who are my closest and most important persons to me?
  • Do they uplift, empower and support me?
  • Have I been uplifting, empowering and supportive of them?
  • Am I happy with the relationships in my life?

Self Reflection Questions About Well Being – Your Health & Wellness

  • Do I prioritize my mental health?
  • What am I doing to maintain or improve my mental health?
  • Do I prioritize my emotional well being?
  • How can I improve my emotional well being?
  • Do I love my job and career?
  • If no, what can I do to pursue my desired career path?
  • Do I feel balanced in life?
  • If yes, how do I maintain balance?
  • If no, how can I work towards having a balanced life?
  • Am I spiritual?
  • What are my spiritual beliefs?
  • How does my spirituality impact my life?
  • Am I satisfied with the time I set aside for my spiritual growth?
  • Do I prioritize my physical health?
  • Is exercise and healthy eating important to me?
  • How can I improve my physical well being?

Deep Questions To Find Yourself

Remember, you are ever-evolving, so keep these self-reflection questions about life close and continue to answer them throughout your life. As your needs, wants, goals and dreams change so to will your responses to these self-discovery questions.

So, take the necessary time to get to find yourself at each stage and phase of your life.

Most importantly, strive to always enjoy your journey and be happier in every aspect of your life.  

Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey:

99 Best Deep Self Reflection Questions To Be Happier Read More »

Journal Prompts for moms

52 Of The Best Journal Prompts For Moms

52 Of The Best Journal Prompts For Moms

52 of the best journal prompts for moms

These 52 journal prompts for moms are the most effective way to maximize the time you have set aside for writing and organizing your thoughts.

Motherhood journal prompts are not only great as a time saver but also as a source of inspiration to personalize what you’d like to write about.

If this seems like something you’d like to start or if you’re looking for some great ideas for your mom journal, I’ve got 52 journal prompts for moms, especially to help you with personal growth and self development.

You can also download the free journal prompts for moms pdf and keep it in your journal so that you can refer to it easily.

Affiliate Disclosure: “This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link.”

Journal prompts for mom to life her best life

Why Use Motherhood Journal Prompts

As a mom, sometimes, it gets very loud and cluttered in your mind.

You have so many people to think about, so many things to remember, so many feelings that need to be worked out.

These writing prompts for moms will help make daily journaling a habit – one of the best ways for moms to release stress, frustrations, and self-doubt.

Declutter Your Mind

Journaling is a great way for you to visualize the “noise” in your head.

It’s a fantastic approach to helping you to organize your thoughts and declutter your mind.

Free & Safe Space

Journaling, using these writing prompts is your safe place.

It’s a place where there is absolutely no fear of judgement. It’s a collection of your thoughts and feelings that are valid, pure and honest.

Stress Relief

When you journal, you are able to determine all of your stresses, feelings and problems and can work on the way forward to dealing and overcoming any issues that you have.

For a lot of people, talking things out can provide much needed clarity and understanding of situations. Think of journaling as a conversation with yourself.

By journaling you gain clarity and insights that you may not have had if you kept everything in your head.

Set & Track Your Goals

Your mom journal is also an awesome way to track progress and realize goals a little easier.

Life as a mom can be fast paced.

You can be so consumed by everyone else’s progress that you don’t necessarily see your own progress.

By keeping a journal, you can look back to see where you started and how far you’ve come.

You can see where you faltered and what you can try to do better or differently next time.

Keep Memories Safe

When you keep a mom journal, it’s also a way to keep memories safe.

You can always look back and read about certain events in your life that you may have forgotten.

Or, when your kids get older, it may be nice to pass it on to them, so that they can see the journey of your life.

What Are Journal Prompts For Moms?

Journal prompts for moms are helpful ideas and statements that provide inspiration for your journaling.

These are especially helpful when you’re new to journaling or when you have a bit of writer’s block.

As a mom, your time is super precious, and it’s better not to waste your journaling time trying to figure out what to write about.

Journal Prompts For Moms

This list of writing prompts for mom’s home journal will work well for self-reflection, self-discovery, personal growth and self-development.

I hope you’re excited to start your journey with these writing prompts for moms list or you can use it as inspiration to come up with your own motherhood journal prompts for personal growth.

Subscribe to the freebie library below and download the free journal prompts for moms PDF and keep it in your journal book to make writing easier for you.

Journal Prompts For Moms

52 Journal Prompts For Moms:

  1. What do I love about myself
  2. What makes me unique
  3. Am I intentionally practicing self love
  4. One thing I’m grateful for
  5. Goals for this month
  6. My accomplishments of last month
  7. What is the best part of my day
  8. What was the least favorite part of my day
  9. I want to improve this about myself
  10. What do I love about my family
  11. One thing our family can improve
  12. I love my life because
  13. My biggest stressor right now
  14. What is my biggest worry
  15. I fear this the most
  16. What makes me feel safe
  17. My favorite form of self care
  18. Am I making time for myself
  19. I’m a good person because
  20. One thing I would like to improve about myself
  21. How would I describe myself to someone
  22. I’m a good mom because
  23. How can I be a better mom
  24. One way I can improve with my relationship with my kids
  25. I’m a good wife because
  26. How can I be a better wife
  27. I can communicate better by
  28. What is my love language
  29. What are my kids’ love languages
  30. What is my husband’s love language
  31. How can I improve my kids’ self confidence
  32. I would like to make more time for
  33. How can I improve my health
  34. A compliment that made me smile
  35. A harsh comment that hurt me
  36. One goal for this week
  37. What do I look forward to this week
  38. How can I improve my family’s financial position
  39. I’m a good mom because
  40. My kids are happy because
  41. I am happy because
  42. What habit would I like to develop
  43. A habit that I would like to stop
  44. What motivates me
  45. I’m proud of
  46. Am I confident
  47. How can I improve my self confidence
  48. Am I patient?
  49. Am I kind to myself
  50. What makes me feel at peace
  51. When last did I cry
  52. Am I living the life I imagined?
Journal Prompts for moms to live her best life

Make Journaling A Habit With Journal Prompts For Moms

If journaling feels a little juvenile or ridiculous in the beginning, find a little motivation to start and give it time.

I urge you to give journaling the best chance and make it a healthy habit.

I promise that when you see the benefits and improvements in your life, you’ll love it.

Finding time to journal as a mom may seem impossible but it’s so important that you need to make some time.

It’s a form of self care that is so necessary and one that will make a huge, positive impact on your life.

Another thing you can do to encourage yourself to start is to get a cute journal book and a special pen. Set up a journaling spot – whether it’s on the couch, on your bed or in your office.

Set the mood by simply lighting a candle or burning some essential oils.

You can also put on some inspirational music to really put you in the mood. Whatever you think might give you a nudge to start journaling, give it a shot.

Have you considered journaling? Or do you currently journal? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below.

Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey:

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52 Of The Best Journal Prompts For Moms Read More »

the best skin care routine for dry skin

How To Build The Best Skin Care Routine for Dry Skin

How To Build The Best Skin Care Routine For Dry Skin

If you’ve landed on this page, chances are that you’re dealing with dry skin all over your body, not just your face – and it can be a downright nightmare! Your skin may look and feel incredibly unpleasant and uncomfortable. If it’s bad enough, it can even itch and flake. The good news is that with a good skincare routine for your dry skin and the right skin care products you can win this battle.

I’ve suffered from a dry skin issue my whole life. As a toddler, I was diagnosed with very dry skin and I’ve had many bouts of eczema over the years. I, therefore, have over 35 years of experience dealing and combating dry skin. Read on for my tips, tricks, and secrets to relieve your dry skin effects now.

While researching, I noticed that a lot of information available focuses on facial skin care. Of course, this is extremely important but for many, a good dry skin care routine is crucial for the entire body. For these reasons, this post will focus solely on developing the best skin care routine for your body.

Affiliate Disclosure: “This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link.”

the best skin care routine for dry skin with the top, affordable & budget friendly dry skin care products

What Is Dry Skin

Firstly, let’s start off with a definition of dry skin and what causes it. This will help you to understand why you need to develop a good skin care routine and what you should include in your dry skin care routine.

WebMD defines it as:

Dry skin is when you skin dries out because it doesn’t have enough moisture.

According to Healthline:

Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling, itching, and cracking. It can occur for a variety of reasons. You might have naturally dry skin. But even if your skin tends to be oily, you can develop dry skin from time to time.

Dry skin can affect any part of your body. It commonly affects hands, arms, and legs. In many cases, lifestyle changes and over the counter moisturizers may be all you need to treat it. If those treatments aren’t enough, you should contact your doctor.

Why Is My Skin Dry & Flaky

Now that we have our definition, what causes our skin to become dry?

There are a few causes :

  1. Hereditary dry skin condition
  2. Dry weather
  3. Hot water
  4. Lifestyle
  5. Chemicals
  6. Irritants and allergies
  7. Underlying medical condition
  8. Age

Based on what your cause is, you will need to experiment to find the best products for you.

What Are The Best Products To Put On Dry Skin

Over the years, I’ve tried ALOT of dry skincare products. Similar to hair care, I’ve realized that there is no single best product for dry skin – what works for you may not work for me.

In the next section, we will talk about building the best dry skin care routine for yourself. But I think it’s important to highlight first that the best products for your dry skin will NOT include dyes, fragrances, or harsh chemicals. These ingredients can irritate your skin and cause your dry condition to worsen.

These are my favorite brands for dry skin:

  1. Cetaphil
  2. Aveeno
  3. Cream E45
  4. Jergens
  5. Eucerin
  6. Aquaphor

How To Build Your Skin Care Routine

The best way to build the perfect skincare routine for your dry skin is to know what is required and then tailor it to your needs and lifestyle.

I think of dry skin care as both internal and external.

Internal Dry Skin Care

Internally, it’s crucial to eat a well balanced diet and get sufficient water. Staying away from processed foods and too many sugars can improve your life in so many ways! The health of your skin is no exception.

According to Health Line, your diet should include these for healthy skin:

  1. Fatty Fish that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamin E, like salmon, mackerel and herring
  2. Avocados, which are high in healthy fats, vitamin E and vitamin C
  3. Sweet Potatoes are a good source of beta carotene, which acts as natural sunblock
  4. Red or Yellow Bell Peppers are also good sources of beta carotene and vitamin C
  5. Broccoli is rich in many vitamins including, zinc, vitamin A and vitamin C
  6. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and major carotenoids, which may protect from sun damage and wrinkling

External Dry Skin Care

Externally, dry skincare routines would include:

  1. Exfoliation
  2. Cleansing
  3. Moisturizing

Exfoliating Your Dry Skin

Exfoliation is basically a method used to remove the dry, dead skin cells before or during cleansing. This is important because dirt and bacteria can get caught in hair follicles, causing further irritation and bumps on your skin.

When we remove dead skin cells, we reduce the chances of having clogged pores or further problems that may arise. You can exfoliate using either a dry or a wet method.

Dry Brushing

The dry method of exfoliation is dry brushing. It’s a pretty simple, yet effective. One to two times a week, before showering, use a bath brush with natural bristles to gently rub over your body. Dry brushing also has the added benefit of improving your overall circulation. This method works well in humid climates and on less sensitive skin. A quick YouTube or Google search can provide you with instructions and tutorials for you to get started with dry brushing.

If you have sensitive skin or live in a dry climate, then wet exfoliation may be much better for you.

Wet Exfoliation

Wet exfoliation simply means that water is added to the process. Water or a mild exfoliant is used with a skin brush, body glove or simply a washrag. Exfoliating while your skin is wet has the added benefit of lubrication which can be helpful in drier climates and for those with sensitive skin.

You can also exfoliate with the use of a body scrub one to three times a week. This can be a simple DIY sugar scrub or a store bought body scrub.

Cleansing Your Dry Skin

It’s widely known that you should use mild cleansers on your face but ensuring that you choose mild cleansers for your body is equally important. A gentle cleanser is one that doesn’t foam up too much and is fragrance-free. A body wash may be your best option here as they tend to be more moisturizing.

After showering, avoid rigorously drying your skin. Instead, always gently pat your skin to remove excess water.

Moisturizing Your Dry Skin

One of the best times to apply moisturizer is when your skin is still slightly damp because the product is absorbed easily.

The best moisturizers will contain:

  • water
  • occlusives which block the evaporation of water by sealing in moisture, like petroleum jelly
  • humectants which pull water from the air and from within the deeper layers of your skin, like glycerin
  • emollients which make the skin feel smooth

If you would like to read more about these ingredients, Harvard Health Publishing has a great article.

If you have dry skin you should be moisturizing throughout the day as needed, but especially after cleaning, washing dishes, or washing your hands.

Good Habits For Dry Skin Care

Forming good habits is the best way to avoid dry skin ruining your quality of life. These are some lifestyle good habits to include:

  • Avoid hot showers
  • Avoid long showers
  • Moisturize while skin is still damp
  • Use moisturizing cleansers
  • Use fragrance-free products
  • Avoid itching
  • Moisturize throughout the day
  • Exfoliate
  • Use a humidifier
  • Maintain a balanced diet
  • Exercise
  • Drink adequate water
the best skin care routine for dry skin with the top, affordable & budget friendly dry skin care products

Final Tips For Your Dry Skin Routine

To recap, the best skin care routine for dry skin requires:

  1. Exfoliation
  2. Gentle Cleansing
  3. Moisturizing with fragrance-free products

PRO Tips

  • Apply moisturizer to damp skin when you can
  • Moisturize frequently throughout the day. To make this easier:
    • keep a bottle of cream by every sink in your house that you use
    • always have cream in your handbag
    • keep cream in your car

I would really love to hear about your dry skin care routine. Let’s chat in the comments below!

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Daily positive affirmations

100 + Powerful Short Daily Motivation Positive Affirmations

100 + Powerful Short Daily Motivation Positive Affirmations

Choose from this list of 100 + short positive affirmations and make it your self affirmation of the day.

These powerful daily positive affirmations are perfect to say every morning for motivation, healing, depression, stress, self-confidence, self-esteem, and personal growth.

These short daily Motivation positive affirmations are powerful for you to repeat in the morning to start your day right.

However, this list of short daily positive affirmations for women, men, and kids and can be repeated at any time of the day.

Positive affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself at any time of the day.

The repetition of positive words to yourself work to reset your mindset and over time your self image and self esteem will improve.

These positive affirmations also work for the manifestation of anything you want in your life.

Affiliate Disclosure: “This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link.”

Download The Free Positive Affirmations Printable PDF From the Freebie Library

    Daily Positive Affirmations To Boost Confidence, Self Love & Self Esteem

    115 Short Motivation Daily Positive Affirmations

    1. I love being me
    2. I get better every day
    3. I am unique
    4. I am special
    5. I am whole
    6. I am awesome
    7. I make a positive difference in the world
    8. I believe in myself
    9. I do my best every day
    10. I am smart
    11. I am always willing to learn
    12. I am fun
    13. I trust myself
    14. I can do it
    15. I can do anything I put my mind to
    16. I can be anything I want to be
    17. I am loved
    18. I am worthy of love
    19. I am blessed
    20. I am limitless
    21. I focus on positivity
    22. I am thankful
    23. I am safe
    24. I am helpful
    25. I am truthful
    26. I am forgiving
    27. I am kind
    28. I am peaceful
    29. I am thankful
    30. I am talented
    31. I am confident
    32. I am strong
    33. I get stronger everyday
    34. I am brave
    35. I am disciplined
    36. I am respectful
    37. I am responsible
    38. I am polite
    39. I am beautiful
    40. I will face my fears
    41. I will overcome my fears
    42. I am persistent
    43. I am determined
    44. I am patient
    45. I am enough
    46. I am capable
    47. I am a leader
    48. I am a good influence on others
    49. I spread joy
    50. I am generous
    51. I am optimistic
    52. I am supportive
    53. I am compassionate
    54. I am a good listener
    55. I am a good sport
    56. I am happy for other’s success
    57. I love to share with others
    58. I give freely
    59. I am proud of myself
    60. I am capable of great things
    61. I am important
    62. I trust my intuition
    63. I choose to start today with a smile
    64. I choose to have a happy day
    65. I reach for the stars
    66. I can do hard things
    67. I am going to train my brain to do it
    68. I am open to new experiences and new things
    69. I love to learn new things
    70. I embrace and accept change. Change is good and helps me to grow
    71. I like to challenge myself
    72. I find ways and love to overcome challenges
    73. I like to work hard
    74. I don’t give up
    75. I can get through anything
    76. I am creative
    77. I have great ideas
    78. I reach for the stars
    79. I deserve to be happy
    80. I have happy thoughts
    81. It’s okay to make mistakes.
    82. I learn from my mistakes. Mistakes are a chance to grow
    83. I forgive myself for my mistakes
    84. I stand for my beliefs
    85. My opinion is important
    86. I have the power to make my dreams come true
    87. I believe in my dreams
    88. I choose my attitude
    89. I choose my reaction
    90. I am in charge of my emotions
    91. I am in charge of my decisions
    92. I am responsible for my decisions
    93. I am responsible for my actions
    94. I can handle any obstacle
    95. I am a problem solver
    96. Problems help me learn and grow
    97. When I need help, I will ask for it
    98. Having quiet, alone time is good for me
    99. I am gentle with myself
    100. I am gentle with others
    101. I can live in the moment
    102. I will make sure it’s my best work
    103. My best is enough
    104. I’ve got this
    105. I get stronger, it doesn’t get easier.
    106. Struggling makes me stronger
    107. When I struggle, I always learn something new
    108. I keep my body healthy
    109. I enjoy healthy food
    110. I love to exercise
    111. I create my own path
    112. I enjoy spending time with myself
    113. I see the beauty in every situation and everything
    114. I will be successful
    115. I can do it and I will do it

    Make Repeating Positive Affirmations A Daily Habit

    To easily make repeating these powerful short affirmations a habit, don’t forget to grab the free positive affirmations pdf download and print these 100+ short affirmations. Stick them in places where they will be very visible and repeat them throughout your day.

    Once you’ve been repeating these short positive affirmations, I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below.

    Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey:

    100 + Powerful Short Daily Motivation Positive Affirmations Read More »

    the best self care ideas for women

    The Best 101 Self Care Ideas For A Happier Life

    The Best 101 Self Care Ideas For a Happier Life

    self care ideas for women, self care activity ideas

    Looking for self care activity ideas for women? You’ve come to the right place. These are the top 101 self care ideas to be happier and live your best life.

    You’re sure to find some great ideas and inspiration from this extensive list of self care activity ideas for women.

    This self care list is a wide range of ideas so that there’s something for everyone. The self care ideas range from free to inexpensive to pricey, depending on your needs.

    Also, some ideas are DIY and super easy, while others require some planning and effort to pull off. That means that not everything will appeal to you but some will be perfect for you.

    If you have very little time and you’re looking for a few simple yet effective daily self care ideas, you’ll love this post.

    I’ve also made it easy for you to plan your self care activities with a free self care planner printable. So, be sure to grab that!

    Affiliate Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link.

    Why Is Self Care Necessary

    I’ve come very far with understanding the need for self care. When I was younger and even as a new wife and mom, I felt that self care was selfish. I could easily spend that time helping someone else.

    Even after burning out more times than I can count, I would repeat the same cycle – keep going until my body or mind forced me to stop. I would rest, recuperate and then do it again.

    Now, I know all too well the importance of self care. If you want to live your best life and give your best to others then you must take care of yourself FIRST.

    These are the incredible benefits you gain from practicing self care:

    • Higher self esteem
    • Knowing your self worth
    • Healthier lifestyle
    • Improved stress management
    • Stronger relationships with loved ones
    • Higher productivity

    How To Make Time For Yourself

    If you’re feeling like you have no time for yourself, ensure that you’re prioritizing your day efficiently.

    The key to having time for yourself if you’re super busy and think you can’t fit it in is understanding the importance of self care.

    Always, always remember that you cannot pour from an empty cup.

    How To Create A Self Care Plan

    Creating a self care plan should be fun! Essentially, you’re going to spend some time thinking of your biggest needs and jotting them down.

    You can create daily, weekly and monthly plans depending on your lifestyle and your needs.

    Of course, you may need to switch and shift some things around and that’s ok.

    Once you ensure that at the end of each day you’ve practiced self care in the way you need, that’s all that matters.

    You can create your own planner or use the free one provided in this post.

    There are three ways to use my free self care planner pdf printable.

    1. Planner by time – select your favorite picks from the self care list of 101 ideas and jot them down in the desired time frames.
    2. Daily Planner by self care category – select and write in your top self care activities in the categories and day slots provided. This allows you to create a holistic self care plan.
    3. Thirty Day Self Care Challenge – select your top picks and create a 30 day self care challenge for yourself that you can start at any time!
    free self care planner printable

    Self Care Categories

    When you’re planning and practicing self care, you want to be sure that you’re being holistic in your approach.

    Ensure that you’re addressing each of these areas in your life:

    1. Spiritual
    2. Emotional
    3. Mental
    4. Physical
    5. Practical
    6. Social

    Spiritual Self Care

    Spiritual self-care seeks to nurture your spirit. It can be religious but it doesn’t have to be.

    This is a great explanation from

    A spiritual self-care practice is any ritual that connects you to your true self, the real you. The real you is the raw expression of who you were meant to be and offer this world. It’s energizing, inspiring, and most of all, it feels right. Perhaps you already are experiencing this or maybe have had glimpses of what this might look or feel like. Becoming familiar with how you feel is an important part of being able to navigate through life. Accessing that part of yourself through spiritual self-care can be rewarding on many levels.

    Emotional Self Care

    Taking time to understand and really feel your emotions is what basic emotional self care involves.

    When you understand and are in touch with your feelings and it’s also important to accept them.

    This in turn can help you to accept the choices and decisions you’ve made in your life.

    By practicing emotional self-care regularly, you value and honor the fact that you are in control and in charge of your emotions and your reactions to things in your life.

    Emotional self-care activities increase the likelihood of you enjoying healthier self-esteem and self-worth.

    These empower you in every aspect of your life from personal to professional and so it’s worth it to take the time to care for yourself emotionally.

    Mental Self Care

    This form of self care involves activities that stimulate you mentally and help to reduce your overall stress levels.

    Mental self care is any activity that aids in improving your overall mental health and is very beneficial in your everyday life.

    I know that you live in a very fast-paced world and sometimes slowing down seems impossible.

    You probably have never-ending to-do lists and commitments.

    But, in order to be at your best and increase productivity, the first and most important commitment needs to be caring for yourself.

    As with any form of self care, these types of activities would be different for everyone.

    Your choices of mental self care would involve anything that would relax and destress you.

    Reading a book, enjoying the sunset, self reflection and journaling are great examples for mental self care activities.

    Physical Self Care

    These self care activities strive to improve your physical fitness and health. Any activity that will give your overall health a boost will fall into this category.

    By caring for yourself physically, you will enjoy the benefits of being physically fit, having a healthier and stronger immune system, better moods, higher energy levels.

    Some examples include following a healthy diet, walking, running, sports, sleeping, staying hydrated and caring for your skin and hair.

    Practical Self Care

    These self care activities seek to reduce stressful times in your life.

    They’re may not instantly feel like you’re pampering yourself but they are very helpful to your everyday life.

    Some ideas are creating routines or budgeting.

    By establishing good routines and habits and staying on top of your spending or even meal planning, you’re reducing possible stressors.

    For instance, with budgeting, you will be aware of your spending habits and saving capabilities. Just having a clear picture of your finances can reduce and even eliminate so much stress.

    Another example is meal planning. As a mom of three young ones and far from being a chef, I can’t emphasize how much this helps me!

    When I have everything planned out, everything flows so much better – from getting groceries to cooking. I’m not fumbling each day wondering what to cook or if I have ingredients to cook something.

    Creating routines may seem daunting to some but it helps our family so much! It allows us to basically automate parts of our day which has drastically reduced my stress.

    Instead of constantly remembering to do things and reminding the kids to do things, more often than not we get the regular daily things done with no stress.

    If you’re interested to find out exactly how we create routines, I have a great post to get you started.

    Social Self Care

    These types of self care activities enhance and deepen your relationships with others.

    Connecting with others and developing meaningful relationships are very important to over all happiness.

    Positive and healthy relationships with others provide the necessary support throughout your life. Nurturing these relationships brings joy to your life, comfort and is a source of stress relief.

    It’s an incredible feeling to know you have people you can count on and who can count on you.

    It’s important to have genuine people who will listen and understand you as you express yourself. People who will laugh at a joke that others wouldn’t.

    People who love you unconditionally and will support you through tough times and who allow you to support them as well.

    It’s also important to maintain relationships with others who accept and love you for you.

    People who will also encourage you to constantly develop and be your best self and who you can comfortably do the same for throughout life.

    101 Self Care Activity Ideas

    Grab your pen and your free self care printable and let’s get to planning your self care activities!

    Self Care Ideas:

    1. Practice breathing techniques
    2. Get enough quality sleep
    3. Go to bed earlier
    4. Get up without your alarm
    5. Get enough rest and down time
    6. Have a PJ day – relax and laze all day
    7. Snuggle with your partner or kids
    8. Laugh more
    9. Spend quality time with your loved ones
    10. Give your loved ones extra hugs
    11. Attend religious sessions
    12. Pray
    13. Stretch
    14. Meditate
    15. Practice positive thinking
    16. Write a list of things you’re grateful for
    17. Practice self love
    18. Practice self compassion
    19. Write a list of your accomplishments
    20. Work on self improvement – Make a list and plan to work on things you want to improve about yourself
    21. Digital detox
    22. Attend therapy
    23. Release frustrations and enjoy a good cry
    24. Say no to people and things that don’t serve our best interests
    25. Put yourself first more
    26. Join a support group
    27. Cuddle with your pet
    28. Drink sufficient water
    29. Have a healthy, well balanced diet
    30. Enjoy a warm shower (or cold if you life in a warmer climate)
    31. Have a warm bath
    32. Facial
    33. DIY manicure
    34. DIY pedicure
    35. Get a massage
    36. Enjoy a spa day
    37. Deep condition your hair
    38. Get a hair cut
    39. Get a makeover
    40. Dry brush your skin
    41. Exfoliate your skin
    42. Moisturize your skin
    43. Burn a scented candle
    44. Diffuse and enjoy essential oils
    45. Read an inspiring book
    46. Create or follow an inspiring quotes board on Pinterest
    47. Enjoy staring at nature
    48. Look up at the blue sky
    49. Enjoy a stary night
    50. Listen to music
    51. Dance
    52. Listen to podcasts
    53. Baking – Learn to bake if you can’t yet
    54. Cooking – Learn to cook if you can’t yet
    55. Gardening
    56. Knitting
    57. Crafting
    58. Coloring
    59. Crossword puzzles
    60. Build a puzzle
    61. Word search
    62. Learn a new skill
    63. Learn a new language
    64. Find and nurture you creativity
    65. Enroll in a class
    66. Journal
    67. Blogging
    68. Volunteer – help someone out
    69. Compliment someone
    70. Make someone smile
    71. Be kind
    72. Get some fresh air and enjoy the sun
    73. Take a scenic walk
    74. Enjoy the sunrise
    75. Enjoy the sunset
    76. Go to the beach or lake
    77. Go jogging
    78. Exercise
    79. Yoga
    80. Pilates
    81. Bike riding
    82. Sports
    83. Declutter your home
    84. Clean your home
    85. Decorate your home
    86. Start new good habits
    87. Replace bad habits
    88. Create a vision board
    89. Challenge yourself
    90. Create a bucket list
    91. Create and start routines throughout your day
    92. Watch some tv
    93. Enjoy a solo date
    94. Go out for a meal by yourself or with a friend
    95. Enjoy tea or hot cocoa with a loved one
    96. Go to the movies
    97. Experience something new
    98. Drive around
    99. Go on vacation
    100. Buy yourself something practical
    101. Buy yourself something really nice

    Self Care Ideas for Women at a glance

    Even though some of these may be very specific to women, self care is for everyone and these self care activity ideas can give you inspiration to help you create your self care plan.

    Now, you don’t have to wonder what to do on self care days, nights or Sundays.

    You’ve got 101 ideas to choose from to create a holistic and unique personal self care plan.

    Save the pin above or bookmark this page to revisit for self care ideas whenever you need inspiration.

    Also, don’t forget to download your free self care planner pdf printable and keep it handy to help you on your self care journey.

    Let me know what you’ve come up with in the comments below.

    Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey:

    The Best 101 Self Care Ideas For A Happier Life Read More »

    how to fall asleep fast as a kid

    The Best Tips To Fall Asleep Fast – You Need Now

    How To Fall Asleep Fast – Sleep Tips For Kids & Parents

    how to get kids to fall asleep fast. how to fall asleep fast

    Over the years, I have learned a few tricks to successfully get my kids to fall asleep fast. The best part is that all my tricks work for my husband and me too!

    Our biggest struggle at naptime and bedtime used to be to get our kids to fall asleep quickly. Through research and trial and error, I’ve cracked the code and here I’ll share the best tips on how to make your child fall asleep fast. These sleep tips and tricks also work wonders for parents too – so don’t worry moms, I’ve got you!

    How much sleep do We need?

    Let’s start off with understanding how much sleep we need. The amount of sleep we need varies at each stage in our lives. As we grow – from baby to adult, the number of hours of sleep needed decreases but should not be less than 7 hours. Sleep Foundation provides the following recommendations of sleep ranges:

    Newborns (0-3 months): Sleep range narrowed to 14-17 hours each day (previously it was 12-18)

    Infants (4-11 months): Sleep range widened two hours to 12-15 hours (previously it was 14-15)

    Toddlers (1-2 years): Sleep range widened by one hour to 11-14 hours (previously it was 12-14)

    Preschoolers (3-5): Sleep range widened by one hour to 10-13 hours (previously it was 11-13)

    School age children (6-13): Sleep range widened by one hour to 9-11 hours (previously it was 10-11)

    Teenagers (14-17): Sleep range widened by one hour to 8-10 hours (previously it was 8.5-9.5)

    Younger adults (18-25): Sleep range is 7-9 hours (new age category)

    Adults (26-64): Sleep range did not change and remains 7-9 hours

    Older adults (65+): Sleep range is 7-8 hours (new age category) 

    Sleep Foundation

    It’s true that more sleep doesn’t automatically mean you feel refreshed the following day but it can help with getting you there. For instance, you’re far more likely to get more quality sleep if you sleep for 8 hours than if you sleep for 3 hours. 

    Why is Quality sleep Important For Kids & Parents

    The quality of sleep is arguably more important than the quantity. The quality of your sleep determines how rested you feel.

    I’ve known people who have slept for 10 hours and still feel tired. On the other hand, I know of people who get 6 hours of sleep on average and feel well-rested and energetic. 

    Sleep helps us to reenergize, heal, increase brain memory function, and make us more productive. 

    When we lack quality sleep our concentration, attention, problem-solving skills and our mood suffer at an alarming rate.

    WebMD has a great article outlining some of the effects of sleep loss.

    When I don’t get enough sleep my brain function definitely suffers. I forget things, I’m short tempered and of course, I’m dragging. If I feel like this I totally get the tantrums from the kids when they don’t get enough quality sleep.

    According to, there are two different types of sleep: NON REM and REM (Rapid Eye Movement).

    Non Rem sleep consists of five stages of sleep with deep sleep (stages 3 & 4) being the most important as it’s the healing stage and helps to restore us. 

    REM sleep is where we dream, sort memories and optimize memory function. 

    Interestingly, the article goes on to say that deep sleep tends to take place during the first third of the night, and REM sleep seems to take place closer to morning time. 

    What does all of this tell us? As moms, we’re probably not getting enough deep sleep. The key, therefore, lies in preventing and limiting restlessness and learning to fall asleep quickly and deeply. 


    8 tips To Help Your Kids (And You) Fall Asleep Fast & Get Better quality sleep

    Learning how to fall asleep fast as a kid has is key to overall health and development. The following tips get my kids to fall asleep in no time and it’s so simple! Once you get your child into a good bedtime routine, everyone’s going to have better sleeps and better days. Remember, these tips also work wonders for you too, so be sure to try them out!

    1. The breathing technique that Helps your Kids Fall Asleep fast

    Deep breathing is at the top of my sleep tips because it makes my kids fall asleep faster. It’s the best and most important tip to get anybody to fall asleep fast! 

    For new moms, deep breathing is particularly important for those late-night nursing sessions. After I put my baby down, I used to read on my phone to try to get sleepy but somehow an hour passes and I’m still scrolling. 

    Thankfully I came across the 4-7-8 method by Dr. Weil. This deep breathing exercise is a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system. In a nutshell, you take a 4-second breath through your nose, hold the breath for 7 seconds then release through your mouth slowly for an 8-second count. Dr. Weil recommends to only do this for four cycles initially and increase once you’re more familiar.

    In the beginning, I could not hold my breath for that long and so I started off with the same principle but just a shortened version. Once I practiced it, this works every time for me. 

    This method is also great because your child learns how to fall asleep fast as a kid. I started it with my kids when they were young. It encourages them to purposefully calm their minds and relax. At first, my second son was somewhat resistant to trying this deep breathing technique but my firstborn and I did the breaths with him and he eventually got into it. Now, my kids are pros and they do it without prompting. They’re really proud that they learned how to fall asleep fast as a kid and are eager to teach their baby sister when she gets older.

    2. Optimize the temperature of your sleep environment

    The temperature of your kids’ bedrooms and your bedroom helps to create a comfortable environment to fall asleep quickly. If the sleep environment is too hot or too cold it would be challenging to get to sleep.

    As we sleep our internal body temperature rises and this can cause discomfort if the room is too warm. The use of fans and air conditioning can help in warmer weather and heat can help in colder weather. 

    It’s worth it to test out different temperatures to find what’s comfortable for each member of your family.

    3. Create a dark sleep environment To Help Your Child Sleep Faster

    Light signals to our brains that it’s time to be awake. Therefore, reducing light signals to our brain that it’s time to sleep and stay asleep.  

    Waking up with the natural light is awesome if you are getting enough quality sleep. Otherwise, blackout curtains are essential.

    This is really helpful for our kids’ nap time routines and getting them to sleep quickly. This dark environment also helps them to sleep in on mornings instead of getting up once it’s bright outside.  

    4. Say goodnight to Electronic devices To Get Kids To Fall Asleep Fast

    Blue light messes with our brains – it tricks our minds into thinking it’s daytime and this reduces melatonin (a hormone that induces sleep) and signals to the brain that it’s time to be awake. 

    While there are now settings and apps to reduce blue light exposure, I’ve found that putting down the phone and other electronics before bedtime helps us get to sleep faster. It also goes a long way to improve the quality of our sleep.

    Especially for our kids, we have a no electronics rule after dinner. This rule not only helps our kids fall asleep faster but we have also found that they wake up the next morning in much better moods and with higher energy levels.

    Instead, before bed, we do things to help us relax and wind down. We read books, sing nursery rhymes, and let the kids tell us stories. Snuggling and reading with our kids also put us into sleep mode. If you need a little more reading time, after the kids are in bed, you can also use the opportunity to get some much-needed adult time and read a new book. 

    5. White noise is not just for babies!

    Yes! White noise is not just for babies, it has worked wonders for our kids and for us too. 

    White noise works so well for our family in two main ways. Firstly, it helps us get in a relaxed state to drift off to sleep easier. This, together with the deep breathing technique is how our kids get to sleep faster.

    Secondly, once asleep, white noise helps us stay asleep by blocking out interruptions that may disturb our sleep and wake us.

    6. Have a relaxing nighttime routine for Everyone

    A simple self care night time routine can do wonders to help you fall asleep faster and to improve your sleep quality.

    For me, a warm shower and self-massaging my feet, hands, and head relax me enough before bed. I also love doing stretches before bed as it relaxes me to the point where the 4-7-8 breathing technique works even faster. 

    For the kids, sometimes while they read, we give their little feet massages or give them head rubs.

    7. Avoid Sugar & Caffeine before bedtime

    I’m sure we’re all too familiar with the sugar rush kids experience. To avoid any chance of a sugar rush before bed, we try to limit food with sugar before bed.

    Moms and dads should also avoid caffeine before bedtime. I don’t drink coffee (gasp, I know!). So, for this sleep tip, I’ve relied on experiences from other moms. 

    Caffeine is beneficial when we need a burst of energy, which is why it’s effective for mornings. When you think of how that cup of coffee allows you to feel on a morning, it’s no surprise that it’s probably not the best idea to have it before bed. 

    Keep in mind that while we may still get to sleep, the quality of sleep may negatively be affected.   

    8. Go back to sleep, if you can! 

    This final sleep tip sets the tone for the day and the next sleep time. It is crucial in helping kids fall asleep later on, at nap time and night time.

    I’ve experienced a child waking up too soon enough times to know that this is super important. If they get up too early, they’re cranky and moody during the day and nap times tend to be challenging. In turn, helping my kids get to sleep at bedtime can prove to be more difficult than usual.

    So, if my kids wake up too early, I always encourage them to go back to bed. Sometimes, I let them finish sleeping in our bed but most times, I take them back to their beds and tuck them in. Sometimes I stay with them and we do the deep breaths until they drift off but most times, they’re really still sleepy and so they go back to sleep on their own.

    As a mom, of course this is a struggle for me, like many other moms. Whether it’s because our kids wake us up before we are ready to get up or because we think we can get more done by getting up before everyone else.

    My third baby liked to sleep in on mornings and I was trying to capitalize on that by waking up earlier (sometimes forcing myself) and getting a headstart on chores or work. I soon realized that I couldn’t keep up. I was cranky and tired.

    Instead, when I wake up earlier than I should, I keep my eyes closed and do the deep breathing exercises. I fall back to sleep in no time. 

    This may not be an option during the week, but on weekends you can definitely try it if your kids would allow. Or try switching with hubby – you take Saturdays and he takes Sundays to sleep in. 

    HOW to fall asleep fast

    Main takeaway

    Learning how to get your kids to fall asleep fast is gold as a parent and it’s also essential for you to learn how to fall asleep fast. I hope these tips mean the end of frustrating nights and nap time with getting your kids to sleep. I also hope it means no more tossing and turning or scrolling for you!

    Happy sleeping 🙂

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    How To Find Time For Yourself As A Mom

    How To Find Time For Yourself As A Mom Without Getting Up Before Everyone Else In The House

    How To Find Time For Yourself As A Mom

    (Without Getting Up Before Everyone Else In The House)

    how to find time for yourself as a mom - without waking up before everyone else in the house

    Learning to find time for yourself as a mom is one of the most important and valuable lessons. As a mom, it feels so incredibly impossible to find time for ourselves. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. It’s easy to brush things off by saying you just don’t have the time.

    To get in some quality me-time, some moms recommend getting up before everyone else in the house. I’m thrilled that they have been able to make this work for them. I’ve tried this and it wasn’t for me as I got exceedingly cranky throughout the day and then, of course, I’m still the last one to go to bed. 

    I need and love sleep. I prefer to get as much sleep as I need as opposed to forcing myself to get up to have some me time and then feeling tired and cranky later in the day.

    So I set out to find a better way for me. Surely, with 24 hours in every day, I could find a way to get all that I need to get done and that includes some self-care. 

    Affiliate Disclosure: “This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link.”

    Does Waking Up Earlier Make You More Productive?

    Waking up early doesn’t make you more productive—there’s no difference in socioeconomic standing between early risers and night owls. What makes you more productive is becoming deliberate about how you live and work—including with your wakeup ritual.

    A life of productivity 

    I’ve successfully been able to find time for myself without having to wake up before everyone else and I really want to share these tips with you. They can also easily be adopted for moms who work outside of the home. 

    How To Find Time As A Busy Mom

    How to Find Time Throughout The Day for Yourself As A Mom

    If you feel like you have no time to yourself, you have to find that time and create. These are the steps I took to free up time to do the things that really matter to me 

    1. Track your existing day 

    Perhaps the most important step is to see where you’re currently spending your time. This helps to establish when you can ‘create’ some time for yourself. 

    Most times it’s not that we don’t have time for ourselves, it’s just that we have to shuffle some things. For instance, ask your partner to take over a chore; or we may most likely need to cut out or cut down on something(s) from our day.

    When I downloaded…. and tracked my day, it revealed the shameful amount of time I spent on social media and instant messaging. Without realizing it, I was prioritizing each notification

    I took the time to prioritize and create new habits for myself. Now I have more time to focus on what’s really important to me. 

    Now, my phone stays on silent (apart from my husband and family) and I’ve removed notifications from social media. This allows me to focus when I’m with my kids, hubby, working, doing chores, etc. Once I started doing this not only did I “find” time but there was a significant increase in the quality I was able to give.

    2. Understand the Need to Find Time As A Mom

    This was also a big issue for me. Making time for myself wasn’t a priority because I didn’t see the importance. I struggled through infertility for so long, that I felt like being a mom was my only identity. I felt like I had to and wanted to spend every waking hour doing things that concerned my kids. 

    Of course, I burned myself out and sure enough, I was no longer efficient at anything! Yes, I got things done because it’s what I do lol but I was always so tired and stressed. Pouring from an empty cup is no good for anyone!

    Once I really understood that it wasn’t just ok, it was necessary to take time for myself, life got a whole lot better.

    3. Prioritize Your Life

    When you prioritize you’re able to identify what means the most to you and your family. Using the time you tracked, determine what is most important, what can be minimized or cut. 

    Because “I had no time”, I would try to work while the kids were playing. Of course, this meant that I’d become extremely frustrated as I couldn’t concentrate. I then tried getting up earlier than everyone or staying up way too late and get similarly frustrated.

    Now, I set my goals and prioritize everything. I’m now able to plan better and block out times to give my kids, work, chores and myself, quality attention.

    4. Create Routines For Your Family

    I’m a believer in routines as it helps efficiency with everything! We end up forming habits and things become second nature. 

    Create and follow a routine to help free up some time by cutting how long chores take. 

    5. Share The Chore Load

    Chore charts are a must with kids! It teaches them responsibility and also eases you up. Kids love to imitate us and they love to feel important and accomplished. Very simple examples are allowing kids to tidy up their toys before moving on to another toy and clearing themselves after a meal. 

    6. Decide What You Want To Do Beforehand

    What may be relaxing for others, may not be what is relaxing for me. For instance screen time for some is a welcomed break but for me, it doesn’t leave me feeling rejuvenated. One of the things I love to do is sit on my porch and enjoy nature. 

    Deciding ahead of time what you’d like to do when you have your downtime helps to maximize that time. When I started implementing ‘me’ time, I’d spend half of it wondering what I should do. Now that I plan ahead or at least have a few ideas, I’m able to use the entire time just enjoying what I set out to do.

    7. Use Nap Times To Your Advantage 

    Instead of doing chores when the kids are napping, take that time for yourself. Take a nap, pamper yourself, read a book – do whatever makes you happy.

    8. Ask For Time Off

    When I transitioned from being a full time working mom to working from home, I found I had less time, even though without the commute and so on, I should have had more. 

    As a working mom, I felt like I had a little more time to myself during the day. However, the early mornings, the commute, the daily work demands come along with the chores, evening activities.

    Being a stay at home mom or working from home comes with its own set of challenges. Even though we try to block out times and use routines and schedules, it may still be difficult to fit in some quality rejuvenation time. This is especially true if you’re with your kids 24/7. 

    Even though we do everything “right”, we still feel like we don’t get sufficient time for ourselves. 

    In these instances, ask for assistance. Organize with hubby or a family member or friend so that you can have some time.

    How To Find Time As A Mom - Busy Mom Guide
    How To Find Time As A Mom – Busy Mom Guide

    Take Away

    Needless to say, the outcome of ensuring that I have sufficient uninterrupted time has been nothing short of life-changing. I am happier and all of my relationships have improved. My kids are happier. My house and business benefitted drastically as well.

    We all have the same number of hours to work with each day and the trick in maximizing your time is in making the right choices for you and your family. 

    By following the tips above you will most certainly be able to find and capitalize on some much needed time to rejuvenate your soul. 

    I’d love to hear how you have been able to find time for yourself! I look forward to reading your experience or tips in the comments below and please share if this post has helped you. 

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    Daily Self Care Ideas For Moms

    5 Easy Self Care Ideas For Moms

    5 Easy Daily Self Care Ideas

    For Moms Who Have No Time

    self care ideas for happy moms

    These easy self care ideas for moms are simple enough for the busiest mom. These are great self-care tips for days when you’re short on time and don’t know what to do.

    Pampering yourself and relieving stress are as necessary as eating. This is definitely an area I continuously struggle with as a mom.

    There’s always something to do that feels more important than taking care of me – writing that now seems so ridiculous but nonetheless, a lot of moms feel that way.

    Putting yourself and your needs last almost feels natural. But, at the end of the day, after you’ve taken care of everyone else, who’s taking care of you? 

    I knew that I needed to start doing things for ME but I honestly didn’t know where to start. I googled and went on Pinterest and while I read a lot of great ideas (body scrubs, facials, mani & Pedi), I just didn’t want to do those – I tried a few but they just didn’t make me feel rejuvenated – perhaps I was doing it wrong lol. For me, those things feel like more work (maybe not the bubble bath but I don’t have a tub!).

    So through trial and error, I had to find what worked for me.

    Self care and pampering yourself isn’t the same for everyone – it can be as simple or as extravagant as you need it to be.

    It could be a walk in the park or a shopping spree. Whatever makes your mind and soul feel happy – that’s what you need to do.

    Affiliate Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link.

    Why Self Care Is Important For Moms

    For a long time since having my sons, I didn’t understand the need for “me time”. I felt such joy being around them and caring for them that I really didn’t feel like I needed anything more. Fast forward to becoming a stay at home mom!

    Not only did I understand the need for some alone time to rejuvenate but I felt like my body screamed at me to retract and rejuvenate.

    No matter where we are, they find us! We joke about it, it’s cute and yes, of course we love it to an extent because we know it means that we’re doing a great job and we’re their world. But not taking time to yourself as a mom is downright dangerous.

    If you continue to give your all to your families only, you’re going to burn out. Not only are you going to feel overwhelmed but your health will suffer (headaches, extreme exhaustion, to name a few).

    You also risk being short-tempered and may even start to resent our loved ones.

    Not taking care of yourself can be counter productive. You aren’t taking the time to care for yourself, presumably because you have none. But when (and you will) crash will be forced to take the time to heal. It’s therefore arguably better to take a little time each day to practice self-care and rejuvenate.

    Making self care a priority is important as a mom because first of all, you deserve it! You work tirelessly for your family and you deserve it!

    Another reason self-care is so important is that it allows you to be at your best for yourself, your kids and your partner.

    You’re also teaching your kids that it’s a necessary part of life so that they grow up understanding the importance of self-care and so, they’re more likely to practice it.

    5 daily self care ideas for moms

    How To Make Time For Yourself As a Mom

    Now you understand the importance of having some alone time to rejuvenate and reboot. But, as busy moms, how do we do that when it feels like we barely have time to complete all of our daily tasks.

    Here are some ideas to find some time every day to practice self care:

    • Part ways with your mobile device for a set time frame EVERY day!
    • Create routines for you and your family (the time-saving benefits will surprise you!)
    • Ensure that the kids have quiet, alone time too!
    • Maximize naptimes by planning ahead of time

    How To Create A Self Care Routine for Moms

    Creating routines for you and your family is one of the best things you can do for everyone. So much time is wasted when you just don’t know what you should be doing.

    A lot of time can be spent on getting kids to do things throughout the day but once they follow a routine, they adapt very quickly.

    Download the free self care planner from the freebie library.

    Selfcare Planner Free Printable

    5 Easy Self Care Ideas For Moms

    I personally don’t like spending a lot of money on myself. I have to carefully think of the pros and cons before spending money.

    So while I may enjoy spa days or shopping sprees, spending that money will cause me more stress than relaxation.

    So, I had to come up with cheaper (preferably free) ways to rejuvenate myself.

    These are the best self care activities. They’re so simple and effective!

    1. Disconnect for a bit 

    A mini digital detox rejuvenates me like nothing else right now.

    There was a time in my life where my Blackberry (remember those? lol) was stuck to me. If I didn’t have it, I almost felt naked. 

    Even after having my two sons, I was still heavily connected.

    After having my baby girl, I felt like I was drowning and I didn’t know what to do so, I took off my data and it was AMAZING!

    Yes, I missed my friends but instead of messaging and checking my phone every minute, we had phone conversations and visits!

    I really underestimated the power of hearing someone’s voice and spending quality in-person time with them.

    This quickly became my favorite way of destressing and rejuvenating myself. At night, I put down my phone and either spend some alone time or spend some time with my hubby.

    I’ve found that pampering myself doesn’t always have to mean alone time. As parents of 3 young kids, spending quality time with your significant other can be just as rejuvenating. 

    2. Positive Thinking and Affirmations

    Being positive has some incredible health benefits.

    The main one for me is that it lowers my stress levels and allows me to function more efficiently.

    Try these short positive affirmations and these self love affirmations to manifest more of what you want in your life.

    It’s true that trying to be positive can be harder than it seems.

    I’m not a negative person but I do vent and I’ve realized that having negative people around me can be draining sometimes. 

    While venting is necessary from time to time, it can become addictive and somewhat dangerous. It can lead to being stuck in your negative feelings.

    When you need to vent, let it out, then regroup and start finding solutions or at the very least, develop a better mindset about the situation. 

    When you think positively, life just gets better! You train your mind to see the good and to see better perspectives.

    I absolutely love reading positive, motivational, and uplifting quotes. It improves my mindset, even when I’m already in a good mood.

    One of the first things I like to do and one of the last things before bed is to read positive quotes and reflect on them.

    Another good idea can be to get the entire family involved. You can incorporate it into your family life by selecting a quote of the day or week and putting it on the fridge.

    3. Head To Your Favorite Place! 

    Having a favorite place where you feel stress and frustrations leave your body is everything!

    Mine is the beach. I love to stare into the ocean, hear the waves crashing, and just dream or think. 

    Similarly, find a place where you feel at peace – whether it’s in nature or at home. If it’s possible for you to get to that place more regularly, I recommend that you make it a priority.

    4. Work on your physical fitness

    No, I don’t mean you have to do an hour of exercise or HIIT – though if that’s your thing then, please! Do it! 

    A simple walk in your neighborhood or park can do wonders for your physical and mental health. Seeing and feeling your physical fitness transform is extremely rewarding.

    Not only can you achieve physical goals through exercise, but the overall health benefits are second to none. 

    5. Get a massage 

    I think as moms we all yearn for this one.

    I don’t love getting a professional massage and fortunately, my husband gives the best massages! Getting a relaxing back or foot massage is the PERFECT way to end my night and ensure that I have a great sleep. 

    Self-care Makes You a Better Mom

    These are five of the best self-care activities and tips for moms. They will reduce stress and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.

    Before experimenting with what I needed, I fumbled through the suggestions I found online and from friends. I, therefore, encourage you to find your go tos and start implementing them in your daily life. 

    If you need a much longer list of self care activities to help you with your self care routines, try this list of 101 self care ideas.

    I’d love to hear from you, moms – what are some of your favorite self care ideas ?

    Also, check out these posts to help you on your self-development journey:

    5 self care ideas for moms who have no time

    5 Easy Self Care Ideas For Moms Read More »